RANT: Brand new laptop (as in 3 days new) is giving me blue screens of death. WTF, laptop? Time to call Acer. RAVE: This conversation last night: Me: "I'm going to tear you apart tomorrow. I've been going crazy all week" Boy: "You'll do no such thing. You'll do pretty much exactly what I tell you to" Hnnnnnnng. RANT: Goddamit wake up boy so I can come round and have sex with you
RANT: Had another bimonthly text fuck up with the girl I'm into/talking to. All is not lost as we're less than a week removed from hooking up and a really good couple of days, but radio silence after texting her is never comforting especially when the last text was weighted and trying to get a feel for where her head is at. I could be overreacting, but fuck, I can't keep fumbling shit like this. RAVE: First day of college football and music festivals make me feel a bit better.
Rant: Dear asshole who is taking up the squat rack to do bicep curls in the middle of the day when it's busy, I hate you.
Rave: new suit day. It's been a while since I've bought a new one and it feels good. Rave: started a new job on Monday, same company but different work. It's like being on vacation, almost surreal that I'm not doing the same old shit. Rave: I've managed to piss off quite a few people getting this position and it feels great Rave: going to a wedding next weekend. Back to back short work weeks! Fuck yes, life is good.
Rave: Band of Brothers marathon followed by the rest of the Pacific. WW2 weekend! Rant: Goddamned internet has been out for two days. Fuck coffee shops.
Rave: It seems I'm no longer allergic to tea. Bonus! Rave: Formula 1 on shortly! And it's Spa too, one of the great circuits.
Rant: I am way too young to have fucked my back up this bad. I woke up this morning and my back was stiff. As the day wore on, it got worse and worse, and now I can barely stand up. Fuck. Rave: Muscle Relaxers help a bit, and give me a happy feeling, too.
Rant: Damned kids would not listen for anything today. Rant: Kennys' breathing was rough today. Rant: Called their mother to tell her this it went straight to her voice mail. She shows up curses me out because clearly I didn't actually call her. All the while I'm trying to offer to keep Freddy an extra night just to help out. She doesn't want to listen to me and just fight in front of the kids. A-Fucking-Gain. Rant: Power went out today. Raveish: I have tomorrow off so I can do some reading for work and school. Rave: Relaxing and watching some old school Bill Cosby stand up. Rave: My Samsung Galaxy S 3 still kicks ass.
Rant: I am so sick of my job. I love the little kids I watch, but dealing with their parents is truly a nightmare. I am so jealous of people who just pick up a check for the hours they've worked...no small talk, no haggling over itemized receipts, no forced smiles, no neighborhood gossip recitals, no impromptu "fashion shows" of newly-purchased clothes, no uncomfortable discussions about deeply personal shit. Just get the damn check and go home. God, that must be nice. You know what else would be nice? Overtime. Hell, at this point I would accept just getting paid for all the hours I've worked. Rant: Strayed from my Bundy Bear diet plan. Haven't gained weight, but my ass is producing the most horrible farts I've ever smelled. Serves me right. But The Dude is suffering needlessly, poor thing. Rave: Fall is coming.
Rave Hooked up with two girls over the weekend. This kind of thing doesn't happen to me anymore...I'll take it. The one who I've been talking to longer is something I would like to keep for a while. Rave Oktoberfest was a good time. I need to go to more festivals during the summer months. Great beer and food. I also have video of me on a dancing line with a bunch of random people led by one of the polka bands.
Rave: First term of grad school complete, two A's like it ain't no thang. Rant: Goddamned tuition hikes mean a 50% increase in the fall. That seriously might price me out of this bullshit. Goddammit.
Rant: I'm pretty sure that the individual creamers shouldn't look like Gouda cheese when I open them. Rave: My friend has published his first novel, and I made the acknowledgements page. And no, I'm not one of a cast of thousands. I'm a special flower.
Rave: Awesome weekend in NYC. Hung out with old college friends, drank a lot, ate a lot, met new people, went to a Yankees game. Definitely worth it. Rave: 5 mile run this morning after a weekend of eating a drinking. It's been a while since I really got out to run, but I'm going to continue doing it. Rave: Helped a guy push his car over a hill after it stalled and he couldn't get it to start again towards the end of the run; I felt like a good person after. Rave: Got a cool girls number a while back and we've been talking a decent amount recently. Rant: She live in Sacramento. Rave: She invited me out to Lake Tahoe in the winter time so I can school her up on my awesome snowboarding skills.
RANT: My wife is a stubborn, headstrong pain in the ass and there are times I wish I could just walk away. RAVE: The sex is always awesome.
HUGE RAVE: Everything is official; I'm moving to Phoenix in 2 weeks! Just signed the lease, have a job lined up, only thing left to do is pack up and go.
Rave: "corn news". I love living in the sticks. The headline of our weekly paper this week was about how a horse a couple blocks over was killed by lightning last weekend. I even remember hearing the strike. Good to know it hit something worthless.
Rant: When you are having two simultaneous rapid-fire text conversations - one with your ex/friend planning a threesome and one with your dad about how Bryan Cranston is going to play Kenneth's mom's friend Ron on 30 Rock next season - DO NOT MIX THE TWO CONVERSATIONS UP.
Rant: Mister's deployment seems like it will never end. In the past two weeks, they've pushed back his return date twice - so now it's 50 days left instead of 22. Rave: My New Mexico vacation is almost here... only 5 more days of work.