Rant: This whole having people actively try to get me fired thing is sort of stressful. Unfortunately for me, it is way more of a hassle for my bosses to keep me around than it is to just let me go as I'm not fully certified for this position and they have to fill out lots of paperwork while I go back to school. I'm 90 percent certain I'm going to be dismissed because this lady has decided to go total war on me after I caught her daughter copy/pasting shit from sparknotes for a major assignment and gave her a zero. I thought I was cutting her a break by not failing her entirely as the class is for concurrent credit through the area community college.
Rant: The girl picked up the Halloween candy to pass out to trick or treaters. What did she get? Mounds and Three Musketeers. MOUNDS AND THREE MUSKETEERS.
Rave: Got home in time to catch the IPTL playoffs. MVP vs Startale, and if Sniper, freaking Sniper, brings MVP back from 4-2 while beating Parting I will eat my hat. Rave: Steak and bacon. Success.
RANT: Spent the last week working 6 hours a day on a project with a woman that has some autism spectrum disorder and is incapable of: 1) not talking; 2) not treating me like I'm five; 3) not being a total control freak. Imagine working a 6-hour stint with someone talking at you (not to you, at you) for 95% of that time. Then do it again every day for a week. RANT: Car needed new tires. Got good ones because I hate car trouble. A little pricey, but OK. RANT: After new tires and alignment, wheel bearing on car went out. $250 to fix. RANT: Tune up on car - flush various fluids, etc. was another $500. RANT: Tune up blew a hole in the radiator. RANT: Two mechanics diagnosed radiator leak as a transmission leak, which apparently I also had. RANT: Had to walk 4 miles to buy enough coolant and stop-leak to get car running again just so I can unload it. RANT: Had to spend a shitload of money on a new car because the old one is fucked. Glad it decided to die right after I put $1000 into it, though, that was nice. RANT: Can't sell old car because need lien release from DMV. RANT: Took a week to get lien release letter from Mazda credit. RANT: Spent 3 hours waiting at 2 DMVs to get new title issued. RANT: Stupid bitch at Mazda Credit cannot read simple English directions to fill out DMV lien release form right, so they will not issue new title. RANT: It will be another "6-10 business days" until I get another letter. RANT: Which will also probably be filled out wrong. RANT: Desk at home completely collapsed. RANT: Tried to go out tonight but coworker with bad performance review needed me to be his personal psychologist for two hours. WHATEVER: Decided to head out to get a little tiny Cruzer Fit USB drive to put my music on for the new car. Has to be tiny because otherwise I will eventually break the USB jack if I get one that sticks out. RANT: Fry's is out of them. RANT: Best Buy #1 says they have them in stock on the website, but they are "maybe on the truck or something, come back tomorrow." RANT: Best Buy #2 says they have them in stock on the website, but they are "not sure where they are, maybe they're on the truck or something." RANT: Office Depot has them in every size except the one I need. RANT: Now everything is closed. EDIT: RANT: Bit the inside of my lip twice while eating dinner.
Rant: No one showed up for my Lady Godiva costume contest on campus yesterday. Rave: Saw a coed dressed as Catwoman who seriously rivaled Anne Hathaway and had a cup of coffee with Audrey Hepburn, complete with tiara and cigarette holder.
?????? : wake n bake into listening to neutral milk hotel while reading about other peoples success in weight loss in one tab and about crazy exes in another is the most emotionally dissonant thing ever RANT: Did bullshit tech support all Halloween night.
Rant: I'm supposed to be the best at my fuckin job. Of the six people that do this particular job in my workspace, I am easily the best. Today I ran into something I couldn't figure out how to fix. Rave: Two other teams of highly competent (but not as good as me) people have looked over my work, found no fault, redone the work themselves on an alternate site and found it identical to mine (i.e. no faults). Rant: SHIT STILL DON"T WORK Rant: As the premier tech on site, I'm gonna be awake and restless until this shit gets fixed. And when it does, and it's something stupid and simple, I'm gonna be pissed. RAVE: I AM the fucking best at what I do, internationally. People overseas call me for advice. I should be fuckin paid more...
Rave: going in for a lumbar steroid injection in a few hours. Turns out I have degenerative disc disease: 2 bulging discs, 1 with a small tear. I am really hopeful that this will make me feel normal.
Rave: It's Movember. Rant: Strife at home due to Movember. Is it because I look like I belong at a NAMBLA convention?
I know no replies but I dont want to make a "begging for money / whos doing movember thread" - but could people respond if a lot of people are doing it maybe we can do a team? I'm doing it as well RAVE: dont look like a pedophile yet RANT: because i have no moustache yet.
Rantish: One of my best friends is moving in. This is great because it'll help financially. It sucks because learning to live with another person fucking sucks. Right now it looks like a bomb went off in the apartment, it is becoming VERY clear that she isn't the most organized person. We are looking for a house to rent, hopefully more space will alleviate some of this feeling invaded sensation. Rave: New shoes! Retail therapy is a favorite.
Rant: Is every single office in the world required to have women named Nancy or Deborah? The last 10 clients I've been to have had at least one of each, and they've all been obese and mildly upsetting to look at. You know those women who wear the shitty glasses, have that weird mullet thing, don't wear makeup, and wear shirts with a lot of flowers on them? Nancy or Deborah- every single time. Rave: 3 weeks from today is Thanksgiving.
Rant: Work has been kicking my ass lately. Historically I have been one of the most accurate people in my office, but I am also one of the slowest. The past few weeks I have been even slower than usual, and I am afraid that when my work gets QAed it is going to have a lot of errors. I gave up the energy shots a few months ago and feel a lot better because of it, but my focus at work is not as good. They laid off 7 people a couple of weeks ago. We are only guaranteed work until about the middle of next year, and if there are more layoffs I think that I will be one of the ones let go. I am looking for a new job but I am not optimistic about my chances, especially during the last few weeks of the year. Rave: I am finally moving out of my mom and step dad's house. I found a townhouse that I am going to rent a room in for pretty cheap. Money will be tight for me, but I will probably drop a waist size or two from not eating my mom's cooking and the junk that she keeps around the house. Rant/Rave: I am trying to work up the nerve to ask out the girl who works at the front desk at my gym. Since I may switch to a cheaper gym soon this is the time to do it. Rave: I am going to give No Shave November a try for the first time ever. I had gotten so used to working in retail that I still shave almost every day. I am looking forward to this!
RANT: Work has been horrifically boring, hard to stay motivated to keep kicking ass when the majority of tasks coming across my desk are mundane and trivial and the majority of my peers in my department are tough to work with. I'm learning despite analytical abilities and leanings, I can't work with people lacking in creativity or qualitative thinking skills. RAVE: Leaving for LA in the morning to see an old roommate for the weekend and go to USC-Oregon. Warm weather, USC Song Girls, not working on dumb classwork. Excellent. RAVE: My buddy works for Jim Beam and they threw an absolute spectacle of a party last night with Maxim. Great atmosphere, great eye candy, open bar. That company knows how to fucking party. If it hadnt been a Wed night, shit could have gotten out of hand in the best possible way.
Rant: Sinus infection with a side of vertigo. Awesome. Vertigo really sucks. Rave: We taught our puppy to ring a bell when she wants to go out! It works! Of course, she's brilliant (when she's not being stupid), so I'm sure that factors into it.