Rant- I don't even know how to begin this. Long and short, a group of four is going downtown on Friday night. Everyone lives in roughly the same suburb and downtown is some 20 miles and 45 minutes away. I suggested that we meet at someone's house and call a cab. Having fought a DUI once, I'll never drive under the influence again. Ever. A buddy agreed and we we're ready to roll until the others "would rather drive because some cab drivers can be, you know, kind of creepy." What. The. Fuck.
Rant: Can't fucking wait until the election is over. Every other commercial on TV is a political ad for one congressperson running in my state or another. Especially since some of the more common ads are being run by a congressperson I completely loathe, and I don't even vote in that person's district. I'm absolutely sick of it. Rave: So glad I don't live in a swing state. If I had to put up with the existing ads plus a neverending stream of presidential ads, TV would be completely unwatchable.
Rave: I leave today for work with the absolute bare minimum of gear, just enough to do an interview. Short day interviewing Stoudemire, like an hour and a half of work and I make bank. Finish up at about 4:30, and my phone rings immediately after wrapping. "Hey, can you do an interview at 6:00 with the singer from Metric?" Yes, in fact, that's the only thing i"m capable of doing right now. SCORE for like two and a half hours of work I made more than I usually make in a week Rant: We shot inside a recording studio. Inside. She WORE SUNGLASSES FOR THE INTERVIEWAMSJXRDK'SMK'HAAAAATEEE
RANT: I don't want to live on this planet anymore. If you read it, I'm telling you you'll either fly into a rage or question humanity. I read it and almost started sobbing at my desk. I thought my job had jaded me enough between working in Special Assault and with gang members committing murder that I would be immune to seeing the evil that people can do. I was wrong.
Rave: I'm shitfaced. In Miami. And I just went swimming with a 70 year old man in a banana hammock and a 55 year old woman who I think may have been hitting on me. She touched my bum. I kinda missed you fuckers.
Rave: el husband's little brother is coming over tonight to stay with us for a few days. I am kind of excited. He is our first out of town guest and it'll be fun to show him around. Rant: The longer I'm here and the more I think about it, the more I'm certain that none of my family will probably ever make it out here. It makes me sad but I understand. They do quite a bit of car travel along the coast from TX to LA to AL to take care of projects, visit during holidays, etc, and rarely if ever hop on a plane to go somewhere. And this would be QUITE the plane ride and expense.
Rave: life. A good female friend of mine posted a link to a baby panda cam on Facebook. We got to chatting, and the girl from interstate I mentioned in a much, much earlier post joined in. The conversation took a left turn somewhere and between the peer pressure from the two of them I ended up booking flights to gatecrash my friend's holiday in Melbourne next week. It's a good feeling to have smart, funny, attractive women desire your company. It's not a feeling I got much when I was younger, so damn right I'm going to exult in it now. It's like a little "life: ur doin it rite" badge. Rave: not only are we meeting up with interstate girl, there are two other extremely fun (and incidentally, very hot) women attending. The trip is a sort of... 'celebration' is the wrong word, but maybe stress relief for my friend, who recently broke up with her fiancee. And, they are all staying with the husband and wife that are my two closest friends. What on earth did I do right to get to spend a week partying with the 5 most fun women I know and my best male friend? Fucked if I know, but thank you universe. Rave: I played my first game of basketball since the knee reconstruction last night. Not only did we win, my knee held up just fine and I'm not in the hospital. And the rest of my year looks like this: concert tonight, pool party Saturday, Sunday Sesh for a mate's birthday, then the trip to Melbourne next week, followed by 4 days of work and a fishing trip down south with my parents (Dunsborough for the Aussies), capped off by my birthday and Breakfest, a fantastic rave for older, slightly jaded ravers for which I'm hosting pre's and after's. Life is just sublime at the moment.
Rave: Survived a squat/deadlift 100 rep lift, and then a 5k in under 20 minutes. Probably the best workout I've had so far, but fuck walking tomorrow. Rant: Bored, wired, alone on a Friday night. This sobriety in Korea shit is for the birds, because the world is at the bar right now.
Rave: Marine Ball this weekend. Rant: 3 hour drive to Myrtle Beach. Rant: I told myself last year that I would order a Tigger costume early on. Never did, so I don't have a costume yet again...
RAVE: I bought my ticket for the Boca Juniors vs. River Plate match tonight. Although I spent about $160 US on each ticket, it'll definitely be worth it. Rant: Due to a breakdown in communication, I was on the hook for two tickets instead of one, but the guy gave me the black market exchange rate when letting me buy one of the tickets in US dollars and one in pesos.
Rant/Rave: More or less just scared the hell out of me, but earth quake just hit. 7.1 100miles away. My house is on piles so it moved alot. Atleast 3 after shocks so far. Good thing i put earth quake insurance on the house, hope nothing is wrong. They are saying 7.7 now.
RANT: Fucking. Contractors. Come home from an 18-hour drive to see that instead of just moving my bookshelves like they did last time, they took all my meticulously organized books off and threw them into the middle of my office like so much trash. And then, as if that weren't enough, the bookshelves themselves are absolutely destroyed. Granted they were not top of the line woodworking, but they were enough to serve my purposes. Now, however, it looks like the contractors aligned them and delivered a Dragon Ball Z punch into the side, since they're both strangely collapsed like two drunkards using the wall for support. This brings the contractor kill count up to: 1 hard drive full of irreplaceable shit, and 2 bookshelves. The piece de resistance, of course, being that they used this wonderful silver horse that I bought in Indonesia as a door stop, and forgot to put it back on my dresser so that I wouldn't notice. Dickheads.
Rant: Spent all day and last night not enjoying Halloween festivities, but finally moving the girlfriend in. God damn she has a lot of shit. Rave: She's baking me a cheesecake as a thank you. Rant: Had another party tonight, but looks like it might get cancelled due to Hurricane Sandy Vagina. Same shit as last year. First world hurricane problems.
Rave: Last night's Halloween party was a blast Rant: Woke up on the floor, still wearing my leather pants. My head is killing me. Rant: Didn't get lucky, my sister's friend was really into me, but freaked out because I'm her best friend's brother. And I know she's really dirty in bed. Dammit.
Rant: Got shafted this Marine Corps Ball. Our shop is 24/7 coverage... which means that certain people have to stay behind. As one of the few people in my shop who happens to be single, my number came up. Rant: Shithead LCpl came up to me a WEEK before he left for Japan. "Hey, I'm $6,000 in debt with an 18% APR loan." I got reamed out by the master sergeant for "not mentoring my Marines." His car is a complete piece of shit and basically unsellable in its current form. (2003 Jaguar X-type, busted radiator, busted transfer case, busted transmission, no AC, no fans, no radio. Any takers?) Rave: I came up with a solution that I think will help everyone involved. After I work out everything with Legal, I will loan him six grand. He will direct deposit $500 in my account every month. This way, he gets an interest-free loan. In return, I get the car, which I am hopefully going to part out before selling the rest for scrap. Our resident car guru says that I can probably make about $3,000 off of this. I'm not sure if I'm suckering him, but there is no way for him to sell the car or part it out while halfway across the world, so the best he could do is sell it for scrap. So I think I'm doing him a favor. Rant: Our MOS is downsizing. Badly. Our shop's optimal staffing requirement is three crews of eight people. Unfortunately, everyone is GTFOing, and we aren't getting any replacements. We're losing ten people in the next few months. Which means that there will be 14 people on staff. For a shop that's 24/7 coverage. And of those 14 people, four of them are completely useless and are used for nothing but bitch-work. So we really have ten people. Top called the monitor to protest three of our guys being sent to Japan, and the monitor told him to "suck it up." Rant: After this happens, we are going to be working 12-hour shifts. Indefinitely.
Rave: Good weekend but, oh man, am I exhausted now. Good thing this storm is coming so I can pretend THAT's why I'm not leaving my bed for the next few days. Rant:I got approached as a hooker three times on Friday evening just because I was pacing up and down the same block in Midtown for 40 minutes as I waited for my ex/friend's bus to get in. I think they all figured out pretty quickly that they were mistaken so I never got flat-out asked "How much?" but I am 98% sure that's what was happening. I wasn't even dressed slutty. Rave: Ex sex that didn't go awry, emotionally. Rant: He decided he wanted to go out for a snack once that whole thing was over and I was already in my PJS but couldn't fathom changing so I threw my college sweatshirt over my silk nightgown and put some flip flops on and left the house that way. I still feel trashy. Rant: He fell asleep before me so I was listening to my iPod as I fell asleep. I remember deciding to turn it off for the night, but when I woke up the next morning I could not find that shit ANYWHERE. It has disappeared. I've been tearing through my room the whole weekend looking for it but nope. And what's really driving me nuts is I swear I remember finding it in my bed when I came home really late and really drunk last night but I still can't find it. Rant/Rave: Halloween was mostly fun but kind of a bust. We were attempting to find someone for a threesome, which we thought would be really easy on Halloween, but it failed pretty miserably. Turns out that we have very different tastes in women. Rant: Woke up dead this morning. I feel like I've just been biding time these past few weeks waiting to be hit with being really fucking sick because I've been feeling my systems starting to shut down one by one. I think the hangover kicked them all over the edge. Rave: The main plan he wanted to do in the city was eat and OH did we eat: Shake Shack, secret pastrami place in my neighborhood, this famous Caribbean restaurant in my neighborhood, dim sum, farmers' market picnic, taco truck. Delicious. I have a smorgasbord of leftovers for dinner tonight. Rave: I get to work from home for the next 2-3 days until the subway starts running again. This is quite perfect because I simultaneously didn't want to lose 2-3 days work at all and absolutely did not want to go to work at all. It would be cool to have this option all the time. I'm just hoping my power doesn't go out and that the lower floor of my apartment (which is in the basement of the building) doesn't flood.
Rave Finally got to go out some more, after I didn't manage to for about 8 weeks straight. Rant Someone seemingly rubbed his ass against one of the walls in my room during the party we had yesterday, resulting in a nice stain on the wall I painted three weeks ago. Thanks a lot, dickhead. Rant I'm starting to believe this dry spell will never end. Rant What was the first sentence in the description for the presentation I have to do for my pharmacoeconomics course? Your subject is very complex - thanks for your effort. Yeah. Fuck you, too.