RANT: Twice the job, same pay. RAVE: Hot teenage girl has a crush on me. RANT: First thing I thought, 'aw, thats cute.' Fuck I'm getting old.
Rave: My roommate got a new snowblower last week and we got to break it in yesterday. I've never lived at a house with one before. It was amazing! Rant: One of the old ladies that works on the production floor here came to work in a sweater, leggings and Ugg boots today. She looks like ET posing as a sorority girl. Umm... no thank you.
Rant: We lost a lioness over the last few days. She was sick but was responding to medication. So far it's looking like a seizure she had might have broken a blood clot off that went to her brain. She wasn't young but she wasn't ancient by captive lion standards. She was also the only lion we had that would let me scratch her behind the ears. At least this will open up space for a larger cat. There are plenty that need homes. Rave: Girlfriend woke me up twice this weekend with blowjobs. I'd say she's a keeper!
In the span of 4 days, I lost a pet, caught the Death Cold (otherwise known as the HIV), Aunt Flow stopped for a visit and I had a bloody nose for the better part of an entire day.
Rave: A while back, saw somebody online that was having a rough go. Sent $20 via paypal. Didn't hear back about it, didn't think much more of it. Rave: Next day, got offered a promotion to a job that I hadn't even applied for, with a nice sized raise. May be unqualified for current position, but was too good to pass up. Rave: Basketball seasons are back! First game of one of my leagues is tonight. Got some stats on the dude I'll probably be guarding tonight... Rant: From ESPN. Goddamn 6'4 220 D1 point guards. I'm going to get chewed if I'm not careful. Rave: I ain't scurrrrrrreeeed.
Rant: Even when your gut and brain both tell you breaking up is the right thing to do, it still sucks.
Rave: No surgery. Instead, I was measured and fitted for a custom-made brace to where for a few weeks. Rant: it takes two weeks to make the brace. Rave: More painkillers.
Rant: I'm taking 15 grad hours from 2 different schools in my second semester teaching. I'm tired just thinking about all the bullshit I have to create, write, and grade in the coming months. And that's without factoring in teenager apathy and hostility. I would say pray for me TiB, but the gods have obviously already forsaken me. Luckily, it's just busywork. Rant: At least this gives me an excuse as to why I'm sitting by myself on the weekends.
Rave Well, the first few days at the new gig have been going very well. It's definitely challenging, but I'm enjoying it a lot so far and the people are pretty great. Definitely could see myself staying for a while if things continue to progress well. ??? There's this girl at work I've already started to get a massive crush on. Super cute, funny, and likes pretty much everything I like. It's just, that whole working together thing. Which always has the propensity towards being a clusterfuck among clusterfuck. Plus, I think I'll finally buckle down and try to work towards my CPA license in the next year. So between the good number of hours the new gig will probably require in addition to time spent studying for the CPA exam will equate to not a whole lot of free time for anything else. So, no sooner am I finally gets myself back on the rails both professionally and financially, I almost immediately am setting myself up for a monumental kick in the nuts personally. Well played, universe. Well played.
Rant: Attention ladies in the workplace. I will never, under any circumstances, confirm that I read your email by clicking the read receipt when we pay you. Let's make that clear. We write checks to your company. We are the customer. By default, you are nagging from several thousand miles away. In one woman's case, across an entire ocean. I have never, not once, had a man send me a read receipt.
You guys! More than one of you asked?!! No. I do not have HIV. "The HIV" I was talking about is indeed the Death Cold that is floating around everywhere right now. You guys crack me up. Seriously. And I really needed to laugh. Also, not to go all weepy but the outpouring of kind words so many of you have/had for my loss is truly and wholly appreciated. I guess I forget that I have been posting with some of you for literally years. Thank you to all of you. Messageboard or not, it made me feel better. It's been a week and a half, I cry every night. There is no little furball all curled up at the end of my bed. I know it will get easier. Well that, or I'll run out of tears. A rant and a TiB rave I guess.
Rant: I can't get any fucking work done today. Every 30 fucking minutes is another pointless conference call on god knows what. Fucking client calls 10 times a day to get a status update on the project were working on and can't understand why we can't get it completed.
Rave: Accepted into a weeklong custom gunmaking seminar taking place this summer. Rant: Chances of me being able to afford it are slim to none. Maybe next year...
Rant Ghost of pussy-past contacted me, at random. Haven't heard from her in almost 2 years. She spends a year in England, and comes back with an accent? What in the fucking fuck? Who does that? Conversation: Her: (shitty forced accent) Hello? Me: Yeah, _____ speaking. Who's this. Her: It's ______ how are you doing? Me:.... Why the fuck are you talking like that? Her: Like what? Me: Like a pretentious little girl with an identity crisis? Are you kidding me right now? You're from California. This is stupid. I got annoyed and ended the call a few minutes later after she wouldn't cut it out. Rant Who the hell does that?! Who goes over to England for one year, and comes back with a forced fake accent. It was laughable.
RANT: At some point I apparently put 3 deductions on my W-4, the same year that my city introduced mandatory filing. Between city and fed, I owe fully half of every penny to my name. Once the city finishes checking back taxes on all the residents, I'm going to be taking out college loans just to get them off my back.
Rant: Nearly blew out my o-ring when I sneezed on the toilet this morning. I was legitimately afraid that I jettisoned an organ.
Rave: Rugby's back on! Ah, how I've missed the sweet catharsis of using 230 lbs of meat and bone as a battering-ram on some poor unsuspecting victim. Rant: Rugby's back on, after two months spent mostly on my ass. I feel like I just got hate-fucked by King Kong. Relatively Serious Rant: I should preface this by saying I'm politically what you'd call conservative. I dislike people who complain about "the system" or "big government" on principle. But lately, I've been noticing a disturbing trend across most of the countries I have experience of - Italy, the UK and the US primarily. I should note that this doesn't have much to do with the whole gun control debate you guys are having at the moment, because as a "European" I have a radically different notion of gun ownership, so I haven't gotten involved in that particular can of worms. However. Every week it seems like I read the news and I see another restriction, another piece of legislation pushed forward by private interests rather than the good of the people, another law designed to throttle and control. The latest one that got my blood boiling was the news that in the US it's apparently now illegal to carrier-unlock your phones, something which fucks antitrust right in the ass. And then there's the steadily deteriorating situation in my home city, Rome, where first it became illegal to drink outside (despite bars being tiny and unairconditioned, and it being a massive tradition to do so), and now it's illegal to eat on anything considered an historic monument. So now I can't sit in the Forum with a sandwich and a beer, because I might damage these stones that have been here for millennia somehow. The UK's another kettle of fish altogether. Shit, you can't do ANYTHING here, and every year they tighten the screws. I dunno, I'm a far cry away from shouting "dictatorship", but I just find myself thinking of that line from V for Vendetta, "they promised you order, they promised you peace, and all they demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent". So, er, power to the people, I guess? No but seriously, fuck off and stop intruding in my life.