Rave: Found a great dive shop in the Pearl City mall. They had way cheaper stuff than the other places we've looked at. We got some dive gloves for $4 each and El husband got a basic dive knife for $13. Good shit.
RANT: This: http://espn.go.com/espn/story/_/id/8085065/new-jersey-woman-sues-little-league-catcher I want to punch this woman in her vagina but I'm afraid I'd break my hand from contacting with something so obviously tight and frigid.
Rave: Got on a national wildland firefighting crew yesterday. I've got sawyer cert classes and squad boss training next week.
Rave: Beer fest in town today. Rant: None of my few friends are around or want to go. Rave: I think I'll still go.
Rave: I love waking up early on the weekend and getting shit done. I was out the door by 7:15 and fit in a run, Yoga class and a practice session at school before noon. Hoping to continue the productivity through the afternoon. Rave Dos: The kitty has started eating (and consequently pooping) again. He didn't eat for about 3-4 days, and I was worried we would have to make what would've been a third trip to the vet for tests. Fortunately, everything is back to normal and he's back to being in my face/lap 90% of the time.
Rave: BBQ from Saltlick in Austin is enroute to my house. Brisket, ribs, sausage and turkey along with sides of beans and cole slaw. This is actually a double rave because, 1. it's BBQ from Saltlick and, 2. I don't have to cook tonight. Rave 2: Getting a massage at 3:00 this afternoon. When I went last weekend, I found out that I have 15 sessions on my account, so I booked the next 4 weeks. Rant: temps in the 100s for the next few days and the lawn needs to be mowed and the bushes trimmed. God I hate summer in Texas.
Rant: The squadron gunny hates my guts. Long Rant: Spoiler Field Day is one of those time-honored traditions that can either be reasonable or a complete pain in the ass. It was the latter thanks to the above. He failed me for "dust." Now, there's no real standard for field day; it's all up to the discretion of the guy inspecting. Usually, it falls into one of the following: 1. Inspector doesn't really care. He walks into your room, verifies that you aren't living like a pig, and moves on. 2. Inspector cares a bit, and ensures that you put some time and effort into cleaning. He runs his hand on your desk and stuff to make sure that you dusted your stuff. He will usually pay inordinate attention to your toilet; any hit in the bathroom is an automatic failure. This is actually the most dangerous. 3. Inspector is a fucking Nazi and fails everyone. There is no way to pass #3. He WILL find something wrong with your room. Think I'm wrong and that your room is clean? Go stick your finger on the hinge of your door. Now unscrew the lightbulb from its socket and run your finger around the lightbulb. Now pull your fridge out from its little cubby and run your finger over the radiator and the space underneath. Open the door halfway and run your finger along the top of door, then over the frame... You get the picture. Three strikes means a failure. Now, the squadron guns will do #3 every once in a while just to keep people on their toes. It doesn't usually have any effect other than an angry e-mail saying, "I am disgusted with Field Day. Here's a list of all the failed rooms." However, if he did #2, there are consequences. Usually, that means a re-field day (#3 style) on Saturday. Such was the case today. Except I didn't deserve to be there! I'm here because I had dust under my microwave, and everyone else is there because they left their clothes out and had beer cans everywhere. So, I just spent eight hours cleaning my room. Again and again and again and again, knowing that no matter how clean it got, there would be some crevasse of dirt to be found somewhere. Rave: I have a bottle of Knob Creek and a little bit of Maker's Mark. It's time to get so wasted that I slip, fall, and die on my immaculate floor.
Rant: Hank, the once-super-pup-turned-three-legged-old-man, was put to sleep yesterday. About a year ago, he got a weird nerve block in his left rear leg and the whole thing atrofied to the point where my mom just wrapped it up like a little chicken wing and he got around (really well, actually) just using his one good back leg. But with his advanced age (10.5), the muscle in his good back leg faded badly and he couldn't get around, couldn't go to the bathroom, and his organs were beginning to shut down as well. So my mom spent one last great day with her beloved dog and said goodbye at 3:00 yesterday afternoon. He had been in my family since I was 16, and was by far the friendliest, most easy-going dog I had ever known. RIP, Hank. Hug your pets, people. Spoiler My little buddy, in better days
Rant Florida has been getting its ass kicked for the last two days, and it is only going to get worse. Tropical storm Debby is causing some real havoc. My office has taken 15 claims in the last half hour. Severe flooding, tornadoes, wicked wind, and lots of rain.
rant: my brother is trying his best to get me to go off on him today. he is a gigantic worry wart that i want to pop with a hot needle right now, but.. rant: im no good at going off on people. if i melt down and start yeling,l probably just spew off some random insults that make no sense and look just as foolish as he does.
Rant: Only four out of twelve people are here at work right now. And it's beautiful outside. Ugh. Talk about time dragging.
RANT: Look, Louis CK, I dig the whole fuck-Ticketmaster-I'm-selling-my-own-tour-tickets thing. But could you at least make sure your site can handle the traffic before you click send on the email next time?
Rave: Cuzco, Peru. Everything about this place is fantastic. Fascinating things to see in the day, obscene party time at night. Oh, and coca tea is legal here. They serve it with breakfast. I assumed it would be like a strong cup of coffee. I assumed wrong.
RAVE Watching the US Swimming Olympic trials. With the return of summer olympics comes a return of swimmers being interviewed .......bare chested.......wet......a little out of breath.
Rave: I guess the new photo is a hit? Rant: Work is so slow I am gonna have to go back on the Natty Light and dollar menu diet.
Rant: Need new a bus route. Today got on the bus to work and ran into the most recent crazy ex girlfriend, I thought she moved and was on another bsu route nope. I can definitely run into her any given morning (and afternoon but...wait there's more!) On the way back, I ran into my first ex gf who I followed to New York in college, then she cheated on me with a fat white guy who didn't even look as good as me 3 months in. So now every time I get on the bus I have to make sure I'm not sitting/standing next to any of these bitches.
Rant Had to go to the ER on Saturday because of my hernia flaring up worse than it ever has before. Pain was horrendous, and had to get some of my co workers to help me walk to the car. Rave The nurse had to push everything back in place, but after that the pain went away pretty quickly.Got some medication that seems to be keeping any pain at bay. Another plus is that the nurse was pretty decent loooking so I had no problems when she felt up my junk in case there was swelling.
Rant: I'm running out of bookspace. I could pick up another bookshelf, but I'd have nowhere to put it. My books are beginning to form orderly piles on the floor. Yes I know, first world problems. Rave: Team Medical Dragon has an great soundtrack. Awesome. Rant: Pulled a pec training tonight. I've never had this happen and it blows. Yes, I have a pulled boob. Rave: One of the girls at work made brownies. Yum.