Rave: Christmas decorating is finished! And by finished, I mean I have completed my duties of assisting the retrieval of all the containers from the attic. And it's 80 degrees outside, the hibiscus plants on the patio are still blooming-- yeah, it feels like Christmas. Maybe I'll wait til it gets down to 70 and get in the hot tub with a glass of eggnog.
Rant: Just saw this and it's pissed me off! <a class="postlink" href="http://motoring.ninemsn.com.au/showroom/glance/8573008/australian-new-car-buyers-are-getting-ripped-off" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://motoring.ninemsn.com.au/showroom ... ripped-off</a>
Rave: Got my first deal to become a supplier for another business' product line (versus just selling to individuals). This is a huge, huge opportunity for me. Rant: No risk no reward, but damn this is pushing my limits. It will be a leap of faith for me to prove to myself that I am capable of handling this, and my product is up to standards too.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread RAVE: Just got a city job, retirement pension and full health care, dealerships can suck it.
RAVE: I turn 40 tomorrow. My dick still works without any pills or medication. I have all my hair. I can still dunk a basketball. Did I mention my dick still works without any pills or medication?
Rant: Is there some magic by which 80+ year old drivers can tell you just bought this mint condition car (your first big boy car) and decide at that very moment to, without warning, spin out and fly across three lanes of traffic into you?
Rant: Running into someone you know in New York City is always weird. It's like when you run into someone you know when you're on vacation somewhere, even when you live here. It's even weirder when the person you run into is this guy who you briefly dated a few years ago but it rapidly imploded because he was crazy and you ended up being kind of a bitch even if it was due to the good excuse of being scared of the crazy. I walked into the train and he was the first person I saw. The only empty seat in the train was next to him but I smoothly rushed to stand at the far end of the train instead after very nearly sitting down, to many people's confusion. Except for his, because he never noticed me and therefore didn't recognize me, which thankfully helped a bit with the weirdness. Rave? He was a lot cuter than what my memory turned him into. Doesn't cancel out the crazy, but, good job on that part, self. Rant: Unrelated, but, thanks to a conversation I had today I have become freshly frustrated with this longstanding issue I have where an alarming percentage of guys that I've been with have thought that I'd be a great person to cheat on their girlfriends with. There have also been a few cases where girls have accused me of it when that was not the case whatsoever. There's a general archetype for The Other Woman and I just don't feel like I align with that role, so it's always a cause for self-reflection. Some of the characteristics I don't think I have are actually kind of positive, in a twisted way, if people are seeing them where I don't, but obviously a lot of them aren't the greatest. I feel like there's probably an answer in there that would help in that whole relationshipy realm for me. But this usually just ends up with me hoping that I come off as slutty in like a sultry, exciting, dangerous way instead of as a ditzy, empty-headed, easy way. Basically, what I'm saying is that I'm exactly like Angelina Jolie and it's a problem. Rave/rant: I got to see one of my best pals for, like, two hours today since he was catching a flight out of the city. I hadn't seen him in a year and from the sounds of it it will be a long time before I see him again. I miss him. But, we write actual letters to each other on paper that gets put in the mail and everything, so at least there's that with the added excitement of getting real mail now and then. Rant/rave: We are starting a revolution at work. I get really fired up about these types of things and we're still in the planning stages where it's all exciting and sexy so it's still invigorating. Then you get to the part where you have to actually deal with the bureaucracy of making change and I remember that I fucking hate most everything about politics (because this is essentially politics) and want to kill everyone and everything. All of our efforts will probably have little to no effect with the best case scenario or we'll all get fired in the worst case scenario but, hey, for now power to the people and all that.
Rant Fucking colleague who works with me on a project. It's not particularly IT-heavy or very difficult, but she hast the pc-knowledge of a 4 year old. Shit. "Can you print these files if I send them to you?" "Sure" "Hm, but how do I send, so many files" "Just zip them" "How does that work?" She can't do anything. ANYTHING I have to explain everything. How do I extract my data from the software? Well, you could try the gray button on the black background that says "Text Report", right in the center of the fucking screen. I'm not annoyed that people ask me when they really can't figure something out. I'm annoyed when people find a problem, and before trying anything to solve the, usually minor, issue themselves, they refuse to do the work and just expect me to explain everything to them. You know what? FUCK YOU Everytime something comes up, I'm supposed to explain it to them. FUCK NO Do I look like the fucking help desk? You are an adult, is it really too much to ask that you just TRY to find out something yourself? Like how to zip something? Which requires 2 minutes of your time and a google search? When does someone explain something to me? Oh yeah. Never. God dammit, I don't know how most people are able to tie their shoes in the morning without someone telling them what to do. Rave Received my reference letter from my last clinical elective in Leipzig. Seems like I made a pretty good impression.
Rave: So I'm working on a massive paper for a course I'm taking on technical analysis (stocks). I had lost a good deal of (fake) money trying to invest in leveraged ETFs over the course of trading simulations, and was kind of frustrated in how I had handled them. 8 hours of annotating and highlighting charts later, I think I found a way to successfully time the ETFs within a couple days of a major top or bottom, and not get whiplashed out in between.
RANT: Stupid group projects for school. Spoilered for length/because you don't care/general whininess. Whinyness? Why is that not a real word? Spoiler I had a semester-long group project to come up with some educational materials for elementary, middle and high school students in an after school program in under-served school districts. Early on in the semester we talked to our project liaison about printing the books once we came up with them, and she told us that she would be happy to take care of it. Fast forward to two weeks ago, when we were trying to clarify the format she wanted the book in for printing, at which point she told us we were welcome to use the copy machine and spiral-binder machine in her office. Fine. We agreed to come in today and next Tuesday to do the printing and binding. On Friday she informed us that the spiral binder machine didn't work, and that we would have to make do with stapling them, which was kind of insulting since we've spent all semester working on the damn thing and we don't want it to look like shit. Today we went in to do all of the duplicating only to find out that the copier only prints in black and white, and there are a handful of pages in the book that looked terrible in grayscale. So my friend and I (who have put close to twice as much time into the project as our other group members) ran all over campus trying to find a cheap way to do color copying, but ended up shelling out $60 for color copying since we didn't want it to look like shit. Now we need to come up with some way to get the books bound before next Thursday that doesn't look like total shit and doesn't cost us a whole bunch more money. I know these are all things we should have clarified earlier, but I feel like she misled us at pretty much every step of the way. Rave? This stupid train wreck of a group project hasn't managed to hurt my friendship with one of my group members, which is good since we have 3 or 4 classes together next semester and we rely on each other for important things like commiseration, coffee and snacks.
Rant: Professor tested nothing we discussed in class on his computer crime final. He nitpicked about ridiculous details instead of testing on the major things we studied and emphasized in class. Absolutely ridiculous. Hopefully everyone else did just as shitty as I did so I won't be too far behind the curve. If not, I could be in real trouble with this one. Rant: Wills and trusts final tomorrow. This is the last time I forget to look at the finals schedule before I sign up for classes. Rave: Going home on Saturday.
rant/rave: single. weird. rant: ex hacked my fb. weirder. rant: roommate went senile and attacked me. it's been a shitty few weeks.
Rant Some way or the other I have managed to throw my neck/lower back in all sorts of disarray. This past Sunday while I was in a class on base, I noticed it start to hurt. Couldn't explain if I just slept funny on Sat. night so I figure it will wear off relatively soon like usual, but it's been three days and it has gotten worse. It's just a mass of awfulness sitting there. Hurts to wake up even. Pain pills haven't done shit, so if this doesn't get better soon I'll be going to a chiropractor I guess.
Rave: Yay good hair cuts. Rant: Got a call from orthopedic surgeon. He doesn't want to touch the repair on my shoulder and is referring me out to another surgeon, says the other guy has more experience dealing with a situation like mine. Either the original guy doesn't want to waste time on it it's so easy, and wants to keep his schedule open for harder stuff (which doesn't make sense because surgeons like cutting and doctors like money)... Or...it's worse than originally anticipated. Not gonna know anything til Monday. Awesome.
Rant: Whelp there it goes. I finally caught the bullshit the kids had/have. Of course I absolutely have to go to school today. This day can die in a fire.
Rave: Finally sold a house I'd being trying to sell for about 4 months, got about 10% less than I wanted. Still, it's nearly 40% more than I paid for it so I'm not going to bitch too loud on a board full of Americans. Uber Rave: This means I have the bank roll I need to do 80% (I hope) of the reno and redevelopment works on the new project, so pretty happy about that, having six zeros in my mortgage was frightening, I didn't want to see it increase further. Rant/Rave: 3 Christmas functions this week, so far I'm only 1 deep with another tonight and one the day after, by Saturday my souls going to have worn thin.
Rant: E has 7 teeth coming in. Seven! Holy shit she's cranky. Rant: Lately she hasn't liked getting her diaper changed. She fights me tooth and nail from start to finish. She ran off before I could get the new diaper put on and she's currently running around the house pantless. Rave: It's the cutest thing ever. Rant: She can climb on the furniture now and she just got on the couch. She better not pee on the couch.
Rant: Things are stagnant with The Dude. I thought the point of a break was to think through issues, talk them out, resolve problems, then return to normal. Apparently, he thinks a break means that we pretend everything is normal and politely sidestep any actual discussion. Rave: No snow yet. Fingers crossed.