Rant: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/02/2-us-border-agents-shot-1-killed-near-major-drug-cooridor-in-arizona/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/10/02/2- ... n-arizona/</a>
Rant: Rave: R&R and R&R visualized all in one! Rave: My parents just bought a summer house in Cape Cod! Heading there this weekend to check it out and feast on glorious seafood!
RAVE: I normally work swing shift switching between 2nd an 3rd shift every 27 days. I fucking hate third shift with a passion. BUT, due to some staffing issues, I get to stay on 2nd shift for the foreseeable future!
Rant: Some idiot doctor gave my pretty-much-an-alcoholic friend a scrip for Lorazepam yesterday. Kid was barely holding it together before this and was an absolute mess last night with the new combo of pills and booze. He's got enough money to float along for a while and be a complete shitshow. His parents don't care and/or have given up. Sucks to see someone you like slowly circle the drain.
Rant: I got an IUD put in today and all my cat wants to do is step on my uterus. I've been writhing around in my bed for three hours and not in the good way.
Rant: It's only 6 pm on a Tuesday. I need an expresso and toothpicks to hold open my eyes. Rave: Despite the inconvenient timing, my personal life has never been better.
WTF? Walking home from class, some guy in a car barked at me. I looked at him with my most confused face and he said "I'm sorry girl, you just brought out the dog in me." It seemed simultaneously inappropriate and hilarious.
Rant: About every year or so, the muscles in my back, right underneath my shoulder blades and along my spine, reach a point of maximum twisting and knotting and produce a dazzling spray of pain all day and night if I so much as blink too hard. Not to mention that every time I take a deep breath, it feels like I'm being stabbed. Last year, the only thing that made it go away was taking a muscle relaxer one of the guys I was hunting with offered me. The fiance has some leftover in our medicine cabinet, and if Aleve doesn't cut it today, I'm going for the rattler tonight. This is bullshit.
Rave: 4 hour work days all week. Your tax dollars hard at work. Rant: The guy that's teaching the class I'm in is treating me like I'm a child and have no knowledge about my job whatsoever. I can't really say shit and since I only have 2 days left in this class it isn't even worth it. The shitty part is while he's knowledgeable the guy is an absolutely terrible speaker and keeps on using the wrong words, like "anonymity" instead of "amenity", this has happened several times each day. The worst part is he's mixed up certain values multiple times (and this is paraphrasing to the extreme because I don't feel like typing out a paragraph to explain the actual situations) like "In order to find X you need to subtract Y from Z" when in reality Z needed to be subtracted from Y. I got what he meant, fortunately I already knew half of the information before going to the class, but I noticed he did this several times, and worse yet he did it on more in depth material and I could tell the rest of the class didn't even realize it.
Rave: So the boys turned two last week. Can't believe how quickly everything goes nowadays. The weather was perfect for their party and it turned out really well. They also had their two year checkup last week. Since they were born three months early, we were told it'd take them until 4 or 5 to fully catch up to their peers. Well weight wise they were both in the upper 80% and height in the upper 60%. They also hit all the two year old milestones. We can't believe how lucky we are to be where we're at with how they started out. Rave: The are in the terrible two's and all that not listening stuff, but man are the fun. There is nothing like coming home from work to see two faces in the window waiting for you yelling for you to come in. That usually then leads to a wrestling match. Makes you forget any problems in a hurry.
Rave: For anyone within reasonable distance to Norwalk, CT, Stew Leonards is doing $3.99 lobsters until 10/9. Limit 8 per person. Last time they did this, there were whole familes in line at the register, each member with a bag of 8 lobsters--the little kids clutching wads of cash.
RAVE I rarely listen to music at work, but today I did to drown out the petty bs that seems to constantly occur in the office. I swear it is like Pandora has crawled into my brain and played everything I could ever want to hear even if I didn't know I wanted to hear it. It is making my work day darn near tolerable.
Rant: Gadzooks, this prep liquid is some of the most vile stuff I've ever imbibed. It's like drinking a liter of saltwater with a packet of Splenda mixed in. Having nothing but liquids all day, I get the feeling I'm going to be discharging hot dog water for the next 12 hours.
RANT I was told that after I finished my work for the week that I could leave for Atlanta. Five minutes ago, I was handed another project and it has to be done immediately. So much for a 3.5 day weekend. RAVE Fuck these bitches, I'm still going to Atlanta tomorrow.