Rave: First trip to Atlanta = awesome. I am a big fan of your women, especially the ones who flock to Turner Field. Rave: First Braves game ever last Friday, and they beat dat ass. I must be a good luck charm, because they won every game while I was down there. Rant: Driving for 8 hours at one time. Fuck it, next time I'm just gonna set the cruise, fall asleep, and hope for the best.
Rant: I work at a University. Some of my friends attend said University, particularly the tavern on campus. How horrible is the world in which after a few drinks at lunch, they head back to their house to continue drinking, and I have to go and be productive. Now I know how Chinese children being groomed for the olympics feel. Woe is me. 92 minutes till beer on the clock, 92 minutes till beer, 1 ticked by, while I wrote this reply, 91 minutes till beer. Also, in retrospect, long island iced teas are not the ideal lunch drink.
Rave: The Boobie Thread. Keep it up ladies. I'm handing out rep like...like...you should be posting boobie pics. Does that work? I think it does, keep it up.
Rant: That feeling after ending a really shitty month on the job. I put in even more effort and got the same weak results. Now I've got to pick myself up and go like hell again, but god damn it's gonna take a lot for me to pick up the phone and sell with some conviction and real motivation today. Kinda hard to leave at the end of the day with my chin up at this point. Rant: Somehow, fruit flies infested the plant I keep in my cube. Like the potting soil is crawling with them. What the fuck? Rave: Bottom line, I still have a job, and I have something enjoyable to do once I come home so it could be worse. Rave: Headed to Illinois this weekend for my cousin's wedding. It was gonna be a lot of fun to begin with but my girlfriend will be driving over as well, which means it'll be way better now. Rave:Early Goose Season opener is in one month. First hunting day of the year is in a month. WOOHOO!
Rant: Have not been sleeping well recently. Rave: New Lady has been keeping me up. Rave: With copious amounts of sex. Rave: Tall girls She is 6'2, and that makes my 6'4 seem almost normal in terms of positioning.
Rant: the ex?girlfriend said she needed space and time. Not sure what that's supposed to mean. It sounds like she wants to end things without actually coming out and saying it. Time will tell.
Rave: It's that time: Bought some New Balance running shoes (first decent athletic shoes I've owned in 5+ years) started an account on loseit.com weighed in at 235 pounds at 6'1" got a C25k (Couch to 5k program) app for my phone. First workout is tonight after dinner with the family. I'm getting married in 9 months and I am determined to be thinner and more healthy on that day. First goal is to do the full C25k program and possibly do an actual 5k on completion, as well as dropping 15 pounds before October. I've got my fiancee for motivation and help with buying/making actual healthy food, and after spending all that cash on those new shoes I think I may finally be able to pull it off!
I just drove by our local chick-fil-a on my way to Nordstom and there are actually people out there directing the high volume of traffic. Fucking seriously people?
Rant: cramps that literally double me over with pain and make me sit on the floor until they pass. For guys who don't understand...it is like having the worst diarrhea cramps that you've ever experienced, and then having someone punch you right where it hurts. And I had shit to do today!
Rave: Yesterday I tried to request off work, and my boss said unfortunately he couldn't get anyone to cover for me. I said it was okay, because I could see Batman today as easily as I could see it on Tuesday. He paused, then shook his head, wondering why he ever hired anyone who would try to get out of making good money to go see Batman...for the third time. This is a rave because I'm going to see Batman again today. Batman!
Rave: New job starts tomorrow. The feeling is a combination of anxious and excitement. I might be getting in over my head, but you can't learn any other way. Rant: Cut a close friend out of my life. Posted about it before, but I'm oly going to get blown off and bullshitted so many times before I say, "Fuck it." Your wife doesn't have to like me, but dont be a lying pussy about it.
Rave: Out of the office for the next two days attending a suicide intervention workshop. I'm interested to see how many people don't show up for the second day.
RAVE: Amazing vacation with the family at Table Rock Lake. RAVE: Things have been simply amazing with the girl. RANT: Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. RAVE: Only one week at work then it's off to Sturgis with the old man.
Rant: July was randomly a very hard month for me. It seemed like everything I touched turned to shit and I faced a lot of rejection and generally everything seemed to go wrong. And many of these things got my hopes up that something big was going to happen right before it, well, didn't happen. Now, I've had three ideas on the back burner for weeks now that just involve writing three emails, but I can't seem to do it. I've never been afraid of rejection - I was solely a freelance writer for a year, after all - but all of a sudden I'm crippled by the idea. Or I get nervous about the idea of being accepted and then failing. I know this isn't uncommon, but it's new to me. I open up a document and I can't even bring myself to write "Dear So and So." I don't know what's going on. I'm starting work on my next column and review this week, so I'm hoping that will somehow kickstart my motivation back into gear, or something. I did have high hopes for August until a few days ago, when a whole new source of stress was introduced into my life that I'll be dealing with throughout the month. Blerg. I can't seem to catch a break.
Rave: Texted my sister this morning to remind her not to forget to bring an apron to the office today since I'm grilling for our BBQ. She responded with, "Already in my bag. Don't be a Pre Madonna." You know, I think we can finally answer Bush's question--our children is, indeed, learning.
RANT: If you're lost - pull the fuck over. I followed some snapperhead this morning who was obviously lost. He was driving 20kph holding a map up and weaving all over the place. He ended up driving down the side of a parked car with me behind him. Of course I had to wait for the police and give a statement. While we were waiting this guy kept telling me how confusing my town is. Fuck you it's confusing. Right after 1st Street, is 2nd Street which is followed surprisingly enough by 3rd Street and so on and so on. Way to ruin two people's morning you asshole.