Rave: I've had a nearly perfect long birthday weekend and I'm feeling good and things in general are looking up all around.
Rant: Three days in a row I've gone to three different Dunkin Donuts, and at each place I hand them a coupon for a free large coffee (I have a coupon book from Xmas) and ask for a medium, naturally thinking this wont cause any issues since Im saving DD money by ordering the lesser size than what my coupon entitles me to. Here's the breakdown of what happened: 1st Dunkin Donuts - Day 1 Guy hands my coupon back to and says he can't accept it because I ordered a medium and the coupon is only good for a large. I tell him that I would get a large but would rather have a medium because I will waste a large and everyone wins by this proposal. He goes and gets his manager. Manager comes over, looks at the coupon with his wonky eye, then looks at my with his wonky eye and says, "Sorry, but you have to get a large to get the free coffee with this coupon." Again, I explain the math behind the proposal. He turns around, pours my medium-amount of coffee into a large cup and hands it back to me. And tells me to have a nice day. 2nd Dunkin Donuts - Day 2 Instead of the drive-thru, I walk in. I tell the amorphous blob behind the counter I want a medium coffee and a glazed stick (shut up). My total comes to $3.16. I had her the coupon, she takes on look at it, and tells me it's only good for a large. I tell her that Im saving DD money. She asks me why I don't want a large. Startled by this intrusion, I tell her that Im cutting back. She tells me that I could order a large and only drink half of it. I tell her I just want a medium. She says okay and gets me a large anyway. Black, with no sugar or milk. Thanks, bitch. 3rd Dunkin Donuts - Day 3 Walk in, and order a medium and a glazed stick. Total comes to $4.12. (What?) I hand Ricky Martin with Down Syndrome my coupon. He hands me a large. I tell him I said medium. He takes it and hands me another large. Fuck Dunkin Donuts.
Rant: Seriously - today can suck a goats ass until it's tongue comes out. 0605 - Text from one of my employees - gym was broken into last night. 0611 - Call partner and inform him, since he is the one who owns the business. Partner goes to gym. 0617 - employee calls me to tell me what he's found, what's missing, etc. 0755 - SIL calls me...family issues to be sorted that I have no intention of addressing prior to 1030 in the morning. Ever. 0801 - Goddamn telemarketer. 0815 - Employee calls me again. Letting me know the police took the report and what they said. Laptop stolen...nothing else touched, at all. The wii, all monitors, tools, etc. are undisturbed. Get in touch with employee who closed gym last night, he's 100% certain that he bolted the steel door. Explained his procedure - and it would be a huge shock to me if he was lying. Glass door and steel door intact, only the one door unlocked. Either my employee is lying (my gut doesn't doubt him...I could be wrong, but stunned wouldn't begin to describe my reaction if he is lying), or someone actually sat in the building waiting for my guy to close down and then took the laptop and went out the front door. Either way...fucking hell today has been long.
Rant: Still looking for a job in NYC, Rave: Working part time through a temp agency...Could be worse. Rave: All of my teaching certs are finally through. As of February 1st I will be certified to teach in NYC. Rave: Been climbing 3-4 times a week. Had/have an injured finger that has been giving me trouble, but I've been working through it. Rave: Meeting tons of awesome climbers/friends living in a huge city. Pretty frickin cool. Rave: Girlfriend and I are going strong. If I could get this job situation sorted out, life would be great.
Monster rave: Just booked flights for myself, my sister, and two of my friends to Bogota in May/June. Also making trips to Quito and Lima. Two weeks, three countries, all for $1500 per person for everything. Cheap travel, fuck yeah!
RANT/RAVE: After 4 weeks of feeling like a stray dog I officially ended it with the girl. RAVE: I don't feel tied down anymore so maybe it's time to start looking for jobs in another state. RAVE: My roommate and I are going to do something over spring break. RANT: We can't think of what we want to do, any suggestions?
Rave: Got an unexpected check in the mail for escrow overage from my mortgage company! Rant: Checked my escrow balance and found it was in the negative due to the check being cut before my property and school taxes for this year were taken out. Rave: The negative balance was covered by the overage check, and there was enough left over to pay off two credit cards!
Rant: While carrying bags of fuel pellets to the cellar over the weekend, I got a minor scratch. Barely scuffed the top layer of skin. A few minutes later it started itching, and then puffed up. So I washed it, and resisted the urge to scratch, and it seemed fine. I woke up this morning and it was sore and infected. I put some neosporin on it, and went on with my day. Now I have red lines going up my arm. Luckily I have a bunch of just the right antibiotics for it here.
Rant: it spread even more and I got a fever, though only 99.8 so now I have to go to the nearest hospital that can see people, which is an hour away, if the weather was clear, but we got a surprise 10+ cm today.
Rant: On day 3 of the fucking flu. Things are improving, but it pisses me off that I've been sick 3 times in the past 8 weeks to the point of missing work. I'm also sick of people telling me I wouldn't have gotten sick at all if I'd just gotten a flu shot. If you don't know exactly what you are talking about, shut the fuck up. Maybe if sick people wouldn't cough in my general direction, I wouldn't be sick. This actually really pisses me off. I manage a Sally's Beauty Supply. SO MANY sick as fuck people go shopping for hair color and just hack and wipe their germs all over EVERYTHING. Seriously, you can wait to improve your appearance. Spare me, you stupid fucks. I'm angry when I'm sick, sorry. Rave: Been catching up on movies and have a new crush in Joseph Gordon-Levitt. 50/50 made me cry (I don't cry a whole lot at movies, but apparently cancer and Seth Rogan as a retarded best friend is sad enough to do the trick), Looper was better than expected and of course, The Dark Knight Rises was amazing. Rant: I must go back to work tomorrow and prepare for inventory. This is fun in a store with over 7,000 skus and is something I should have been prepping for the last three days I've been dying at home. Oh fucking well.
Rave: My neck feels surprisingly normal despite people fucking with it for 3 hours. I've been flaring for like 2 weeks now. I'm so tired of dealing with it.
Rant: Was working with a friend on touching up my resume for a job at the college he works at. Finished doing that today, only to find that the position is no longer listed. FUCK.
Rant: Weight loss plateau Rave: The way I'm beating it is going to Muay Thai 5 days a week. Rant: Kettlebells 3x a week can't prepare you for the brutality that is this gym. 5km runs to start class. Every.Day. Rave: I love it. I feel like I'm getting myself back and part of the run is on a beach. You just can't beat that.
RANT: So, I was at Wal-Mart squatting down in the aspirin aisle looking at some generic Excedrine when I notice a woman walk over and grab some aspirin above me. As she walked away I turned and noticed she had a really nice ass. I turned and stood and stared at her ass while she walked away. Then I noticed her husband. He was not amused. I have never ever been caught checking out a woman before much less by her husband. For obvious reasons I can't even tell my wife this story.
Somewhat similar, I have an occasional nail-biting habit, and I don't know if it's related, but after work Sunday my left middle finger was swollen just behind the side of the nail. Tender, red and pretty much looks like the aftermath of a nasty burn, except I'm certain I haven't burned myself and it's the wrong kind of sore for a burn. Oh, and it's grown a bit. No red lines or fever yet, but unless it makes a massive overnight improvement I get to go blow money on a doctor. Rant/Rave: Instead of being sent home doped on morphine to die, grandma was sent home Monday because she's...wait for it...feeling better again. A rave because she isn't dead, and a rant because this is taking a massive toll on my mother and her siblings. Start the acceptance that she only has a few days left, and it turns around. And then again two months later, and despite the improvement, she still needs constant supervision. Her quality of life sucks; I don't believe this is the case, but it's almost as if there is something that she is being exposed to at home that's making her worse. She HATES being unable to be self-sufficient, and living in that house is like her last defiant stand against her failing health. Why then, after being taken off her treatment medications and placed only on morphine and other comfort drugs in an environment where she can only lie in bed and discuss end-of life options (social services, will, family she hasn't seen in years visiting) would she IMPROVE? There is no rational reason whatsoever, to the point it's almost as if there is some factor present only outside the hospital that is negatively affecting her health.
Rave- I really hope Kim Kardashian has a miscarriage. Wait, no fuck that. I hope for a still birth. Then she can still sell the pictures.
Rant: I hate my job and the people I work for. We lie to customers, don't think farther than the next hour and make promises we can't keep. It is easy to fix too, we just keep doing the same damn thing. Anybody need a mechanical engineer?