Rave: Milo's tooth pulls went well. Vet found an issue with another tooth while she was in there, so she yanked that one, too. $400 later, he was back home--and stoned as hell. He spent a good hour just staring at the wall and had a fervent distrust of purses for some reason.
RAVE:Three days in SoCal for work training. Few hours in a the classroom with catered meals by actual "real" chefs followed by dinner somewhere expensive and usually open bar after that. RANT: My usual CrossFit coach opened his own place 40 miles away so we have this new guy but the workouts just aren't hard enough. I shouldn't be able to do more pushups than the coach.
Rant: Women rant: Spoiler Please don't ask people to describe you in one word. It is stupid, pointless, and in no way special. Don't expect a guy to come up with something profound that makes you feel warm and tingly inside, especially if you ask via a text message, and then get upset when they say something like 'unique'. These little games are annoying, just stop doing this shit. Then when she describes me, she says 'safe'. The fuck is that? No guy strives to be safe. What a backhanded remark. Safe implies weak and emasculated. Safe is fucking bullshit; to us, it sounds like you're doing us a favor and settling with 'safe'. Now, if someone makes you feel safe, that doesn't mean the guy himself is safe, it means he's protective and strong. Rave: I have my tickets booked and my leave approved for NYC next weekend. Hell yes. And my buddy tells me he got us tickets to a Yankees game. This vacation is going to be a glorious one. I'm super pumped to get out of this area for a few days and hang out with friends.
Rant - I had some shitty members earlier this year. Rep shaving koolaid drinking douchebags. Wife was histrionic and husband was blatant About cheating. They left when I called them on it and opened their own affiliate. Now they're undercutting my Prices seriously. So. Fucking. Annoying. I know that the type of people they are will become evident but nonetheless it aggravates me. Rave - 20lb PR today.
Rant: It's fun when you lose form on a front squat, causing me to raise my elbows in an attempt to stabilize and damn near choking myself. Neat. At least I finished the rep. Rant: Absolutely gorgeous girl overheard me talking to another friend about how shitty smith machines are as she was apparently getting ready to use one. She asked what was so bad about them and we got to talking for a bit. She asked me what I was doing friday night and I replied that I was going to bed early since this semester I'm taking a saturday class. She kinda looked at me expectantly but I just continued the conversation. I'm awesome at picking up signals. HERP DERP. Rave: Fuck it ice cream makes everything better.
RAVE: Caught the mother fucker who's been stealing shit in our office building. Backstory: Spoiler After a few months of random, small items disappearing (most of which were things like wireless keyboards, mice, etc.). We had a Galaxy Tablet disappear out of an office. Weeks later 3 MacBook Pro's vanish a few days apart. Then an iPad last Tuesday. Now I know what some of you are thinking: 'Where's your physical security? 'Why aren't you using some geo-location anti-theft software?' My answer: Because we've been lucky enough to not hire malcontent kleptomaniacs; It hasn't been a problem until now, and I've got enough shit to do. The boss shot down my idea 18 months ago because he didn't think it was a problem, now in hindsight he's admitted that it wouldn't have been a bad idea. Well now I'm getting my way, and I've got budget approval to roll physical security out on a global scale. Rave: So it's someone from the security company that provides service for our buildings property management. The younger IT guy placed a series of hidden Infrared IP cameras in our suite in hopes to catch him. We've got a small set up going at the moment, but it's already proven very effective. We've got him on tape Saturday morning at 1:41 AM. >As bad luck would have it, our main entry camera was somehow knocked lose (wasn't tampered with, just shit luck.) >We caught him rifling through desks and cubicals, in a plainly obviously attempt at looking for shit to steal. He's also putting a few things in his pocket, but we couldn't make it out. >We've got enough photo evidence to positively identify him and the company he works for. Sorta Rave: Bummed out that this dude didn't totally hang himself on video. I know that we really need photo/video of him entering the unit, grabbing something of significant value, and then leaving with the item clearly in hand before it's an easy case. My boss wants to hand this over to the detectives, and he's set to do that tomorrow morning. I told him that at the most we've got this guy on unlawful trespass and intent to commit burglary, and if he's brought in for questioning and fucks up with the detectives; he might just give them what they need for a search warrant. Good news is that I know at the very least this dude is going to get shit canned, and that we can go to the security company and basically say 'hey, fuck you, pay us.'
Rant: My signing bonus at the new job got taxed at 65% because I'm employed in a different state. How I feel: NSFW
Rant: The only thing worse than waking up at 3am feeling like you're going to vomit is staying up for an hour and not vomiting. Ravt: No pinching, only punching!
RANT We've been happening problems with a homeless guy at work the last few years. He "lives" pretty close to one of the entrances of the pub. Far enough away to not be seen by most patrons, except if they know about him and actively look at him, but close enough that I've had to clean up his shit in the carpark whenever my boss is unhappy about it. I've found cartons of week old milk, twisties that look like they had somehow gone moldy (didn't know twisties could do that), a dead mouse and even a clump of hair that I hope wasn't pubes. RAVE Well we finally got him to move along. My boss has been basically begging the police to get involved, mostly to no avail, but eventually they've got him to leave the area. No more cleaning for me! ??? The morning after the bum's departure, I was working. I had to drop one of the dirtiest, most rancid farts of my life. I was smart (experienced) enough to make sure I was alone (we had no patrons at the time, and my boss was in the office), and then I walked down the other part of the bar to drop it. It would have made Ghandi cry. It was horrendous. After I was done, I walked back to the normal area of the bar where I do the morning chores (and to put on a poncho - just for safety), when no sooner had I arrived there, my boss/owner of the pub walks into the pub, and behind the bar, right into my fart zone. My boss was in an extremely happy mood after finally sorting out the issues with the homeless man, and no sooner had he basically stepped right into my fart he said, verbatim "This place smells so much better now that the homeless man is gone" I'm thinking this is absolute disaster, and there is a good 4-5 second pause, followed by my boss exclaiming, whilst waving his hands in front of his face "What the fuck is that smell!" I played dumb, pretending that I couldn't smell anything from where I was standing, not owning up to the fact I had just dropped my guts exactly where he stood. So I walked down to where he was, and confirmed (which was unnecessary) that there was indeed, quite a bad smell. After my confirmation, my boss then blamed it on the drains, and I watched him leave the bar, come back with a bucket of hot soapy water, and spend the next 20 minutes alternating between cleaning the drains out and complaining about the overnight cleaners. Quite a ridiculous situation.
Rant: My youngest son Freddy has a scar under his eye from stepping on a nine year old at day care. Very petty non constructive cave man bad dad rave: After the kid got up and injured Freddy, (Who honestly was probably not paying attention, and kind of deserved an ass kicking.) my boys ganged up and kicked his ass. I know it is a very immature attitude, but I'm a little proud that my two four y/o's can kick a nine y/o's ass. I swear I will become a mature adult one of these days.
Looking forward to a weekend at Foxwoods with the wife. Staying at a nearby B&B, get in some tournaments, relaxing away time, etc. Good stuff.
Rant- Fuck, I have to fly to Jacksonville for business on Monday. It's only a 30 minute flight and one night, but I've come to hate any kind of travel. I've come to enjoy a routine in my week and any sort of deviation is annoying. Not to mention dirty hotel rooms, flying, and living out of a suitcase.
Rave Scored an in person interview tomorrow. Pretty excited, as I think this will be a great opportunity and a pretty solid gig overall. The fact that everything is moving forward so quickly is quite promising as well. Rant The downside, if I get this job sorted, that means I'll be moving into the apartment where I am currently couch surfing..............and frankly, I don't want to. Being almost 30 and living with three other guys isn't really what I want to do. Yeah it'd be cheaper and I'd probably wind up in some cheap studio apartment on my own, but I'd at least be able to do my own thing and not have to deal with three other people's bullshit. Worst case, I live here for another year, and then make it very clear I have no intention of staying longer than that.
Rant: My wife is planning a vacation in a couple of weeks. Why is this a rant? It is for us and my in-laws. I can't stand being around my mother-in-law for more than a few hours at a time. The idea of sharing a cabin with them for 5 days honestly makes me want to slam my head in a door. It will be fucking awful. Honestly the most awful thing I can think of. Like, hell awful. Rave: Because this is on such short notice, my schedule at work is done, and I am scheduled to work during this vacation, meaning I either have to trade (difficult, but not impossible) or not go. My wife has repeatedly said "I'd prefer you to go, but you don't HAVE to go. I'm okay if you decide not too." Her mom is saying the same thing. I have an out. Rant: This is one of those bullshit women-traps. "I'd prefer you to go, but you don't have to go. I'm okay if you decide not too," is code for "you'd better fucking go you miserable piece of shit or I will make your fucking life awful once I get home." I hate those games. If you want me to go, say "come with us, make it happen." If you're genuinely okay with me not going, say "its alright if you stay home," or "don't go, go to work." None of that "Well, I'd PREFER..." bullshit. "I'd prefer..." means "this is what I want, and if I don't get what I want, I will be angry, regardless of what else I say or what you want." She knows good and well how I feel about her mom and going on this trip, but she won't come right out and say "You're coming." She wants me to "want" to go. I do not "want" to go. In 12 years, every time she lays one of these traps, I call her on it, and it turns into a fight (which it would anyway). She knows I don't play these games, yet she insists on trying. Every ounce of my being is wanting to tell her I'm not going. Rant: Who the fuck am I kidding. I'm probably going. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
Rant: Sometimes when I am catching cats, I will sit with Leslie, the other cat catching lady, outside and wait to hear the trap snap. She's lived here for a long, long time and just loves to talk. Well today, our lovely neighbors whose car I had towed was the subject. Turns out the husband was in jail for 12 years for murdering a girl in college by strangling her with an extension cord. The wife married him while he was still in jail. The neighbors didn't know what was going on until they saw it on the news. He is from the mainland and the 2 states had a special agreement to let him have probation in Hawaii. There was footage of both of them during all of this on television. Just found a link <a class="postlink" href="http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/local&id=7792039" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?sectio ... id=7792039</a> . That video link has their names in case you want to look up more info. Someone poke me, I've GOT to be asleep. I feel like I've moved to the goddamn looney bin.
RANT: My brother is a huge fucking faggot who doesn't finish his work on time. He's already had to redo a year of college for this bullshit, and now there's another assignment he hasn't finished, but claims he has. I hope he fails out of school already so he can stop lying to everyone's face about it.