Rant: One of the younger guys from my AA group who has struggled with staying sober for the past 2 years was struck by a car at 2:00 am trying to cross the interstate highway on foot. Yes, he was drunk. He would have turned 30 today. It's going to be a pretty somber meeting tonight.
Rave:The heat in my building turned on this morning without me having to call my landlord and threaten him with the fact I know it was supposed to be turned on Sept 15th and I'll call 311 everyday on his ass. It was glorious, like a fluffy panda bear giving me a hug. Rave:Another night of Trivia. I've organized a group of people way smarter than me, and we've come in the top 3 times every single bar we've played at. We won a 3 hour happy hour at one bar. Can't wait to use that!
Rave- Shot my first deer of the season yesterday and it's already hanging at the butcher shop. Rant- Was not selected for an interview for a large media companies' huge hiring blitz this week. Probably sent my resume in too late as there were probably thousands upon thousands of submissions. But my lack of decent professional experience ain't helping.
So we found out yesterday that our oldest's French teacher died in a house fire over the long weekend. Which is awful enough. Then we find out she was actually found strangled and the police, of course, suspect arson. Then we find out the police have arrested someone. It turns out they arrested her son. He killed his mother and then set the house on fire. I'm not sure anything other than a plague could make this story any more fucking horrifying.
Rave: There is a three foot long iguana in the house. It is fucking awesome. Rant: It belongs to a roommate's friend and will be leaving tomorrow.
RAVE: Going away for our 10th year anniversary. We rented a cabin in the woods with a jacuzzi and a fireplace and it's near some fun things to do. We haven't been completely alone together for an extended period of time in a very long while. RAVE: I am doing extremely well in school with a straight A average and am on track to enter the LPN-RN program in December. All I need is CPR certification and good results on the ACT and I should have no problem.
Rant: It's a weird feeling when you get to the point where you have money than your parents and they need a little dough here and there. I don't mind it, they provided wonderfully for us growing up, but still, its odd.
Rant: Kid got her shots yesterday, and isn't feeling so hot today. She slept really poorly, woke up every couple of hours crying (she almost never wakes up crying, one of her best traits), and was running a low grade fever. Rave: Little bit of Tylenol and a bottle later, she is down for a nap and sleeping better than she did at all last night. Now I'm just hoping she stays out for a few hours and feels better when she wakes up.
????: Wrote out the 'I think we should be friends' message* It's a question mark because we've been together four years, and we're def still great friends, but thats the thing, it's just fun hangouts and sex, with us wanting otherwise totally different things out of life, and me stressing to meet her objectives for me to be in her life after shes done school and her stressing that i want a family and she doesn't. The plus side is I guess that I'd never had the balls for this before, this is my longest relationship ever and its been tearing me up not knowing how to actually grow a pair and take action. * and yeah it was a message. We decided when we started talking relationship drama that it'd be best if I put it into text as I'm more articulate and organized when I'm typing. I know its lame but it's really necessary for me to convey myself well.
Rave/Rant: Wife is about 7 weeks pregnant. Nervous as hell. Rave: The short story about how i knew she was pregnant. Wife: I just had bacon wrapped pickles, they were so good. Me: ...... Here take this piss on a stick. Wife: WHAT? I love bacon, I love pickles, what is so odd? Me: Ummm everything. Just take it, and tell me what it says. Couple minutes later. Wife: You were right, i am pregnant. But it still isn't that odd. Me: What ever you say honey.
Rave: Having subordinates is awsome. Now instead of having to do everything myself I can simply pass certain tasks along to them.
Rave: In Vegas for the first time. I'm not sure what to expect, but everyone tells me this weekend is going to be nuts. We'll see. One of my friends decided to do bottle service, so hopefully that ends up being pretty cool. Rant: It's raining like a motherfucker here. I wasn't even aware it got this cold/gloomy over here. Shit.
Rant - people who think they can treat me like shit simply because they're clients. Wrong. I don't have to do anything for anyone. I can refuse service to anyone. So I did. Rave - ding dong she's gone.
RAVE: Freaks and Geeks. I've been meaning to check this show out for a while, and it's even better than I was expecting.
Rave: New training partners are actually in the middle of a cycle and I'm keeping up pretty well. I'm happy. Rave: Training first thing in the morning is awesome. Gym is almost empty, and the people that are there are actually working out. However... Rant: When did squatting on a bosu ball become a thing? What's wrong with these people? Rave: The League is back tonight bitches! SHIVAKAMINI SOMAKANDARKRAM! How can you go wrong with Ruxin?
Here's What: If someone wants to ask for a relatively big favor, why do they dance around the truth and ask it in front of about 3 other people, putting me on the spot? "Do you want to carpool to X?" is a little bit misleading when you actually mean, "My car broke down and I can't afford/don't want to get it fixed 'til Christmas. Can you please drive me to and from clinicals every day for 2 months?" Of all the people in my program, I am stuck working at the same hospital as this guy. He's gotten on my nerves since the dozen times he wiped cadaver juice on me, thinking it was hilarious. (After about the 4th or 5th time, the Funny is gone and it's just like being in lab with a 12 year old.) I wouldn't mind driving him at all if he was upfront and at least offered to buy me lunch a few times a week or give me gas money. I'm trying to figure out a way to say no.
RANT: I've had the last few days off work due to an accident at some shitty old chemical plant where I was nearly blinded. I was doing a job I've done a million times, attaching a wire head to a fish tape* to pull wires through conduit. I was on the top step of a ladder when the wire head slipped of the hook in the fish tape before I could tape it, and it hit me dead in my right eyeball. I seen it comming but it happened so quick I couldn't move. Once it hit I felt the worst pain I've had in my life and all I seen was black, I thought I was blind in that eye. Some how I made my way down the ladder where my coworker found me on my knees holding my eye. When he realized my eyeball was bleeding, he took me to the hospital. The doctor looked at my eye, and he told me if the initial hit got me an eighth of an inch to the right, or cut a c-hair deeper I would be blind. I have a small tear on my eyeball, and two abrasions on my pupil. I got extremely lucky here. This wouldn't have happened if I was wearing saftey glasses. I wasn't though because I was working in an area that didnt require saftey glasses to work in. This was too close of a call for me, so from now on when I'm on the company clock I'm going to wear saftey glasses 100% of the time. * this is a fish tape It's a metal band 1/4 of an inch wide made from sprung steel. It comes off one way, but if you pull it off the opposite way it acts just like a spring. They have been known to leave bruises if you get hit by them.
Rant: Just filed my first noise complaint. I am officially an old person. This is the third Thursday in a row that this house has been playing obnoxiously loud music and shaken-baby-syndrome bass, and after showing up two weeks in a row in my pajamas and asking them to turn it down (albeit not terribly politely), I was an asshole and called it in. Rave: Relative quiet. Bedtime for SKL.