RANT/RAVE/WTF: LinkedIn found someone for me with their "People You May Know" widget: the priest at a parish I used to volunteer at back East. Those people need to be on LinkedIn, planning for their careers? He's worried about layoffs and wants to network? What was the thought process behind his decision to join? I'm really curious. CATHOLIC INSIDE JOKE/RAVE: Of course he's a Jesuit. Did you need to ask?
Rave: New car! My car has been acting up, but it's older and we didn't want to put a lot of money into it (I ignored the check engine light for as long as I could--hey, it wasn't flashing). My husband got a Mazda-3 a couple of years ago and I really like the way that drives, so we got the Mazda CX-5. It is glorious. Now I just need to figure out how everything works. I'd post of picture of me hugging it, but that would just be too weird...I think. Rant: Car payment.
Rave: FWB isn't angry at me anymore. I'm still probably not going to see her again, (too much drama / stress) but I don't like ending a relationship on a bad note. Rave: I'm 90% sure that this new girl is going to be a legitimate boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. She definitely likes me, and the feeling is mutual. I am really, really hopeful.
RANT: Still covered in poison ivy. It's on 90% of my left leg and about 25% of my right and it's driving me fucking nuts. I've started referring to the dog as Patient Zero. RAVE: On the plus side, I have an excuse to lay around and watch Netflix all day without any pants on.
RANT: I hate moving and trying to get all my shit into a new area. Same sized house but where do I put all this fucking stuff? RAVE: 16 year wedding anniversary last week. Any woman who can put up for me that long is a saint.
RANT: Holy shit the marriage/engagement explosion is going on all around me. Last year, there were about 7-8 enagements/marriages among the girls in my office and the talk was just horrific. Then, this summer I had 3 weddings, 2 for my good friends and 1 for one of my closest friends. Well my best friend is currently ring shopping, getting advice from my Dad (who is in the diamond industry), etc... when all of a sudden my old roommate proposed last night out of NOWHERE surprising everyone since they've only been dating 8 months and another friend just revealed that he is proposing within the next 2 weeks. Which pretty much guarantees AMPLE wedding talk for god knows how long in the near future and there is no better way to shine an unfavorable light on recent dating failures than the glowing successes of your close friends (I'm only half kidding). RAVE: I'm thrilled for 2 of the couples cause they are great relationships and I really enjoy being around them. And there is a kickass lightning storm going on right now. RANT: Bitches still be triflin' RAVE: Got promoted on Thursday. It was SO overdue. Its not enough to keep me at the company once I graduate in November, but for the first time in the last 4-5 years, I'm going to have a bit of a financial buffer and be able to save a bit.
RAVE: This conversation: "What, you want to be the little spoon?" "No, I am not the little spoon, you are the jetpack" RAVE: Laptop replaced with the last of its type IN LONDON. Fuck yeah! Customer service were actually really great and helpful. RANT: Fucking mice. I live in a ground floor room in a row of terraces so you literally cannot get rid of them. We've put traps down and are keeping all food on lockdown but I can hear them in the walls and it creeps me the fuck out.
Rant: I feel like I'm living in "Book of Exodus-Egypt". First, we have a flood in the house and now, we have a fly infestation. There is a piece of wood on the exterior that is under the large window over the tub in the master bath. The piece is covered by trim, but it's become exposed to rain (and apparently the sprinkler) from underneath, and began to rot, unbeknownst to me. Well, these flies find that an attractive breeding ground, and with the wood rotting away, found a way into the house through the wood and around the window. They come in during the day but cling to the window as their drawn to the light and warmth of the sun and never move from there. By morning, they're corpses lying in a mass grave that is my jacuzzi tub. It's a good thing I don't have any male children. Blood on the front door would be a little hard to explain to the neighors and police.
Rant: Two months of intense job searching and I am still unemployed Rave: Have a third interview coming up for a job at the mayor's office in NYC. It is really the perfect job for me and I am very very very hopeful Rant: Got turned down after what I thought was a very good interview at Thomson Reuters. This job probably would pay better, but would probably be really miserable work, so I am not really bummed out about it, but it still makes me very dependent on the above mentioned positions. Rant: GOD I WANT MONEY.
Rant: Backyard renovations. I hugely underestimated both the financial cost and the physical strength it was going to take. An $800 idea has blossomed into $2500. On top of that, I physically just cannot lift some of this shit. Yes, I can design the trusses and frame the walls and clad everything and build window frames. No, I cannot lift that shit myself to place it and erect the structure. Rave: Friends that help. Although I hate being a burden and asking. Rave-er: It's going to look AWESOME when it's done. New garden shed/green house, fire pit, shrubs around the perimeter, outdoor lighting, etc. I'll post pictures. Rant: I look like a junkie who couldn't find a vein. I've never had this many bruises.
I wasn't sure where to put this, but since I get a sadistic pleasure arguing with stupid people, I'll classify it as a Rave. RAVE: Okay folks, this is why grammar and spelling are important. Just now on Facebook, a girl I barely know posted a picture of a guy holding two young kids, with the following comment: "I have such a sex brother Even when we fight and you bet me up and make fun of My big nose I still love you" The following is the exchange we had. I did not alter any of it: Me: "What do you mean by 'sex brother?!' Please tell me you don't mean what I think you mean." Her: "Brother love did you get any of that when you where younger and yes.he is very sexy to me!!!" Me: "Okay, once again I'm not understanding; when you say 'brother love,' do you mean you had sex with your brother?" Her: "What the fuck is your problem obesity Your fucked up in head or something >.< if you don't like what i'm putting on my page plz unfriend me!!!" Me: "Sorry, I got the wrong impression from what you wrote. Re-read what you wrote, and see if you can see how someone might get the wrong idea." Her: "There noting wrong with what I put okay and goodbye i'm done talking to a grow men with a childish mind!!!!" There you have it ladies and gentlemen, the public school system at work. And I had not begun to get childish. As per her request, I un-friended her.
BEYOND RAVE: I had a conversation with my FWB/EX tonight. She told me a girl had messaged her on a dating site and she had been talking back and forth all afternoon and it ended with them agreeing to in the future meet up for sex. She told me she wants to try it once, just to see if she likes it. Awesome. Totally happy for her that she's continuing to break out of her shell even after we stopped dating. She was pretty closeted and over the time we've been together, both dating and now afterward, she's become more and more open minded about life. The super rave though is the conversation that follows. Me: Is she interested in just you and her together or would you be willing to introduce a guy into the picture? Her: Sadly no. She just wants to fulfill a fantasy and so do I. So... Me: That's too bad. Seeing you with another girl and participating would be so fucking hot. Her: Well, it'll be like you're there by proxy. I'm going to use everything you do to me and do it to her. Minus the penis of course. Greatest. Compliment. Ever.
Rave So the security guard who was robbing our suite got a little visit by a local detective. The guy admited to everything, and then some other local thefts. He even had all of our computers and iPads; corporate iPad covers and asset tags still attached. Turns out he was never able to crack into them. They've been missing for months. Rant I was really really looking forward to tearing these machines appart for information. I'll admiit I was very curious to find what sort of stupid shit this guy was doing. Given he's an average person, I'd expect him to immediatly start saving all his passwords to the web browser. Looking through his net cache would have been fun. Rant/Rave? Dumb bastard had the stolen equipment for over 6 months, and couldn't get past our security. Yet he still hung onto them. Did we get robbed by the dumbest mother fucker alive? These were iPad 3's and MacBook Pro's! You had almost $8k in stolen shit you couldnt use or fence? Jesus at least sell it to someone who could have simply swapped a drive and nuked a firmware password. Dumbass I felt bad for him at this point, actually it's more a feeling of embarrassment for the guy. I almost felt like him losing his job and getting nailed for something this stupid was hard enough on him. Part of me is upset that my tax dollars are going to pay for this stupid ass doing time on felony charges.
Rave: Bartender girl came to the barracks. We were originally going to go see a movie and stuff, but she had schoolwork to do. I ended up teaching her how to play chess. What the FUCK: She beat me on the sixth game. Granted, I blundered... but still, she picked the game up like it was nothing. Rave: Definitely a keeper. If she could program, I'd propose on the spot. Rant: I'm evaluating girls' desirability by their ability to do math and play chess. I'm pretty sure that's a bad thing.
Rant....No, Rave. Wait, Ra.... Today is my daughter's very first day of school. She isn't even 4 years old yet and is being thrown into the new "experiment" of all-day, every day junior kindergarten. My wife is a little sad, meanwhile I remain indifferent to milestones. Does that make me a bad person? I mean, I'm happy and such, and a little sad to see my pint-sized kid off to be tortured by boys for the next ten years. I guess I'll wait until the next milestone to truly cry: when she wrecks my car in her teens.
Rant: I'm scheduled to be in the office at 8 AM every day, and I am just now arriving to the office. They are currently paving the thruway and had the entire northbound side of it down to a single fucking lane. Rant: People who do not know how to merge. If everyone drove like they were supposed to, the traffic would have been much smoother, but no. Rant: It doesn't make much of a difference since I have absolutely fuckall to do at work today. Why is this a rant? Because I work on billable hours, and no billable hours means no bonus. Rave: Four day work week last week, this week, and next week!