Rant: Fuck law review. My comment is fucking awful. I no longer give a shit about being published. I just want to get my graduation writing requirement out of the way and have law review on my resume. Even if I were to get published no one gives a shit. Why would they? I don't even give a shit about this paper. It's just all part of the dick measuring contest. Rant Eight pages to meet the requirement for my second draft that's due Wednesday. It's not that many pages but I die a little on the inside with each passing page.
Rave: I should go on weekend vacations with my girlfriend more often. It was a perfect mix of plans and spontaneity and Duluth, MN is awesome. Rant: I managed to lock the keys to her car in the truck while I was out hunting and she was shopping. I had no tools on hand but my compass, knife, and pistol (way to be unprepared!). No cell phone reception either. Fuck. Rave: I walked to the closest farm and the fella there was kind enough to gather some stuff, drive us back to the car, and totally save my ass. THANK YOU DALE! Shady Rave: I learned how to break into a car without damaging anything.
Rave: Apparently an underclassman's B.O. is so bad his classmates can smell it in cadaver lab. Let's think about this. In a lab full of 20 corpses pumped full of chemicals, they can smell this kid. I think they need to stage an intervention, and I really want to witness it. More Rave: Finals this week. For the rest of the year I'll be in clinic full-time to work with stroke and brain injury patients. Working with my research group in my spare time. I'm really excited/nervous to practice on my own, but hopefully I'll learn a lot and have a kickass experience.
Rant: Joe Simpson is not exactly helping his not gay case. Im not saying wearing a guy in a yellow sweater and carrying a white iPhone makes you gay, but it doesnt help. http://www.wwtdd.com/enlargedimage/...gay-rumors/86177pcn_papajoe12/&postid=1134622 Rave: I didnt know the Insanity workout dude was gay. He got married this weekend. Good for him!
Rave The Browns pull out win #2 in an ugly game, but hey a win is a win. Rant Yeah I'm going to bitch about the constant rain this week, thanks Sandy.
Rant: The hurricane decided to shuffle on over past the Eastern seaboard and hit the Midwest. The residents are freaking out like it's something out of that game Interstate 76. Lines at the gas station are horrendous and people are getting into fist fights over the last bit of gas. What's worse is that there are blackouts spreading from Eastern PA. Dammit, Sandy, I need to Internet to bitch!
RANT: This morning this was on my newsfeed. Its from a friend and a person who is not her husband nor her baby daddy. Also this person has a wife and two kids. YOU FUCKING MORONS! Rant: I'm debating getting involved or just getting out my popcorn and watching this shit show. Jesus Christ.
RAVE: Made it through Sandy with nothing but rain gutters down on one side of the house and a few broken branches. Friends and family are all good. Rant: I already feel sorry for the kids that will be born next summer whose parents will name them Sandy.
????: Disney just bought Lucasfilm for $4 billion RANT: Making Star Wars Episode 7.... RAVE: Without George Lucas running the ship, he'll only be creative consultant.
Rant: Sick as a dog the last couple days, and finally bucked up and went to see a doctor this morning. Antibiotics and nasal spray. Gross. Rave: Sick days mean porn days. Rant: I think I fucked my vagina totally raw. It hurts. Rave: California in one week. (And this fucking flu better be gone by then.)
? - The day always takes an interesting turn when someone comes in and starts getting nasty and loud with one of my coworkers. She's only got a year in, and asked for help. He then starts giving me lip, my response was to tell him to chill out and knock off the attitude because I wasn't impressed. Little fucker actually said "Well, you're talking in rhetorical questions, so, I'm only answering you rhetorically." One of the supervisors swooped in and took him to her office. He started getting loud with her until he realized that there were four armed probation officers standing at the door, along with two more in the hall. He realized this was not a fight worth having and quieted his ass down. What I wish I could've done was take out my canister of OC Spray from my duty belt, put it on my desk and say "Keep it up. I know how much this shit hurts and I'd love to introduce you two." Since that's grounds for job loss, I decided to not act on that impulse. Rant because 25 year olds with a chip on their shoulder annoy the fuck out of me, rave because it makes work interesting.
Rave: I'm not too keen on the managerial and administrative aspects of my job, writing reports, tracking budgets, supervising the staff--having those responsibilities means having a smaller case load and working directly with clients is what I love. But the upside of being the boss is I get to assign the cases and therefore get to pick and choose my cases. Tomorrow, I'm meeting with a new client: borderline personality disorder, bi-polar disorder, and partially deaf. It was a tough decision. I had to assign the cross-gender felon with major depressive disorder to someone else.
Rave: I consider this a rave only because of how hilariously misguided this is. I legitimately laughed at this poor, poor soul that I have on Facebook and the utter shitstorm he created for himself. I knew him in my first year of school but haven't spoken to him since. He was always a very nice guy, kind of quiet, pretty intelligent, and I always knew he was quite immersed in his ideological world. Apparently he sacrificed several of those traits just to work on one. Before I post it, here's a disclaimer...I am not laughing at the content because, as a rational personal, I find it disturbing that someone can think like this. I am laughing at how hilarious it is that he thought that posting this in a semi-public forum would bring him anything but trouble. Here is his masterpiece: Spoiler My Perspective on Rape in North America I believe that it's sexier for woman to dress conservatively because it makes peoples imaginations work. They will imagine how parts of your body look when you are more conservatively dressed. You are also respecting yourself, your creator and your family when you dress in this respectful conservative manner. On the other hand, when you show off 50% of your chest, show off your abs and where skin tight jeans, you really don't leave anything to the imagination it's all in plane sight. I know girls and woman are only doing what they see as normal in this society. I call it an mental illness and it has come about through the influence of mainstream media brainwashing woman to show the nasty way super stars, athletes and other famous people live their lives (being promiscuous, showing off their bodies, acting cocky and having so much pride that they disrespect, degrade (peoples dignity as humans), cheating on their spouses, and are rude (using vulgar language) to the people they interact with, whether it's family or anyone else. These are the last human being to be seen as role models when it comes to good character and values. The skimpy way girls and woman dress is 50% of the reason they get raped, sexually harassed, stalked and creeped out by men/people outside and at the gym. The other 50% of the reason they get raped is because of the lack of self control and mental illness of the men. To violate another humans rights to that degree is truly a mental illness, all in all a disgusting and unacceptable act. To resolve the issue of rape in this or any other society is a necessity. We need to have campaigns about this. We need to teach children about this in schools. Please protect yourselves and don't invite the ill minded to violate your rights. Now for the ill minded that commit these acts, the law needs to give them the harshest punishment. Life in prison without parole in the least. May God be with all of us, protect us and grant us goodness. Ameen . I hope this doesn't inspire some random shitstorm political argument. If it does just delete it.
RAVE: Rob Zombie / Marilyn Manson concert tonight, work needs to hurry up and be over so drinking can commence.
Rave?: I'm still in bed, No power at the office. ?????: I still have Morning wood. Rant: The GF is at work.
IT'S GEEKTASTIC!: This is literally a childhood dream come true. I can still remember arguing with my friends when I was 10 about how many Star Wars movies there were going to be and the idea of nine movies always came up. And the best part is that George Lucas is having nothing to do with them! Holy screaming O Batman! http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=news/entertainment&id=8867943 Added link to the story.