Rant: That awkward moment when the police show up during your phone interviews with a major investment bank. Wrong apartment? Thanks guys. Rave: Other than that...slight hiccup...I killed both interviews.
Rave: This mean old bitch made it!!! Vet said they got good margins on the tumor as well so hopefully only follow-up radiation and not chemo. 80% chance of survival if they make it through surgery.
Rave Well finally got a job offer today. Excited beyond belief but still mired in a lot of frustration. Within a week I went from: Applying, phone interview, live interview, then job offer. I mean, as I said, ecstatic beyond belief. But it would have been quite nice if this could have happened about, you know, 7-8 months ago. Several months and numerous staffing agencies and countless phone/live interviews and then I magically get this dropped in my lap in the span of a goddamn week. Mother.........fuck. It's a small real estate company, but it seems like it has a good deal of room for growth. Basically they had an outside CPA working as a consultant and as the responsibilities grew, they realized they needed to hire on a full time staff accountant. So now, I get to be in a position where I am building the firm's accounting department from the ground up which could translate into some amazing opportunities for growth and experience. Plus, now a consistent source of income. Which is nice. Not as much as I was hoping, but if even half of the owners' bullshit about "dynamic growth blah blah blah blah blah" is genuine, then it could get much better rather quickly.
Rave: I can do a pullup! I AM WOMAN, HEAR ME ROOOAR! I am pretty pumped about this. I made attempts before but it was always after lifting weights and my arms were shot anyway, so I was setting a goal of like a month in the future to get one done. I actually did like 6 of them but had to rest a minute in between. My new goal is a couple in a row.
RANT: Breakups suck ass, especially when there's no option but to run into the person. After 4 years this shit is hitting me hard and I don't know how to deal with it. RAVE: I think maybe the strip club may help.
Rant: -18ºC with a windchill of -21ºC. The temperature where your nose hairs freeze when you breathe, the temperature where your car actually makes a screaming sound when you turn over the engine, and the temperature where the last dregs of the windshield washer fluid that you put in the car in September freezes in the lines rendering you effectively blind on your drive to work in the morning when the transport in front of you splashes slushy briny shit on your car. Rave: At least I'm not in Ottawa. -28ºC with a windchill of -41ºC.
Rant: The last week or so, even though our office is set to 75 degrees, I have been freezing. I complained to my boss about this and he brought in a laser thermometer. It's ~58 degrees under my desk. No wonder I can't feel my feet. Rave: See above post.
Rave: It's gonna be 70 in Denver today. Rant?: Dry winter may mean blizzard in the spring...that's what happened last time..
Rant: Can't tell if I'm ill or just horrendously unfit after a month of eating and debauchery. Went for a run today and crashed and burned after less than two miles. Rant: To compound my woes, it started pelting it down with fucking snow. Rave: The Rocky IV soundtrack appeared from my iPod to rescue me. DRAGOOOOOOOO!
Rave: My nerd boner is fully erect. Shin Megami Tensei-Fire Emblem cross over? Fuck yeah. If this is tactical with the Persona characters thrown in I'll be taking a week off from work.
Rave: same here in DFW. Wearing shorts to work. Rant: whatever Egyptian tomb I defiled, I'm sorry? Please let the world right itself. That is all.
Rant: One of the roommates who I was really good friends with is being crazy. His feelings are hurt over some bullshit (we accidentally left him in a strip club) and he won't just let shit go. He acts like this is some sort of relationship and not a friendship and says we all betrayed him. This makes the situation at home very awkward and makes me not want to be there. Rant: I have several irons in the fire for summer positions but nothing set in stone yet. The only thing set in stone is back at the County Attorney's Office where I worked last summer. Rave: Things with the girlfriend are going swimmingly. I didn't see this being a long-term thing but now I can see this developing into something serious.
Rant: My wife is a nanny, and is not very good at math. I was helping her help the kid via Facebook chat, and when they were done, I told her via chat that as payment I would like some sexin' later tonight. Well, apparently the kid also saw the message. Shit.
Rant: The radiators have had some trouble keeping up with the frigid temperatures lately. The high ceilings and big old windows don't help, either. Rave: Using the chilly apartment as an excuse to bake cookies. The oven will make it warmer in here, right? Rant: I'll have to leave my cozy, warm, fresh-baked-cookie scented apartment to walk across the frozen tundra and sit in class for 3 more hours.
Rave: Jumbo shrimp marked down to 2.99/lb and salmon marked down to 3.49/lb? Foodland, I plan on coming inside you. Daily.
Rave: A customer who is especially important to me is happy with the work I did for him. This is a huge weight off my shoulders because he has waited extra months after I made a stupid mistake and had to completely redo the project. Woohoo! Rant/Rave: I'm on my third try with another project and have already lost money on it, and that just blows. But at least the customer is in no rush, and I'm not giving up on getting it done. Rave: Cooking venison steaks on a cast iron frying pan for the first time was a success. So good!
RANT: All of the guys in stock photos are brooding, baby bird, Edward Cullen types. I'm trying to turn people on, not nauseate them.
Rant: Fuck the South Bay. Fuck the average cost of living going up by 12-16% every goddamn year. Simply because this place is saturated with newly minted Google/LinkedIn/Facebook/[Insert wannabe new-money VC] millionaires aimlessly throwing their billfolds at any elevator pitch. The bay has been turned into a ravenous market for tech, and anyone who isn't job hoping has been forced into this nonsense. As a result, the South Bay and Peninsula has become the most expensive place to live in the United States. [transportation, taxes, utilities, everyday wares, and more importantly housing costs.] All of this due to the fact that companies cant hire Devs, Product Managers, or Software Architects fast enough. It's a tech-mercenary's wet dream. Hired guns to the highest bidder. As a result, rental prices have gone through the roof. Just check out padmapper.com for the SF Bay Area, you can see for yourself. Hater Rave: There are probably 1000 or so companies that will go under, and wont receive series A funding. Good. Fuck them. Their CEO's are typically crazier than Caligula on a coke binge, or their product/business/revenue model is shit to begin with. Rant: My rent for a 900 sq/ft, 3 bedroom, 1 tiny bath house jumped by $200 to $2100 and there's not a goddamn thing I can do about it. It's crappy because that's not even close to what other places are going for. Thanks to the girlfriend working down here, I'm tied to this housing market. Fuck the bay area. Seriously. The only people who can afford to live here either owned a place 10+ years ago, or are software engineers. There's so much I'm leaving out of this post in regards to the economics of venture capital. I don't want to work myself into a frenzy. I need scotch. One good thing. The tech company I work for, has been in the black for a good long time. Only took 4 million in seed money. I got in at employee #40 (now it's over 500), and my stock is 3/4 vested. Let's hope this place doesn't get any more expensive than it already is. I hope Groupon implodes, or Apple decides to move their campus elsewhere. Fuck! anything to shock the tech market back to normal, at least until I can cash in on my stock.
RANT: North Korea has a ruler that went full retard. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/24/us-korea-north-nuclear-idUSBRE90N03I20130124" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/ ... 3I20130124</a>