Rant: I had a nightmare that I was having sex with Hulk Hogan and was enjoying it. Just typing that makes me want to hurl.
Rave: Back to deer hunting again this weekend. I get to hunt a private plot that has never been hunted on yet. On top of that, I'm taking a friend with me who has never been hunting before. Should be fun. Rant: Yesterday I said goodbye to a international student whom my family had become close with over the past few years. He's going back home to Tanzania this week. We'll miss ya, Gee. Rave: I've been given a huge opportunity through a new project I've been commissioned to work on. It's gonna be a real challenge for me... I'll need to learn advanced techniques and develop some innovative stuff in my shop to get it all done, and the client is relatively well known too. I'm feeling excited and anxious already, but mostly excited. This is the kind of project that will either jump-start establishing my brand and product or destroy it. Still can't believe I was picked for the job. Rave: By chance I met a guy this weekend who works in a material testing lab and is interested in helping me with evaluating and testing the stuff I mentioned above when we get spare time. Awesome!
Rave: The NY Times shit all over Guy Fieri and his restaurant. Their review made Applebees look like a five star establishment.
Rant: Rooting the HTC Evo 3D is one of the most difficult things EVER. I seriously spent the better part of 12 hours trying to root this fucking thing. Rave: Home made Chipotle style burritos.
My sister is still a dick. I look forward to Christmas because I will have an opportunity to smack her good.
RANT: I'm approximately 30 hours away from being done with my MBA. All that is left is a 5 page investment recommendation and a final tomorrow night. The paper is due in about 5 hours and I'm 65-75% done, but I just can't crawl through this last bit. The calculations and the spreadsheets, the hard parts, are finished, I just can't seem to just churn out the words, even though I have a very lenient and flexible professor. I feel like when I finish, the last thing I'll want to do is study for a dumb final in my other class, most worthless class I've taken out of about 20. RAVE: I'm 30 hours away from something I've been working the last 2.5 years to complete. I'm not sure where I'm going to be professionally or what opportunities will exist, but just getting to this point, while working full time in a draining position, has been one of the more satisfying challenges I've faced. Graduating with honors as well will be something I've never done up until this point. RAVE: Heading down back down to campus on Friday morning to watch out hockey team play a big series, drink my face off, and hopefully make out with a few college students. Seems like an acceptable reward for finishing...
Rant: Dear radio stations: Stop playing all these shitty covers of great songs. 99% of them suck. Fuck you. Play the original song. Rant: My neighbor is quite possible the most retarded person to not yet win a Darwin award. For 6, count em, 6 days straight he has double parked and blocked the spot I like to park. It's not that I have to walk so far anyway, but holy fucking shit. How hard is it? How the fuck do you manage to park with the white line smack in the middle of your car over and over? How the fuck can you be that retarded? Rave: I'm in a surprisingly good mood lately, which is nice. Maybe it's because the weather cooled down. For no reason, really.
ULTRA-RANT: The people selling our house decided, after getting on contract with us, to back out. They shoved a bilateral cancellation at us to sign just because they don't feel like selling their house. In consideration for letting them out of the deal, they are offering us... Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Legally, I don't think they have a leg to stand on. They are also not being forthcoming with why exactly we should do this, instead deciding to treat me like a chump who will just be like "oh, OK, nevermind, I guess I'll let you off because I'm such a Nice Guy." It appears they do not understand that treating me like a chump is, in actuality, motivating me to do everything in my power to make sure that contract is executed to the letter. RELATED RANT: But of course, everyone - my real estate agent, relatives, friends - are telling me that trying to do a deal with an uncooperative seller is basically the worst idea in history. It's much easier, they say, to just let them walk, grieve the loss, and move on. Otherwise, who knows what the seller will do - go psycho, ruin the house before you move in, fail to let inspectors in, stalk you after you move in, whatever. Also, even if you do take them to arbitration or court, you're going to spend a few thousand dollars to probably get a few thousand dollars and not the house. The money will all go to a lawyer, and the heartburn will all go to me. This is all true. MORE RANT: But society and the legal system are set up to protect all the deadbeats out there from the responsible people like me.
Rant: Woke up to my neighbor at the door, saying that my car has been side swiped by the UN-insured, licenseless white trash cunt neighbor this morning. Obviously cunt neighbor didn't stop, and told the cops she had no idea she had left a 2 foot long dent/paint in my vehicle. Rant/Rave: As I was typing that first sentence she came to my door crying, smelling like weed, still claiming she had no idea. I've seen more convincing tears coming from people caught with a car loaded with 400lbs of weed. Rave: Uninsured drivers covered on my insurance. Not sure how all this works, other than trying to get money from them for the deductible, any help is appreciated.
Rant: When we got married, my rings weren't soldered together. Sent the rings to the jeweler to be soldered. The rings came back and I thought to myself "Man, these look dark..." and after a couple fo days, took them in saying "Wow, can y'all fix these? Sorry to be so picky!" The girl says of course, and they send the ring back out for another 10 days. I get the ring back and I'm still kind of iffy about it, but take it. A little bit of time passes and the only thing I can think is "Wow. I know I'm being super girl picky about this but The Husband spent a lot (to us) of money on this and it's just not right. Gosh I'm so sorry, thank you for bearing with me but I'm bringing my ring back in so you guys can take another look at it and see what we can do!" They agree, saying that they understand. I get to the store and am initially apologetic for the trouble, because I feel like I'm being so picky. Then, I see my ring beside a brand new one just like it, and nearly lose my shit. Spoiler Holy shit did I nearly lose my mind. The fact that a jeweler returned my ring in that condition not once but twice, with the second time being the "repaired" visit just appalls me. And so I returned it....They said they were going to replace my rings with a new one, but keep my diamond since my diamond is a stone. A week passes.... Rave: Spoiler Finally. And if the stone falls out because that jackass in the jewelry shop didn't set it properly, I may throat punch a motherfucker.
Rave: Didn't ride to work with my boss today, therefore when something similar to this only a bit more heavy duty broke on we assume was an 18 wheeler call hauler on the over pass that he was driving under, didn't hit me in the face when the hook and chain portion smashed through his passenger side window and slammed into the seat.
Rave: It's almost Friday, bitches! WTF: My clinical instructor ran into one of my professors at a continuing ed course. Apparently, this prof thinks I'm funny and/or weird. "Oh, your intern is TX? Isn't she a HOOT?" WTF? I'm not nice, bright or talented. I'm a hoot.
Rant: Fucking facebook! All I wanted was a $.50 coupon for gold medal flour. THEN I start deleting a bunch of people off my list. Why would I do that unless I intend on keeping it open? I don't know what kind of mental hold that stupid site has on me, but I escaped it for 9 months and now I'm sucked back in.
?????: I have a date with the girl who bullied me in 5th grade. (Yes I was bullied by a girl piss off.) RAVE: She's a dancer... and has a dancer's body
Rant: Have spent the last few days wondering what the hell a two sided rubber cock looks like. I'm too scared to google. Rave: Start Uni in nine days. Rant: Seem to have spyware on my laptop that is proving difficult to get rid of due to my heat sink needing to be replaced and not having the funds to do it. Related rant: Being a poor uni student sucks balls. Rave: Life is going pretty damn well. Have full use of my hand back after I injured it and my wrist in April. Still not sure if I can Poi twirl, since last time it started making my wrist hurt like a mother fucker. Rave: Celebrating Hogwatch with my housemate, since he fucking hates Christmas with a passion I've only ever seen in "The Grinch Who Stole Christmas". Rave: CHRISTMAS, MOTHER FUCKERS! Extra Rave: Since moving to Melbourne, I left my entire book collection with my old housemates in Tasmania. In less than two weeks I get them back! Hooray! Not sure how people live without books.