Rave: Smartphones. I am sitting in my hunting blind and just changed the satellite channel @ home. The wife is not impressed.
Rant: Lost my mom on Dec. 29th.. I have gone from slacker to co-homeowner in a matter of days. Its a steep learning curve for a guy who never really had to grow up. I'm now stuck between my sister who is (understandably) a basket case, and my brother - a weepy mess last week who now basically says my sister needs to get over it. (not his exact words). I don't know who to trust and without a will to work with, I don't want some greedy lawyer stepping in to bleed us dry. Rave: While I couldn't bring myself to go into the church sanctuary during the main part of the funeral, I was glad I didn't break down into a puddle front of everybody. The burial was mercifully quick. I am ready to use everything my mom taught me over the years to maintain and even improve this house. I have to.
Jesus Fucking Christ: So, I had a ladyfriend. Tried to date her, failed miserably. Tried to date her again, failed miserably again. She said we could be friends. It took a lot of effort on my part, but I managed it. We've been friends for several months now. Gone out to bars, hung out together, played lots of pool, etc. It's been nice. Hell, at this point, her and another girl are my only real friends in this desert hellhole. Aaaand NOW she wants me. What the fuck? Woman, I tried twice. It HURT when you flat-out told me that you didn't find me attractive and were "just giving me a chance." I'd built myself up as someone who was actually ready to have a relationship, and you made me feel like a rookie quarterback who just threw five interceptions on his debut game. And got sacked in the end zone. And now that I've finally gotten sorta back to my old ornery foreveralone self, you want to date me. What the hell am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to know that you aren't just going to change your mind again as soon as I get emotionally invested and go "Eh, he's not so great after all." Of course, me being noncommittal completely drives her up the wall and makes her want me more. How does that work? "Hi, I really like you and I'd like to date you." "Nah, I'm not really attracted to you." ... "Hi, I think you're a decent person, and I've finally gotten over liking you!" "Awesome! Let's date!" FUCK. Rant: I haven't gotten laid since August, and I have no alternatives. It's a terrible idea, and I'm probably going to watch it go up in flames.
Rave: Started a new tabletop RPG with some members of my old group and a few new people. It's awesome and I kicked so much dork ass tonight. Rant: The smelly gay guys hosted the party. MOTHER OF GOD, THE STENCH. I will never wash the cat piss smell out of my hair. I knew it was going to be bad, and I must admit that part of the allure in accepting the invite to this new game was getting the opportunity to scope out their gross living situation. But then the game itself was hilariously fun, and now I'm stuck having to breathe in mold and cat poop particles and god knows what else if I want to play it again. At one point, I rested my hand on a pile of papers and a bottle with what appeared to be moist cat food inside it rolled out from underneath. I couldn't even bring myself to hover over their toilet to pee because that would mean grasping their hairy, crusty towel rack for balance, so I pretended that I was in desperate need for a Coke (I don't drink soda!) so that I could pee at a gas station. Yes, the motherfucking gas station bathroom was cleaner than this place. And I'm pretty sure people do heroin and have homeless sex in that unisex gas station bathroom. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Who lives like that?!?!?!
Grandma was taken to inpatient hospice this morning. Obviously this is the end, but the fact that she either couldn't or wouldn't stop them from taking her out of her house is what really speaks for itself.
Rave: Got home from hunting yesterday to find my fiance naked on the bed playing with herself as a welcome back surprise. It was quite nice. Rant: TiB grandparents and parents passing. Hope all you guys are doing ok.
Rave: wife took today off so for dinner, she's making Italian Wedding Soup, eggplant rollatini, AND eggplant Parmesan. Like I tell my nephews, "Guys, marry an Italian. You'll always come home to a good meal." And, still no heat in the office and they don't expect to get it back to our little corner of the building until next week, so work from home it is. Between last week and this week, I'll save about $150 in gas, which I'll spend in gas on Saturday bringing my daughter back to school.
Rave: Last week before classes start. This has been my best winter break yet. It was so nice, but I'm past ready to get back into the routine. I've been playing housewife for the last 3 weeks, and it's gotten old quickly. Rave: Filming the next two weekends. That = monayyyyyy! Rave: Trip to Seattle and Portland in the works! If any TiBers have suggestions on places to go/things to do I'd appreciate it!
Rant: While retreating to the pub and it's wonderful air conditioning yesterday seemed like an awesome idea at the time it's still fucking 40C and I'm now extra dehydrated and just a little hungover.
Rant/Rave: I finally got a diagnosis for symptoms that have been bugging me for years now. The rant part is obvious. It's a rave because it feels nice to finally have an answer, and it ended up not being too scary. I'm getting more details when I go back to the doctor, where I'll find out if I have to take one big ol' shot, a bunch of big ol' shots for a week or so, or big ol' shots for the rest of my life. It seems like it's more likely that it'll be a lifelong thing, though. But, it's still pretty manageable (at least, it looks to be from what I've been learning) and at least I won't be doing any more 4am WebMD spirals convincing myself that I have lupus or something. (Okay, okay, so those will never stop.) Anyway, hopefully I'll start feeling better soon.
The dean sent out a mass e-mail apologizing because there were some problems with the online schedules, and they were not all accurate. "I knew Sunday morning classes weren't a real thing, thank god," I thought. Turns out the mistake with my schedule was that it's actually a Friday afternoon class, not morning. Jesus tap dancing Christ.
rant: I AM SO MAD AT THE INTERNET RIGHT NOW. Spoiler http://www.buzzfeed.com/ellievhall/teenagers-cutting-themselves-to-get-justin-bieber Basically, teenagers (or people pretending to be teenagers) are putting up pictures of themselves cutting their wrists (or pretending to cut their wrists) on twitter....in a campaign to get Justin Bieber to stop smoking weed. Because cutting is a lobbying method. Because a teenage boy smoking pot is newsworthy. Because this makes sense. What the fuck, internet. What the ever loving fuck.
Rave: Nailed a Chopin run that's been giving me grief lately. Ravier: In 10 days, I will be somewhere a shitload warmer than Toronto. Raviest: In 52 days, I will be somewhere even warmer than that.
Rant There is no "scandal" if your favourite pop star gets caught smoking a joint. It just means you're a stupid, sheltered asshole. Do the world a favour and suck a tailpipe. Rant Is it frowned upon if I call for a bounty on the heads of every single Monsanto employee on the planet to be tortured to death by impalement? Didn't think so. Rant It's been over a week, and the pain from my tailbone snapping has been reduced by zero. This is horrible.
Rave: As I've said to a few members, while it is by no means a joyous event to have so many able to empathize with the loss of loved ones during the holidays, it is a comfort. I appreciate the outpouring of sympathies from board members. I've shared my grandmother's passing with only a handful of people I know personally, but the combination of my wonderful friends and anonymous Internet people has been heartwarming. Small rave: I'm about to embark on my last semester of my master's, and it should be an easy one compared to last semester. Thank goodness it's almost over. Rant/rave: My sister, bless her, is about as sharp as a butter knife. Today, she wrote an introductory paragraph for an online class she's taking, and listed her age incorrectly. Yesterday, she revealed in conversation that she thought lungs were central to circulating blood in the body and had no idea of their involvement in breathing. Last week, she got lost on a 10 minute drive from our house to the hospital (while using the GPS we gave her expressly to prevent this), and called me to ask me where she was. That is not a typo. She wanted me to figure out where she was over the phone. It's both really entertaining and a touch sad.
Rave: Leaving for our vacation tomorrow. Rant/Rave/WTF?: Feeling really anxious about leaving the kid behind. We're only going to be gone for four days, and I've spent time away from her before, and I really thought I'd be excited about having some time to sleep in, I'm still crazy anxious about leaving her. What the fuck, man! Fucking feelings and stuff. What bullshit. I just want to go to Vegas, damn it!
Rant: well, father in law is heading to the ER, so double rant: sick father in law and likely cancelled trip. That will be a lot of lost money.