Rant: This is exactly how I feel this morning: I have no idea why, but I've been so goddamn run down the last few weeks, for no reason. I get plenty of sleep each night, and am still exhausted the next day. Ugh. Rave: My mother in law is here from Germany visiting us for the week! She's really awesome, and I couldn't ask for a nicer person to have as an in-law.
Rant: Going to England for 10 days. Why a rant, you may ask? I hate to travel. Rant: Have to fly. I went to Ireland last year, and I can't sleep on a plane. Therefore, I'm wide awake for 7 hours, nicotine deprived, cramped, and cranky. Which makes me fun to travel with. Rant: Have to go to the airport for an international flight. I hate airports, mostly because they seem to have an inordinate amount of planes. One of which I will spend an unpleasant amount of time on. Rant: 10 days with my wife whom loves to travel. Rant: 14 days without my beloved dog. Rave: I hate travel so much, that short of getting anally raped at customs coming and going to England, I will pleasantly be surprised.
Rave: The teachers strike in Chicago is over! Why is this a rave? Because I'm sick of hearing about it on the news. Rave: back to the office today. I'm not the neatest person in the world, but I am one of those who can't stand a cluttered and disheveled house and the state of our house was making me nuts yesterday. And the coeds are a lot easier on the eyes than the Mexican crew working on the house. Plus, I don't have to listen to that Tiajuana polka music. Nice guys, and they're doing great work, but man how hours of that music can grate on my nerves. 58 degrees this morning as we were having coffee on the patio watching the sun come up. So nice.
What the fucking fuckity fuck fuck: Bartender girl is remorseful that she ditched me. Rant: I was polite, but I made it clear that it wasn't going to happen. I'm lonely as hell here, but she said some really cruel things to me, and I just don't see anything working after that. And I'm not enough of an asshole to pretend to like her so I can get in her pants. She's been screwed over by guys before; while I now see why, that doesn't mean I have to join the club. Just too much trouble. Don't care: She got mad at me. Rant: I'm back to being the same old, same old. Fuck.
Rant - Good people staying in shitty situations because it's what they know, and it's the time they've invested. I understand that letting go of something you've sunk your teeth into is difficult. I really do get that. But - what I don't understand is - hanging on to something that is making you miserable. I can't even commiserate. I can only shrug because at this point, until you help yourself, I can't help you. Rave: Otherwise - life is fucking fantastic. I hate living halfway across the country from The Husband, but we are both making such a priority to include one another in the day to day that it helps. A lot. Going to see him at Thanksgiving helps too.
Rant: Someone, please take me back to undergrad and the days of A&P/basic sciences. This whole "critical thinking, decision making and judgment" thing is overrated. Rave? I've had 4 large Americanos in the last 24 hours. I think my heart's about to explode. In a good way.
Rave: I still kind of feel like I'm scamming people when I contact book publicists to be like "Hey, I want to review this cookbook for this column I write. Can you send me a copy?" And then a day later I get a $60 cookbook in the mail for free. Rant: My friend told me that he had just been watching porn and saw someone in this video that he was completely convinced was me and after I managed to convince him that it wasn't I asked to see the video because I was curious as to what porn me looks like. The problem was that it was a Peter North cumshot compilation and "I" was in this montage at the end where it was just cumshots on cumshots on cumshots where each clip was like two seconds long before it changed to the next one. But for whatever reason that video wouldn't let you fast forward, so I had to sit there watching porn for ten minutes - which is a very weird experience when you're not planning on watching porn - and then when it finally got to "my" scene it looked absolutely nothing like me and it was so disappointing. GOD.
Rave: Excellent six days in Vegas for the Chavez-Martinez fight on Saturday. Did a shit ton of networking, got to shake hands with some high up in boxing people I've traded e-mails with but never met face to face. Started a weekly boxing column for a small regional newspaper out in NorCal, gave them good coverage on the fight. Overall it was an important week for me and could lead to some big things down the line. Got another similar trip setup for New York next month where if things go right anything is possible. Rant: Six days in Vegas is a LONG time. Was there Wednesday to Tuesday so I could get the cheapest flights. Next time I fly back Monday at latest, was seriously burnt out by the end.
Rant: it was dark and I didn't see the snail. It was huge and is now smashed on the bottom of my flip flop and washed down the sink from being on my foot. Horrified doesn't quite cover it.
Rave: Guest lecturing in an undergraduate class today. 98 students in this class, and the prof asked me to give him 5 questions from my lecture to put on the mid-term. Should I give them the head's up?
Rant: The sister is pregnant. Something must be in the water, and I ain't fucking drinking it. Makes me want to go beg a doctor to tie my tubes.
Major Rave: One more week and I can finally set everything in motion to get out of the car shop and move on with my life. It's been a cool experience, and building race cars is interesting, but it's run it's course. Unfortunately I won't really leave for another 2 months or so, but it will be such a relief to put it behind me. Rant: Today really sucked though. I work with this dumbass racist redneck, the kind who puts confederate flags on his car and makes stupid jokes that aren't funny, they're just racist. Well, like most of these idiots he tries to act like a tough guy so he insults people in an attempt to keep up his persona. Usually they're really lame, and I couldn't care less, but today he really made my blood boil. I was talking to the boss, and he made this random squeaking noise. I asked what that was supposed to be and he said it was what I sounded like. Ummm, ok... then he said I had a speech impediment. I completely flipped. I might not be the most articulate person, but I sure as hell don't sound squeaky, or like I have a speech impediment, and I am for damn sure more eloquent than that idiot. Normally I wouldn't care much, but it was just so stupid, random, and desperate to seem tough. Never once has anyone thought I talked funny. Consider the source and move on I guess. He tried to apologize, but I still wanted to clock him. Maybe I should just start fighting people like this. Fucking moron. Rant: Another guy at work today started saying Obama had a bunch of gay lovers back in 2007 and then had them all executed during the democratic primaries in 2008. Where do people come up with this shit? There's a million reasons to not like Obama, why make stuff like that up? Oh, right, because these people don't understand any of the real issues in the election so they need to talk about something. I NEED TO GET OUT OF THIS PLACE. Rant: I just came back from a walk and some random black kid came up to me and started telling me about how he's homeless and what not and was clearly looking for a place to crash. Jesus fucking Christ. Look kid, I'm sorry, but I am not letting some random stranger move in with me who probably isn't ever going to pay rent either. Don't you have anyone to call? Hmmm... if you don't there's probably numerous good reasons and I really, really don't want you living in my apartment. Rave: Going to a bears game in a couple weeks and maybe a gators game the day before. Should be fun. Can't wait.
Rant: A woman gets paid $1000+ per appearance because she fucking looks like someone famous? Not only that, but this chick is 32 and looks 50. She doesn't look that much like Kate Middleton, because, well, Kate Middleton is hot. I hate the world sometimes. Edit: I take it back. She does look like Kate Middleton, but she looks like what Kate Middleton will look like in 20 years.
So Many Raves: Spent 18 hours today making pulled pork for the first time, deliciously successful. Casual lunch date with super cute girl tomorrow. Hipster themed edward 40-hands party tomorrow night. Rant: She's slightly shorter than I would prefer.
Rant: Passive aggressive behavior is the least admirable quality about any person, ever. It becomes many orders of magnitude worse when it affects your job, and is coupled with nepotism. Mother fucker. I need the fucking weekend already. And something to drink. And punch.
Rant My wife texted me yesterday that she wanted to have dinner with her friend and she wanted me to meet them, so I went, it is a place my brother just started managing so it was nice to see him and he hung out with us while we were eating. I get just about done and my wifes friend hands me an envelope that says business proposal on it and proceeds to pitch me some fucking simple living house organization system along with hourly rates, that shit does not fly with me and evidently they felt it too as I just glared at both of them for the duration, and to top it off my wife says, Oh by the way I told my friend you would pay for dinner. I had a very brief one sided conversation with her last night regarding that whole cluster. quasi-rave There was a 300 word apology emailed to me by said under vetted wife this morning.
RAVE OF ALL RAVES: Come Monday night I will be watching my first NFL game live. I have a feeling sleep will be hard this weekend. My only rant is that I went on my lunch hour to buy a zip up GB hoodie only to find they had nothing, like nadda. Boooo. EDIT: In response to rep asking for clairification as to how I can be such a big fan and yet never been to a game. The opportunity has never arisen, now it has thanks to a good friend. I literally can't sit still. I cannot believe I'll be there.
Rave I decided to use a certain large software company for a solution last year. It worked out well, so I put a good friend of mine in contact with my account exec. My friend decided to go with the large company. The account exec was so happy that he wanted to give me a partner bonus of 10% of the ACV (annual contract value). I collected my decent check, and thought nothing of it. I thought it was a one time thing. Well my IT buddy's company blew the fuck up last year, and now they're 3 times the size they were. RAVE I just got some random email stating that $629 dollars will soon appear in my bank account. RAVE Fuck yeah surprise annuity!
Rave: I won all three of my Fantasy league games last week. Rant: I'm projected to lose in all three this week. Also: Rant: My number one team, The Vikings, is gonna get smoked by San Fran this week, and my number two team, the Chargers, are kind of a coin flip with the resurgent Falcons...