Rant: My sister-in-law (my brother's wife) just passed away yesterday after an 18 month fight with leukemia. She had a bone marrow transplant two weeks ago, but her immune system was beat and she had an infection they just couldn't control.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread Rave: Car insurance just dropped to less than 500 a year Rant: Must be getting to be an old bastard
Rant: I have the flu, complete with dizziness and puking. Rave?: Self introspection has been very revealing. Boy, do I have some issues, or I am just complex, however you want to look at it. At least I recognize some things that I can hopefully overcome or at least work with, I feel a sense of relief at understanding myself a little more.
RANT- My coworkers are so dumb I am left wondering if we're even the same species. Spoiler Long and short, I was out of the office for the week of Thanksgiving. We were surprisingly busy and I came back to a few hundred emails, most of which were resolved with one word answers. I was not surprised to see that many of them revolved around things that could have been answered with the smallest amount of research or critical thinking. These things don't surprise me. My company is built on people who are barely functional and I frequently contemplate whether many of them could correctly address an envelope and mail themselves a check. What did surprise me were the number of repeat emails from company employees asking the same question over and over again. Then they followed up with a phone message. In some cases, several messages. I double checked my away messages and they were all in tact. I'm an hourly dude and the company is too cheap to buy me an iphone, so this is what they get. Additionally, I have one 20 year employee going batshit about some accounting things that he needs done by the end of the year. This would make complete sense if our fiscal year and calendar year were the same. However, we have until June 30, 2013 to get his little credit and accounting problems solved. I tried explaining it, but to no end. He makes about 2.5 times more than I.
Rant - Seriously, is Texas going to get ANY kind of winter this year? Rain would also be good. Weather. It would be grand to have. Rave - GREAT Thanksgiving with The Husband. I'm so ready to have our lives back, ready to go to bed together, ready to just BE together.
Blah: Sick. Rave: Not sick on Thanksgiving. If I didn't get to enjoy dressing and green bean casserole I would've suckerpunched a bitch.
Rant: Okay KERA (NPR affiliate), enough with the theme music from Dallas. Yes, he was a son of Ft. Worth, but enough already. Rave: At least they're not repeating the theme music from I Dream of Jeannie.
Rant: I think I made too much chili. I forgot how much dried beans pop up. Oh well....here's to eating chili until I die!
Rave: So glad to be home. Just got back from a week down south with my mother's side of the family for Thanksgiving. I spent a lot of quality time with them, took a day to catch up with an old college bud in his home town, got to shoot guns for the first time ever (big deal for a northeastern Jew, and uh, I think I want one now?), and had a generally good time. But damn, it's still good to be home.
Work Rant Continuance: The fucking just goes deeper. Took the release contract to some lawyer friends (one of which is a civil prosecutor). Half of the contract is bullshit and one part of it isn't even filled out. Like, literally, there are just blanks. Respond to now previous employer with this information and that we should discuss fixing these issues....I get told no. Just flat out no. Sign the contract and we pay you and you're done or don't sign the contract and we don't pay you. Utter horseshit. "Please sign a potentially not legal contract or go fuck yourself." Could take em to court, but a moral victory doesn't pay the bills or the lawyer fees. Strongly hoping that karma is real and it leads to them all getting cancer of various sorts. Not the lethal kind, but really really terribly painful. Because I'm not the first they've done this to, nor will I be the last.
Rant I just broke up with my "girlfriend" Spoiler The whole thing was fucked and completely my fault. I knew that this girl had a crush on me last semester and then proceeded to make out with her at a party, partly because everyone was talking me into it, which I know is no excuse at all, and partly because I was drunk, which is also no excuse. Afterwards I panicked, because I realized what I just did and I wasn't into her, so I called her the next day and told her that I wasn't interested in pursuing a relationship. Would that have been enough of an asshole move? Yep. Did I let it go at that point? Nope. After the fall break, during which we had no contact whatsoever, I began to meet her and her circle of friends at partys etc, everything went to normal friendship. And then I thought I slowly began to develop feelings for her. So I asked her out. And then, last week, everything got really fast and she was talking about "telling the others" and I didn't say anything because I thought I wanted it, too. Fast forward to last night, where suddenly I realized I couldn't do this anymore and wasn't even able to kiss her, it just all felt completely wrong to me. I thought about it the whole night and this morning it suddenly became clear to me that I didn't want a relationship with this girl. So, a little while ago I met up with her and told her about it, because going on with this wouldn't make it any better, for me and especially for her. Surprisingly, she doesn't ever want to see me again, which I can very well understand. I never actually broke a heart before, always the receiving end so far. This was a a completely unnecessary thing I did and I'm solely to blame for how she feels right now. I am an asshat and I fell horrible. And I showed the emotional maturity of a teenager. Yay me.
Rant: Finals. I have three in a week. Rave: Done with finals Dec. 7 and then get to go home a week earlier than most people. Rant: I have to finish my law review article over winter break
Rant: Wife is going in for surgery this Thursday and will be in the hospital for three days post op. Nothing serious, but I will have a three month old to look after by myself (not complaining at all, being her father and what not). Problem is that the baby only likes eating straight from the "tap" and gives you a big 'Fuck you very much' if you try to feed her with a bottle. Should be some good fights in the coming days. Rave: Someone named me gets to take his name off of the neuter list.
Rave: So, my door's been broken for the last four months. It won't latch unless I deadbolt it, so I've been forced to go through my headmate's door instead. I put in an order to have it fixed, and as I found out, someone just took my order and dumped it in the trash. Probably the staff sergeant awaiting court-martial for beating his subordinates. So for the last four months, I've been calling every other week or so asking about when they're going to come around and fix my door. Their response was always "We'll get right on it." Finally, I'd had enough and asked Top to make the call for me. He seemed horrified that my door had been broken for the last four months and that they hadn't done shit about it, and judging by the alacrity with which a maintenance crew got to my door, he expressed that feeling to the Barracks Maintenance fucksticks with extreme prejudice. I would not be surprised at all if the phone lines melted due to the massive amount of yelling that took place over them. So my door's fixed! Now if only they could fix my AC and all the busted light fixtures...
Rant: If the awkward "IT Guy" (read: an unemployed elementary school teacher who is covering off while both our IT girls are on mat leave... and who also just happens to be the boss's inept and creepy son) walks by my office once more with his hands in his pockets "playing with his change", I am filing a complaint with HR. STOP TOUCHING YOUR BALLS, DUDE.