Rant: Liars. 99 my ass. It was 106 when I cut the grass last night. I think I lost 10 lbs in sweat. Rant: Kids. Rave: all my chores for the weekend are done. Nap time.
Rave: Went paddle boarding earlier. Good workout. Rant: Verizon factory reset my phone which of course lost half of my fucking numbers. Fuck you assholes, when you export all your contacts to the sd card, it means fucking export all your contacts to the sd card, not just the one's who have their numbers posted to facebook.
Well the cat has liver cancer, and the vet says there is nothing we can do but make him comfortable and monitor him for respiratory distress in the coming weeks as the fluid builds up. Poor guy is only 6 years old and was the picture of health a month ago. My wife and I got him right before we got married, and before I was treated for testicular cancer myself. It feels like I'm losing a part of my family. I fucking hate cancer, this is giving me flashbacks to when my grandmother moved in with us when I was a kid for hospice care. One night we are eating dinner and the next morning, whammo, she never woke up. Fuck. By the way this was a rant.
Rave: Shadow of the Colossus. Why didn't I discover this game when it was out on the PS2? Rant: Between working 40 hours a week lately and the baby, I have about an hour a week to play video games, or do anything that can be considered "me" time. At my job, two people just quit, meaning I have to work a helluva lot more to make up for them (between them they covered 70 hours a week, which is now split between myself and two other people, who originally worked about 20 hours a week). Don't get me wrong, it is still just a video store job, and not at all difficult, but finding babysitting and the complete lack of anything resembling free time for a good three weeks is starting to get to me. Rant: Still haven't seen Dark Knight Rises. This makes me angrier than it should. My wife refuses to ask anyone to babysit because we've had to ask for so much babysitting just for our work schedules alone. She swears we'll see it within the next two weeks, but if I miss it because it is out of theaters before we get a chance, I'm going to be pissed. Fuck waiting for DVD, I want to see that shit on the big screen. Minor Rave: Two days in a row where I don't work? Holy shit, a miracle! Baby rant follows (spoilered because do you really want to read a rant about baby poop?): Spoiler Rant: Mother in law is being fucking insane again. She was watching my daughter the other day and my daughter had a hard poop. My mother-in-law treated this as if it was the single worst thing in the history of ever, and started demanding that we give her something. My wife rationally explained that my daughter is not constipated (she poops twice a day), and has had zero issues, and that her doctor told us as long as she is pooping regularly and not struggling to do so, we shouldn't worry. My mother-in-law then issued an ultimatum: give her something or I won't watch that 'cranky baby' anymore. It is here that I should note: my daughter is never, ever cranky for my wife or me, unless she is A) Tired or B) Hungry. My daughter is also a world-class sleep-fighter, so getting her to sleep can be a bit of a chore, and usually involves some whining, but otherwise she is usually a happy, playful baby. Well, this ultimatum didn't sit well with my wife, and they've had a lengthy argument via email because they refuse to talk now. The mother-in-law is passive aggressively saying "well, I'll just report everything is great, even if she is sick and dying, because that is all you want to hear!" My wife responds "you realize you're implying I am a bad mother that doesn't care about my baby, and I won't take that from anyone, even you." Mother-in-law comes back with "That wasn't what I said!" and "I don't have a fancy doctorate,* I've just been a mother for 27 years." ...and on.... and on... and on... My solution? I quit my job, and just be a full time stay-at-home dad and watch the kid. My mother-in-law can babysit once a week when my wife and I go to dinner or a movie or something date-ish, she still gets time with her grandbaby, but it is greatly reduced and minimized, the baby doesn't get shipped from place to place anymore, no more babysitting struggles. My wife's solution? Do nothing. She feels there is nothing she can do, and this is 'just how it is going to be.' This will let the arguments continue, until eventually it explodes in a maelstrom of bullshit and my wife and mother-in-law cease speaking to each other.** Fuck that noise. One way or another, this shit is ending. I am NOT spending the next thirty years listening to my wife and mother-in-law have passive aggressive bitch fests at each other, nor am I subjecting my daughter to being in the middle of it. *it irks my mother-in-law to no end that my wife has a pharmacy doctorate, because she knows it means my wife is smarter than her when it comes to medications and drugs, and my mother-in-law can't stand the idea that anyone, especially her daughter, is smarter than her **last part is merely an educated guess on my part, given my wife and my mother-in-law's penchant for arguing and not dropping arguments until someone is in tears
RAVE: Went parasailing at Myrtle Beach yesterday morning with my wife. What a fucking blast! I was surprised how quite and peaceful it was up there. The horizon was deep blue. RANT: The reason I was at Myrtle Beach is because we were returning my nephew, and that's a whole other issue, to my brother-in-law, and it became a sort of family reunion for my wife's side. Not normally so bad really but none of them could make a fucking decision on where to go or what to do. It was a cluster fuck. The only highlights were two nights of great sex and parasailing. RAVE: As of tomorrow everything is back to normal in my life and my house. RAVE: Got a final grade of A in my anatomy and physiology class.
Rave: If all goes according to plan this will be the last nightshift I have to work in my life. Rave: As a reminder that the world is a very small place indeed a former college friend is moving into the same shit town that I'm in and will be working for the same corporation as my dad. I haven't seen or spoken with her in a long time and I hope it's not too awkward. I think the last time I really hung out with her she was my date to a formal where I impressed her with a raucous projectile puking performance in the parking lot as we were leaving.
Rant: My yard looks like fucking jungle because I've been putting off yardwork. I kept telling myself that it was too hot and that the first cool day I'd go out and deal with it. Well it's a brisk 65 degrees outside right now and I've nothing else to do, so I guess I'm all out of excuses.
Rave: I have a REALLY good chance to win a set of 3-day passes to this weekend's Outside Lands Festival in San Francisco. A TON of great bands are playing and there is a contest on Facebook I am participating in and I am winning right now but could really use my fellow Idiots' help! All you have to do is like this photo: <a class="postlink" href="https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=427671360605255&set=a.426031034102621.92897.125782080794186&type=1&theater" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid ... =1&theater</a> And this FB page: <a class="postlink" href="https://www.facebook.com/GrpEs" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">https://www.facebook.com/GrpEs</a> You can unlike after they announce winners on Thursday!
RANT: On Saturday I was tired and a little cranky thanks to the week from hell at work. The boy made a flippant remark to me on the way to our weekend trip in North Carolina, and no shit, I burst into hysterical tears for no discernable reason. This was our dialog for about 15 miles: HIM: Baby, why are you crying? ME: I don't know! HIM: I'm sorry if what I said upset you. ME: It's not you! I don't know why I'm crying! And repeat on a loop about my confusion regarding the tears. I'm sure it's hormones. I am about a week away from the curse. But it doesn't explain the hypersensitivity to a frickin' smartass remark. What the fuck, brain? RAVE: Had a great weekend in Highlands, NC. Such a cute little town! Little stores full of whimsy. May have begged the boy to stop at an attraction that had goats on the roof and may have fed the baby goats while giggling with glee. It really takes very little to amuse me and make me happy.
RAVE: Went out for my sister's birthday last night. And I was on fire partially because all her friends were so excited to meet me. Ended up making out with my sister's really good friend who also happens to be a adorable biracial former D-1 track athlete. Not too shabby especially after my two initial targets dipped out early due to be slammered. RANT: Ended up passing out in my bed with my jeans on on a bare pillow cause I had stripped my bed earlier while an after party was still going on in my family room. I hate getting that stupid drunk. Blacking and browning out isn't a good look anymore. Oh well. RAVE/RANT: I think I'm developing a crush on my friend's little sister. He's busy in a serious relationship so I don't see him as much and she just moved to Chicago and hangs out with us alot. She's just the most perpetually happy, considerate, and fun person to be around. The fact that she's a Carrie Underwood clone who was on a college dance squad doesn't hurt. But the whole situation is weird. Her brother wouldn't care, but she had a mini thing with another of our friends before chose a far lamer girl over her but he's still annoyingly protective and odd about her. I dont know, its likely one of those things I'll just let be. If something happens, something happens.
Rave: That feeling when I realize the big red IT is over and I have 35 days of peace ahead. Rant: pretty sure the next one will hit right about the time my mother in law comes to visit. I will be buying a case of wine before that weekend.
Rave: I was a little late for a free life drawing session at a pub a few weeks ago, something I've kept up every week for the previous 4 months. I was pleasantly surprised to see that the model this time was FINALLY a slender, attractive 23-ish year old girl. Surprising because really, the calibre of models at this place can only be described as 'dogshit'; it's always a tubby latino 30 something woman, old lady, tall skinny dude with 200 studs in his dick or some such. Comes with the territory of it being free I guess, and the pub is kinda shabby. So I get to drawing away. During the course of it I start to notice that the model keeps looking at me, with gazes that seem to linger a little too long. I think it a little odd that she should be looking at me out of the 30 or so people in the room, but I don't react and continue drawing. 2 hours go by, and it's the break before the 20 minute poses. Never stay for those. Time to leave. As I'm packing my shit, I look up and the model (robed) is standing in front of me. With hand extended she says, "Hi, my name's Tina. I'm moving in with you next week." Ex-queese me? My friend and housemate L decided to go for a trip overseas for a few months so he needed someone to take his room. He told me a few weeks before his departure a hot Danish girl called Tina would take it. The opportunity to meet her never really arose over the following weeks. Plus it turned out he knew she's a life model but my roommate somehow didn't connect the dots and tell me. All those occurrences added up for a good little surprise. And yeah she's really cool and friendly. Boyfriend though.
Oops. Wrong thread. Ehh...what ever. Rant: Had a conversation with a friend of mine over the weekend. His girlfriend is probably going to break up with him, and he's trying to invent all of these last minute things that will convince her to stay. "I just need to be less <insert characteristics about him> and more <personality traits that he doesn't possess>." Me: So essentially you're going to change everything about yourself...the things that make you, you? Him: Yeah, see I need to start being the kind of guy she needs. Not the guy who I am right now. Me: Holy sweet shit, can you even hear yourself talking? How can men in their 30's still think like this?
RANT: My wife's Corgi passed away suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday. She was almost 11. We don't know if it was a stroke or if she had cancer. She had some big tumors the vet had told us were just fatty tumors, but my wife had noticed one seemed bigger than it had been. Since Tonka died, she had seemed kinda bummed out, she wasn't really eating as well and wasn't running around like usual. We had an appointment for her to see the vet this morning. So we've gone from 3 dogs to no dogs in 6 months. Our border collie had to be put down due 6 months ago because he was 15 years old, couldn't stand or walk and was having doggie Alzheimers. Then we lost Tonka, now the Corgi. I have a dog related rave, but can't even bring myself to type it up.
I've been doing pushups pretty steadily for the last weeks/months and it just doesn't seem like I make progress in that it never seems to get easier to do them.
Rave: Had a kick ass time in Illinois this weekend at my cousin's wedding. My girlfriend had a lot of fun too... she had to drive quite a bit to be with us so I was really happy it was worth her time. Rant: No alone time meant no sex. Bummer. Rant: It was painful to see my family's farmland... much of their corn isn't worth harvesting. This has been one of their toughest years going back a few decades. Rave: Less than three weeks til my girlfriend moves up here!
Rave: Moved into the house officially today. It has an AC unit, and it is wonderful to sit under. Rant: So tired.
So... the dog related RAVE: She spoke to her breeder friend and gave me his number. We spoke on Friday night about Tonka and how empty the house is without him. He said all he cares about is that she is loved, and that "it sounds like any dog in the world would be lucky to be part of your family." He is willing to let us adopt, for no charge, a 6-month old, show quality, purebred Mastiff. All we have to do is drive to Ohio and pick her up.