I went to bed way too late last night so when I woke up this morning I was still dead tired and wound up napping on the couch for 90 minutes or so. This turned out to be awesome as my cat came up and stretched out on my chest and napped with me. A really great nap.
Rant: Software upgrades that don't go as planned. Went to run a Blackberry maintenance release this morning and it caused every single Blackberry service on the server to shit the bed. The upgrade was only supposed to take 15-20 minutes, plus a server reboot. I started the upgrade at 8 AM EST, and it's now 11 Rave: It's back up! Yes, I realize how shitty a turnaround time that is, but I'd never had the error thrown that I got.
Rave: I love sandwiches that are stuffed to the tits with meat. Today, my sandwich is the meatiest sandwich ever. I'm so easily pleased. See... I can rave about more than just "shower beers, patio beers, breakfast beers, church beers, cutting the grass beers, reading the paper beers, sitting on the can beers, etc, etc." as one young man here so eloquently put it. Granted... Rave: I'm pouring patio beers into my mouth after work, so I'm kind of stoked about that too. Which, coupled with the meatiest sandwich ever, pretty much makes today a win no matter what.
Rant: The amount of self-serving beliefs between the Penn State thread and the Gun Control thread would be comical if it wasn't so depressing. It's always so easy to adovate that an entire culture should be punished due to the actions of a few which were enabled by that culture when you've got no vested interest in it.
Rave: Daughter is on her way for her summer trip. She'll spend the next month in Baltimore and Arundel, visiting family. The travel though, she's doing on her own. Let's hope I've equipped my child with common sense to not be a total dumbass and miss her flight or do anything stupid on a bus ride. Rant: Business is slow right now. This makes me anxious. Rave2: The Guy is deliciously cheesy about this whole marriage thing and it's adorable. I'm heading to Monterey in a month. It'll be nice. Rave3: We are staying on a houseboat while I'm there.
Seconding this. I put off going to renew my plates until today and when I got there at 9:30am, the line was out the door and they were serving number 4 of 51. I turned around and left. I'll take my chances and pay the late fee, but I'm not going to spend my whole day in the place where happiness goes to die. RAVE: Today is my birthday. Today is also National Tequila Day. It's like the universe is commanding me to hit happy hour at my favorite mexican restaurant and drink a fuck load of maragaritas. RAVE: My girlfriend made me a Key Lime Pie for my birthday. It's awful, but it's the thought that counts.
Rant: A family friend died yesterday, and my mother is in Guatemala visiting the family she sponsors, so she is incommunicado from communication. I figured sending an email so she could hear from me was better, but she still won't know for a couple of days, and likely won't be back in time for the funeral. And though I think I did the right thing by emailing, she will still bitch that I didn't call her in the jungle to let her know. Here comes the guilt trip
Rant: apparently I am watching the old people channel. I have seen commercials for AARP, safe bathtubs with doors, life insurance, reverse mortgages, etc. Is this my punishment for wanting to watch the Andy Griffith show?!
Huge motherfucking RANT: Family members BF was just diagnosed with B Cell Non-hodgkins lymphoma. Dude is only 21. Life can be fucked up.
RANT: Checked out the room I'm supposed to be living in for the coming school year, place is a fucking dump. So much dust it's hard to breath, and i'm pretty sure there were mouse droppings in there. Rave?: I'm not on the lease, so I can get the fuck out with no repercussions. Rant: I feel bad dipping out on my roommate, who's a good friend of mine. And ever tried finding housing near campus 1 month before school starts? yeah not so good.
Rant: Roommate dropped the ball on finding a house for the coming year after he was the cause for us not deciding on a place to live before we all parted ways and left town for the summer and said he would "take care of it". Now we have one month to find a place to live before the fall semester starts. Rave:Went on a search warrant with some detectives a few days ago. Definitely one of the most fun things I've done at work this summer.
Rant: My flight got cancelled tonight because our of 9 of our aircraft, 1 is operating correctly. Rave: I do a fast-roping flight tomorrow. That's right, spec ops shit. Rave: I leave on Friday to finally meet my nephew!!
Rant: Monday night, had insane insomnia, didn't get to sleep until almost 7 am tiedsday morning. Slept until 7 Tuesday night, woke up for about 5hours and then slept through until 3 pm Wednesday afternoon. Wtf? Feel kind of tired and a but sick, but not fucked up enough for this kind of bullshit.
RAVE Swamped at work at the moment, which is a good thing because it means my saving for my America/Canada trip at the end of the year is going extremely well. RAVE Still get Friday and Saturday night off this week. Not bad for barwork.
Rave: Getting better at my new chosen profession. It comes in waves of frustration and bursts of brilliance but I'm understanding the nuances and slowly its coming together. Rant: The learning has to be done in my free time which means that it has to be taken away from daily grind decompression and a wife who I actually enjoy spending time with. But anything worth having is worth sacrificing for. Discipline is the name of the game Rant: While work agreed to this direction they are piling on work because they want me to go another direction - More client interaction and more migration to a platform that I do not believe in. Rave: Means I can find another job with no guilt and go someplace that'll let me grow how I see fit.
Rave: Got my catsuit and goggles! Rant: I am terrible at sewing, but I need to make a few of the items myself. Also any worthwhile gloves are insanely expensive, while boots are more so. Rave: Can't put a price on awesome. I feel most satisfied when embracing the obscenely nerdy side of myself. Hurray for Batman!