Rant: "There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."-Will Rogers
Rant: My laptop is done for. After the screen died, I started using the HDMI port. Last night, that crapped out too. Looks like a new laptop is coming before the end of the year. Rave: At least I still have my tablet and phone. Rant: Tablet is the original Samsung Tab 10.1, so not very good. I might eBay it away and get something better. Rant: After three months of waiting for my new wheels, all I hear is that they have the rear's in. My seller isn't doing a very good job letting me know what's up, I continually have to request updates from him.
Rave: Kid is finally starting to get into the whole "falling asleep on her own" thing. Two days in a row I've been able to put her down and walk away, and she fell asleep. Granted, it came after 20 minutes of crying, but fuck it, she still went down, and for about an hour to an hour and a half at a time. No more 20 minute cat naps every 90 minutes, we can get her on a real schedule. Plus it gives me more free time, and I don't have to spend every waking second watching her. Rant: Fuck my old car. It runs great still, but there are little things that are going out. The seat adjustment handle broke off about three months ago, so I can't lean my seat forward at all. Now, the trunk is messed up so it won't stay open. This will make putting the stroller in exceptionally difficult. Rave: Trading it in within the next couple of months for a new (to us) car. Rant: Wife wants an SUV, and it will likely be my car because I drive much less than her, so gas mileage is less of a factor with my car. I do NOT want to drive an SUV, but it looks like I won't have a choice.
Huge Fucking Rant: I discovered four or five white hairs growing on my big dog's muzzle this morning. MY DOGS CANNOT BE GETTING OLD.
Rave/Rant: I got fed up with the bullshit surrounding this girl I've been "Seeing". We're done and that is that. I'm happy about it and can wash my hands of the situation.
Spoiler For Sports Rant. (College Football. OU) Spoiler RANT:As one of my friends says "Bob Stoops is the Andy Reid of college football!" How the fuck do you mismanage the clock and timeouts so gawd awfully game after frustrating game and not get it?! You GAVE RGIII a break to re-group and beat us last year. This year? More of the fucking same. A time out on defense to figure out how the hell to line up against the same damn offense you've been staring at all night?! And our D was the shining star of our team tonight! Special teams weren't special, but they weren't retarded. Which is more than I can say for Landy R-Tard Jones. (The "R" USUALLY stands for "Road" because the dumb-ass goes into panic mode if the end zone isn't swimming with cheering Crimson clad fans, but he really outdid himself at HOME tonight, so I guess I need to call him H-Tard, or just Tard) And I get it, Landry. I do. Your center got injured and we have a guy playing there that got moved from guard or tackle and who, before that, was playing tight end or some such nonsense and that we're missing a lot of good o-linemen and blah blah blah excuses excuses excuses. Bad decisions. That's what I saw tonight. Wide open receiver on the opening play and you throw into double coverage. Ryan Broyles was apparently more than just your security blanket. He was a magician who made you look like a decent system quarterback who could get the job done if we didn't expect too much from you.Without him??? You can't even see the field! GAH!! Last year I FREAKED out when Landry didn't enter the draft. I knew, I KNEW that he had peaked. That he needed to cash in on whatever good will the bowl game win had earned him and try to get drafted in the 2nd round. Everyone called me crazy. Wanted to know what the hell was wrong with me for not wanting a returning senior quarterback. Still think I'm crazy?! Fuck. Just fuckity fuck fuck mother titty fucking fuck. Rave! Grey Goose La Poire on the rocks!! (p.s. love that "pear" is a feminine noun...)
Rant: The NFL's broadcasting policies aggravate me every year. I am traveling out of town. During the late afternoon game, instead of airing the Eagles-Cardinals game, Fox will treat me to a couple episodes of COPS and the local news. That's just great. Also, due to circumstance, going to watch at a bar with Sunday Ticket is not an option.
Rant: I noticed my Keurig was getting a little slow so I took the water tank off to clean it up so I could run some vinegar through it. That's when I noticed there was a fucking DEAD FLY floating in the water tank. I have no idea how it got in there. I never leave the lid open, so he must've snuck in when I was pouring water in or something. I'm trying not to think of how long I've been drinking coffee made with dead fly water. I haven't cleaned the thing for about six weeks, so it's probably been in there a while.
Rant/Rave: Well, I officially crossed over into Super Nerd territory tonight. I just finished my first tabletop RPG session (Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, for any curious folk out there) and I loved it. I kicked ass, killed some villains, and learned a bunch of interesting facts about obscure Marvel characters. I definitely shower more frequently than all the dudes I play with, though. That was a negative.
Rave: Found out this inheritance I am receiving from my grandmother is about 5 times bigger than I thought it was going to be. I tried avoiding being involved in any of those discussions when this was all ongoing as my grandmother raised me a lot of my growing up and I don't feel like I deserve a dollar but now that it is on the way I can't help but think about what some of this money will help me out with. I know my grandma would want me to use it to position myself better for the future so that is my plan.
Rant: Finally got around to cleaning the above ground pool and breaking it down for the season yesterday. I'm unbelievably sore. I guess it's really time to get to a gym. Rave: While I was doing this, my wife and MiL went out to run some errands. When they came back, they had a surprise for me. Motherfucking Borderlands 2! Awww yes! I got a few hours in yesterday afternoon and it is definitely as awesome as I thought it would be! Rant: Went to the house of the family who hosted my wife when she was an Au Pair for dinner last night. I have no idea what I ate that messed my stomach up, but I've been on the verge of vomiting since about 10 last night.
Currently sitting in the ER because I broke a bone in my foot (fifth metatarsal should anyone care) this morning. While jumping rope. That is some weak ass shit right there. A few observations. Even at 7:30 AM the ER is an awful fucking place. It is fucking freezing in here, my work week is now completely fucked, and if I'm lucky my doctor will hit puberty in a few years.
Rant: Upstairs neighbors keep waking me up at 3:30 am scream fucking. They've even managed to wake my boyfriend up a few times and he sleeps like a dead person. We've tried banging on the ceiling with a broom but I don't think they hear us. Or maybe they just have something to prove. I refuse to believe that anyone screams that much/that loud if they aren't putting on show.
Rave: Spent the weekend in Boston, where 90% of my closest friends live, and it was the greatest. I really missed them, and we did the perfect collection of things. And it wasn't even too sad leaving because I'm going to be seeing a lot of them in two weeks. Rant:Physically, though, that weekend killed me. Every muscle is so sore and tired, I have bruises and cuts and scrapes everywhere, I stupidly brought the shoes that have absolutely zero support when I knew I'd be walking a lot, and I had this mystery pain all of yesterday where it felt like someone punched me in the face. I got home and immediately fell asleep and didn't wake up until twelve hours later. At least I don't feel like I've been punched in the face anymore. Rave: I came home to the best fucking mail: another cookbook to review, two magazines, and a letter from one of my best pals that I've been waiting for for months and was convinced was lost because he told me he sent it two weeks ago. I love mail. Rant: There have been some changes in the past month or so personnel-wise at my job, and I've started to get really pissed off and have begun to not-so-frantically look for other jobs. I hate job hunting. Rave: There's an opening at Vogue that I think I'm actually qualified for. Rant: I have little to no hope of even getting an interview. But I can't not apply for it.
Rave: I woke up feeling good for the first time in so, so long. Kathy is the best physical therapist ever.
Rant: Being up at buttcrack thirty to give blood for labwork sucks my balls. Rave: Got new shoes, so maybe feet will stop hurting. Got inspection done on car, finally. So I guess waking up early made me productive. Whatever.
Rave taking my wife to vegas tomorrow for her birthday for the maximum time I will allow for vegas (48 hours) going to see Penn and Teller and La Reve. Rant wife asked me what I was getting her for her birthday besides taking her to vegas, this is the price I pay for being gone so much to fish. Rave fishing is worth it.
Rant: Some friends of mine just had a baby. Cute little guy, but guess what they named him? PADEN. Fucking PADEN. We already had Aiden, Jaden, Braiden and Kaden, now add Paden to the list. What's next? Maiden?* Laden? Faden? For fucks sake, quit making up names you morons. *Maiden would be a good middle name as long as his first name is IRON! FUGYEAH!
Rant: I bought a Magic: The Gathering pack at Target totally on a lark (Dark Ascension intro). Fuck, now I kinda want to play. I really don't need to start this up again.
Rave: Best bud's bachelor party this past weekend was a 24 hour binge fest. I don't know where all of these hot girls came from, but I wish they followed me back to Pa. Rant: Back to the grind. Rave: Great memories to get me through the month.