RANT: I got tasked with some of the most bullshit, inane work yesterday that has only multiplied today. My manager is pissed that it came to me, and I'm pissed that its taken up most of my day. RAVE: Date tonite with a super cute Southern chick that actually more or less asked me out, that shit just doesn't happen. Hopefully she's as amusing as she is attractive. RANT: The girl that sits just outside my office is sick with some awful plague and has just been hacking and coughing and snorting all day. Add that to the fact that she's quite overweight and lacking in hygiene to begin with, its an auditory and visual assault all day. Just stay the fuck home, thats what sick days are for.
Rant: Changing the oil in my car is a lot more enjoyable when antifreeze doesn't drip into my eye. Rave: My eye still works!
Rant: short version: got a maybe-concussion in the shower. long version: I've got a cold, and took a hot shower, kind of with the goal of finishing the shower before I finished my current cough drop. Dropped the shampoo bottle, went down to reach said shampoo bottle, knock myself out on the tile wall. After what I'm assuming is just a few seconds, I come to. I had a concussion about two years ago, which apparently makes you prone to re-concussing, but hopefully it's just a sore bump and a stupid story. Rave: Woke up with cough drop still in tact. Silver lining.
Rant: Next time, when a girl I start dating mentions she is actively looking for jobs in a different city, I will cut it off right there. Dated this one without thinking too much about that, but now that she is moving I am upset. Of course the one I actually end up liking a lot, who tells me how much she likes me, who I have a great time with no matter what we are doing, is the one that leaves when it starts to get really good. Shitty timing.
Rave: So first it comes out that EG and Team Liquid are going to team up to play in the KeSPA (Korean E-Sports Association) Proleague, but now it comes out that Jaedong (one of the best Zerg players in Brood War) is joining Evil Geniuses. Starcraft II is blowing my mind lately. Rantish Rave: Got talked into doing the 20 rep challenge for squats at 275. This was after working to a max double, so my form was crap. Eh, at least I did it. I'll do better next time.
Rant: Got a call from one of my sponsees earlier tonight. His father committed suicide by ingesting an obviously lethal pharmaceutical cocktail of a mixed variety. Tis the season.
Rave: Motherfucking Killers concert. They knocked it out of the park. And Brandon Flowers touched my face. Farewell, life, I'm ending you because you're never getting better than this.
Raves: Offer letter came in. I am no longer unemployed. I'm going to my new job today to meet everybody and do an orientation. I still get to keep my house. I just got my severance check from my old job yesterday. Going to see Pulp Fiction tonight in the theaters for one night only. Rant: I am still a ball of stress between the house, starting the new job, and passing a certification test next week. I'm hoping against hope I won't be drug tested for this job because I just want to go smoke a bowl with my brother.
Rave: Due to maintenance in the fields we usually play soccer in we are now playing in a park that is next to a day care center. Said park has a playground where a lot of the mothers take their kids to play in. I struck up a short conversation with a couple of moms as I was walking back to my car. It's beginning to look a lot like christmas!
RANT: We were gone for the last few days and it's the season of shopping so a few packages arrived and the downstairs neighbors very kindly picked them up for us. I just took the dog for a midafternoon walk and knocked on their door on the way back to retrieve the packages. As they were handing me the stack of boxes, I noticed there were some loose books and handed them back. The wife said, "Oh no, those aren't ours, they were on your doorstep." Three pregnancy/baby books. No note, no nothing. Um, I'm not pregnant. Nor are we trying. Nor am I talking to anyone at all in my life save my husband about when we will try. So of course the neighbors start grinning, and I get all flustered and drop the books and the leash and my dog runs into their house and they're all "We thought there was a secret!" and I'm going "No, no, there is no secret!" and trying to call my dog out of their house. I'm SO sure they believe me. (For the record, I suspect the books are from my upstairs neighbors, who since the day we moved in have been insinuating we should procreate approximately yesterday.) Argh. I would like to know, why the fuck are the contents of my uterus anyone else's business? I would also like the universe to be slightly less direct in its messages, as we may or may not have skipped the condom part of the procedure this past weekend during a time when it is theoretically safe to do so.
Rave: My promotion presents to myself came in today!! See the auto thread if you want to know what they are.
Rave: Will no longer be unemployed once I sign my offer sheet tomorrow. Super Rave: Incredibly thankful that my unemployment lasted only two weeks. I know many people don't have it that lucky and how fortunate I am to be lucky enough to have a short down time. Rant: Regardless, motherfuckers messed up my me time. I was getting used to doing nothing. And by doing nothing I mean doing as much as possible in a day. Goodbye books, movies, long workouts, and amazing meals. I'll miss you in a couple weeks when I'm hunched over my desk, staring down both a target list and a wedding invitation list, wolfing down a mcgangbang, hoping the pain in my chest isn't angina.
RANT: Situation went bad in the field tonight. Everyone is fine, no one was hurt, but events tonight could have taken an incredibly ugly turn in seconds. RAVE: My gratitude for the anti-gang officers that got me home tonight without a scratch and got the 'banger in jail without a fight knows no bounds. I am thankful to the bottom of my heart the agents that go on gang suppression sweeps with us are amazing at what they do.
Rant: Cable/Internet/Phone bill was not what it should be this month. I called last month and they made some changes to my account that were supposed to reduce the bill. The service adjustments were prorated for that month, and they told me to pay a certain amount and that the credits would show up on this month's bill. That never happened. Rant: Called today to find out what the hell was going on. I'm supposed to have international calling on my plan since my wife is from Germany and frequently calls back home to talk to family... I set this up last September. I find out today that I have not had this service since last OCTOBER. Yes, I should have reviewed my bill more closely, but whatever. I let the person at the company know, politely, that I was a bit shocked at this. Rave: Prorated credit back to my account! Enough to cover, and then some, this month's bill! It's amazing how being nice to the person on the other end can affect your bill. I'm sure if I was a blathering idiot to her and screamed, they would not have been very helpful. Hello extra Christmas money!
rant My brother is in the hospital again and my mom has gone into.annoying overdrive. I cant stand being around her anyway but then put me and het in a small icu room and i cant stand it. Im tense bc my.brother is recovering then toss her into the mix and its too much.
Rave we pulled $2200 off the walls of the bar last night that people had defaced and pinned to the walls and today it goes to St. Judes Childrens Hospital not bad for 12 months. Rant I wanted to give it to strippers.
RAVE: After tomorrow I am no longer enslaved to Bridezilla. The rehearsal dinner was last night at a local winery and was surprisingly pleasant, despite Bridezilla's determination to make everybody miserable. Bridezilla's dad is really into the whole Mayan prophecy thing and would not stop talking about how the world is going to end on the 21st. It was completely weird and out of place, so naturally I couldn't help but egg him on. The best part of it was hearing his ridiculous theories about how the world would end ("Aliens, polar shift, nuclear war. We. Just. Don't. Know.") RANT: My poor dumb dog pulled a muscle during an intense chase of his own tail and is now on vet-ordered cage rest. He's equal parts pissed off and in pain and there's not much I can do for him.
RANT: I really need to get the hell out of town, this shit is starting to get to me a bit. RAVE: I am actually leaving town in an hour. Off to a friends place a few hours away for some gaming!