Rave Last minute trip to Columbus to hang with some friends I haven't seen in a while was a good idea. Last night was a blast, the game was exciting and we partied the shit out of that town. Met a real cute girl to boot. Can't complain Rant The Browns still haven't won a game.
Rave: Moving to Las Vegas to pursue more opportunities in boxing in early November. The only thing that would sidetrack that is on the long shot I get offered a job in New York when I'm out there for a few weeks this month. I'm stopping by the offices of an up-and-coming premium network that has their hand in boxing for sort of an impromptu interview. Either way, I'll be out of NorCal for good, thank Christ. Rave: That would mean finally being able to get away from my crazy ex-girlfriend who decided she loves boxing, made friends with the people I didn't get along with (and people she used to trash talk) and goes to the same fights I do. She went to Vegas the same weekend I did last month and is going to the same fight as me in LA this coming weekend. Pretty infuriating. People like her because she's a pretty face with tits and kisses ass via social media, but nobody knows just what a cunt she is. Like beyond reasonable. Gotta get away from that!
Rant: Fuck I have terrible facial hair. I haven't shaved since Thursday and I look like walking probably cause. Seriously, my facial hair grows in Joe Dirt style with those weird ass sideburns, and I rock only the trashiest of 'staches. Rant: Work is going to suck this week.
Rave: Relations both before and after my gameday. Best friend was in town who I haven't seen in months, oh yea, we beat the shit out of Georgia. I'm so happy I didn't die this weekend.
Rant: Why does the government take so god damn long to do everything. Dying to know whether or not I have this job...
Rant: The boy has had headaches getting worse again... he's had chronic headaches and dizziness of varying strength for about 4 years now and every test they run keeps coming up with nothing. I worry about him. Rant: When they're bad they completely kill his sex drive. And I feel bad for feeling frustrated, because he would totally want to bone me if he wasn't in lots of pain.
Rant: Got my first of what will surely be literally hundreds of rejections for jobs in the US. But as the big man once said, "keep on pressin' on." Rave: Thankfully I'm extremely good at being rejected for jobs, being that it happened to me a bunch here before my latest two-month US vacation. Hooray for thick skin! Edit: I could always try marrying a female board member and getting entry/a visa that way - but that didn't end so well last time I tried it. Rant: I love my room-mates, but I wish they'd just get their asses in gear and ask the landlord to fix their shower instead of using mine. I pay more for the master bedroom and ensuite for a reason, gang... Reason being so I can jerk off in the shower without fear of holding anyone up, but still Rave: Spinach leaf salad with pine nuts, Spanish onion, grape tomatoes, green peppers, grilled chicken and blue cheese. Worth waiting through eight hours of work for.
Rant: I hate spiders. I can handle the daddy-long-leggers that like to hide in our grill cover, or the little wolf spiders that make their way in the house occasionally. But for some reason, when it starts getting colder, we get these huge spiders in our basement that like to hide out in our utility sink. It's got to the point where I tip-toe over to the sink and peer over the edge, and sure enough, there's one of those things hanging out in the drain. So I go through my usual routine of starting to sweat and turning on the hot water so I can wash it down the drain while scalding it at the same time. Except this time, the spider was so big, IT STARTED FIGHTING THE WATER AND CRAWLING BACK UP OUT OF THE DRAIN!!! So now I'm throwing water on the thing (while spazzing appropriately) and it's still fighting me but eventually I am successful and it falls down the drain. I run the hot water for a bit to make sure it's good and dead, but this thing was so big, I am convinced it's just hanging out in a curve in the drain and will rise once again. So I found a piece of spare 2 x 4 wood my husband left lying around and cover the drain with it. Extreme, I know, but you didn't see this thing. Well, it's been a week now and I can't bring myself to remove the board. I just KNOW it's hanging out in there waiting to jump at me once I remove it. I've imprisoned it for a whole week! It's got to be mad at me! I'm never using that sink again. Or, you know, I'll have my husband remove it. After I leave the house. Rant: I really, really, hate spiders. Oh, and it's also creepy when you are home alone and hear a door open. I think the spider was one of these: (about the size of the one on the wall, not the toilet, but it moves that fast. And it shows my commitment to this rant that I searched for a spider video!)
Rave: Redbull Stratos jump is back on schedule and it launches around 1:00-1:30pm EST. Parachuting from fucking space. This is awesome. Live feed here.
Nerd Rant: Apple and I are in a huge fight. Here I was hearing that they are soooo perfect and they don't do anything wrong and all their products and shit are the best. NO. A couple of weeks ago, I got the option to upgrade to Ios6 so I did, and my iPod promptly crashed and I had to restore it and reload all of my music which was boring and took forever. Then, over the weekend I tried downloading a new podcast right from my iPod since I didn't have my computer with me and it told me I had to download this special Podcast App, which I thought was just for downloading podcasts, but now that's where all my podcasts are and I hate every single thing about this app. It's the WORST. And there's no way for me to get them back to where they were. I was even a 40 year old woman and called the support line to ask and everything, but I can't. And I can't get back to Ios5 either, which I would really like to do. My iPod makes me so angry now. My life is really, really hard.
Rant: god damn it. There's a woman I don't particularly care for that I see on an infrequent basis. She hooked up with one of my friends, it ended badly, and now she goes out of her way to aggravate him. As in, I'll be standing outside with him on a balcony, and she will find some random guy, drag him outside, and start making out with him within a foot of us. I called her out on it and I tend be fairly obnoxious to her. She doesn't like me, I don't like her, and that's all well and good. Well, turns out one of her friends is astonishingly attractive, single, and looking. Another mutual friend wants to play matchmaker as she thinks we'd suit each other. However, she is struggling to create an opportunity for us to get together because apparently it is some sort of sin to invite the one without the other. Essentially, I've managed to cockblock myself by not keeping my mouth shut and being unnecessarily antagonistic. This is even more irritating because I used to do this a lot when I was younger, and now that I'm a little older I honestly thought I'd learned not to do this shit. Apparently not. Grr. Rant: I headed round to an old school friend's place for dinner with him and his wife last night. It was great, good food, good company, happy days. Then, he invited one of his mates over to play some poker. The mate is entertainingly arrogant, so we're all smacktalking each other and having a good time. Then, my school friend starts taking little digs at his wife, I assume to look like the big man on campus in front of his mate. He's cracking shitty jokes at her expense, him and his mate are laughing like drains, and I'm sitting there in awkward silence. I could have called him out on it, but interfering in the domestic affairs of others is basically never a good idea - especially at his own house. I ended up calling it a night and leaving, but jesus christ. What a totally unnecessary, bullshit cliche of a situation. Short term rant, long term rave: good friend just broke up with her fiance. Her fiance was a massive, total douche with 0 redeeming features, so I'm not exactly crying tears of sorrow at the break up. However, she's obviously in pain, and I really have no idea what to say or do to help. At least it was before the wedding I guess.
I don't know which one this is: Saw this hilarious Gagnam Style video for the first time last weekend. Sent it to my friend and discover it's only the most popular music video on the internet ever. Is it good that I'm this out of touch, or should I be thankful for a career and family that keep me busy?
Rant: Met the girls extended family this weekend for thanksgiving (The real on you assclowns south of the border) Rave: The fucking loved me Rave: Achievement unlocked - Stealthy sex in the parent's house Rave: She wanted more before I dropped her off at home (after a 2hr drive)
RANT: Assuming that my mother is not the most skilled and cunning pathological liar and manipulator this world has ever seen, she has some form of degenerative brain disease. About 18 months ago, she and my brother had a massive fight that led to him moving in with my dad. She can barely remember fragments of this night. Since, she has had increasingly frequent blackouts. She has to write a specific plan when she goes on errands, or she finds herself in the Arby's parking lot with no idea of why she's there. She finds herself walking out of the grocery store with food she doesn't remember buying. She buys a book, starts to read it, and realizes that the story is so familiar because she's read the book before. She woke up with a bruise on the back of her head, and thought maybe she had fallen but wasn't sure. She's exhausted from a month of sinus/upper respiratory infection, has a family history of Alzheimer's (which contributed to her dad sucking off a shotgun in a parking lot...harmless disease, really), and had a CAT scan over a year ago which showed multiple scattered focii. The doctor shook hi head in confusion and said that while she had symptoms that could partly correlate to anything from dementia to MS, he would need another scan to compare it to, which she won't get because her husband has congestive heart failure and she doesn't want to stress him. So now, after swearing to God I would keep this as-yet-unknown to me information to myself, I get to wake up tomorrow and betray her trust by calling my aunt who already has enough shit on her hands, and get her to help me figure out how to get this shit taken care of. Why so suddenly? Because my dear mother, somewhere between her blind faith in Jesus and fear of becoming her mother, has decided not to mention ANY of the above to the doctor who will give her a physical Friday morning before her foot surgery. Which happens to involve anesthesia, something that I imagine does not mix well with possible concussions and dementia symptoms. Of course, knowing that my grandmother and mother both have a capacity for (mostly) subconscious manipulation and passive-aggressiveness, some part of my brain is struggling to root out any sign of deceit. Things that don't match up, things that support what she says, the logical side of my brain is going mad trying to decide what the right choice here is while the emotional side of my brain is starring in Eli Roth's version of Benny Hill. And fuck me for being so indecisive and hung up with trust issues.
RAVE: IT BEGINS. The battle between opossum and man. Like David and Goliath, except Goliath is a nocturnal marsupial and David is a 28-year-old man with a Daisy slingshot.
Rant: I have that itchy feeling where I think I'm not living up to my full potential, but I'm having too much fun to care. Rave: I am having entirely too much fun.