Rave: I'm not the shop shitbag anymore. I mean, my offenses weren't really that bad, (Got caught with a bottle of bourbon in my wall locker and left my cover at work) but I was a loser for a few weeks. Luckily, thanks to a guy failing a PFT and being overweight and another one going bankrupt, I'm doing perfectly fine. Rave: Got a puck of Mitchell's Wool Fat and a brush to complete my wet shaving set. It's like shaving with sunshine and kittens.
Rave: Has to do with my sex life, so I'm spoilering it. Spoiler Just got blown in the mail room. Score! Now to stay late and finish these consolidated reports. Who knew looking forlorn because of a heavy workload would cause such sympathy?
RANT: So, at 4:15 this afternoon one of the supervisors stops me in the office. This is our conversation: S: New Judge wants all the POs with revocations in his courtroom tomorrow at 9am. M: Um. That's like, 15 of us. On top of arraignments and motions. Plus, I'm supposed to go in the field tomorrow at 6am. S: He says that's not enough to excuse you from court. M: 'Scuse me while I go have a psychotic break in my office. This wouldn't be an issue except my coworker still needs to see her sex offenders at 6am tomorrow and court will go ALL DAMN DAY until at least 5-6pm. Which means I will be at work for twelve hours. FUCK! RAVE: Spoiler'd for those that don't want to know these things. Spoiler I was on an antibiotic for a bladder infection last week. It caused some issues with me, uh, not going. One FiberOne chocolate chip cookie later...let's just say a week's worth of backup is not a pretty sight. But sweet RELIEF!
Rant: Sick as a dog. This is what I get for thumbing my nose at getting a flu shot. Rave: Sister had her 4 month CT scan this morning. 20 months out of her stem cell transplant and still cancer free.
Rant: Cold has developed into bronchitis, and the Mrs. has caught the flu, despite getting the shot back in Sept. so we're both home and it's her birthday, but we're too sick to take advantage of the time alone. Rave: Red velvet birthday cake with cream cheese frosting. Rant: I have to go out to pick up the cake.
Whew, so I'm starting the process of becoming a New York Life financial adviser. Lots of paperwork, studying, exams, and other training. But if it works out the upside is great. Sitting up in bed late last night I took 20 practice questions for the Life exam just to get a sense of how much I knew after reading the material the first time. Got 19 right. Felt like the boost I needed.
I'm finally getting over the damn flu. Unfortunately that means all of the congestion that has been locked inside my head for the past four days is now leaking slowly out of my face. I coughed up something that looked like escargot this morning.
Rant: People who are relentlessly in-your-face about their "healthy eating" lifestyles. Look, I don't want to open Facebook and find a 200-photo album of that egg white omelette and saltless rye bread with steamed chicken breast you had for lunch, nobody gives a flying fuck. Maybe if you got off your doughy fucking ass and went for a run, you'd discover that it's perfectly possible to eat WELL - and by that I mean food that's both relatively healthy and delicious - and be fit at the same time. I can't tell who's more annoying, the people who go through the "martyrdom" phase, where they whine and bitch and moan about all the potatoes and steak they can no longer eat, or the ones who've entered the "acceptance" phase and are actually delusional enough to think the tasteless, saltless, oilless, soulless gruel they're eating actually tastes good. Rant: Motherfucking Warm Bodies. Saw a trailer for this on TV yesterday. Fucking SERIOUSLY? This is what we've come to? This is what Twilight's done to us? ZOMBIES? That motherfucking FALL IN LOVE? Are you fucking shitting me? I already thought Day/Land of the Dead were veering dangerously close to non-canon with their semi-intelligent zombies, but this takes the fucking cake. How fucking dare you. Also, no fucking wonder we keep making movies staring octuagenarians as action heroes. If that slouching, gollum-looking motherfucker who stars in this is this generation's new heart-throb alongside Sparkly McPedophile, of course we're going to hang on to the old ones to try and inject some small semblance of masculinity into Hollywood. The only ones who I can see a glimmer of hope for are Tom Hardy and Chris Hemsworth. O tempora, o mores.
Rave: January was the first month in a year where I'd exceeded my sales goals. I feel like my attitude (and performance) has done a 180 from where I was at this summer.
Rant: So yesterday was my wife's 51st birthday. It was also her 24th anniversary working for the same company. 9:00 am today, she got riffed. On the plus side, she made her combined 75 years, so her pension and other retirement benefits are untouched, but still. 24 years to the same company, including uprooting and relocating twice, the second of which was really hard for her since all of her family is still in NJ and getting there from DFW isn't as easy or as inexpensive as it was when we lived in NH. She texted me a little while ago saying she'd be home later, that she was going for a drive to clear her head. It's not going to be the weekend I expected.
RAVE: Got the results back from the ACT exam and I scored a 22! I only needed an 18 to be able to apply to the nursing program, and I made the Dean's list last semester. I can't imagine not getting into the program. The really funny part about this is that up until a month ago, I had been stoned pretty much every day give or take a day here or there when I actually had class, for the last two years. RANT: Haven't gotten high in a month and I won't be able to again for a long time.
Rave: Finally started a real weight training regimen. I've dabbled a little bit, mostly with kettlebells, but now I actually have a schedule. Rant: I've gained enough muscle that I have absolutely no chance of making weight. My maximum weight is 191, and I'm 195 when dehydrated. Just not going to happen. Rave: The sergeant major is one of those skinny faggots who thinks that any Marine who is over his max is a fat shitbag, but he doesn't make the rules. If you don't make weight, they subtract the circumference of your neck from the circumference of your waist and come up with a value that they plug into a chart to get your bodyfat percentage. It's hilariously retarded, but that's how they do it. Since I have an eighteen-inch neck, this works out to my advantage. I passed with ease and smiled genially at the sergeant major, who gave me an extremely hostile glare. Yeah, fuck you too.
Things that are really bumming me out: -fucked up family dynamics. Nothing that would make the Jerry Springer show, but fucked up nevertheless. My inclination is to just make sure that we don't join in in any more parents/sister's family visits for awhile, or even go visit my parents for awhile, which would just be sad. Our daughter is a toddler and should be getting to know her family as much as possible, but at the same time, screw em. I just don't want to deal with the screwy dynamics, nor should she have to be on the short end of favoritism. -abdominal surgery left me with a decent sized incision which is healing nicely, except for a horrible aching pulling sensation on the right side. Something got stitched up too tightly. I keep getting the "will go away with time" line from the Dr.s office, but it's not going away, and I see no easy solution even if I did want to get it fixed. -cute, wonderful daughter. Nice, almost decade long male friend...socially awkward, but interesting person and good friend. And unfortunately, getting way too interested in babysitting her. I hate to say it, but he fits the cliche profile of a ...can't believe I"m typing this, pedophile. He seems to be getting too emotionally vested in her and most recently, reacted a little too negatively to me declining to have him babysit her for the day. Fucked up. 1 part "there's no way this is happening", 1 part "is this happening?" and 1 part "I can't believe this is happening". I need a friend or two to listen me about all of this. We've moved too much over the past couple of years so that I've grown apart from the close women friends I had.
RAVE: I'm about three weeks into swimming regularly again and it feels GREAT! I'm well on my way to (slightly exceeding) my goal of 100km by my birthday, April 3rd. Managed to do my 2.5km today in a hour flat, which is pretty fucking awesome for me. It didn't hurt that the unusually good looking lifeguard was working... somehow I always go a bit faster when she's around.
Rave: I've decided to go for it. It's too good of an opportunity to pass on. Rave: My grandma had surgery to remove a cancerous growth on her scalp a few weeks ago and I just spoke with her today. She has been recovering really well. Very good news.
Rant: One of my FWB abruptly called an end to things today. He has quite a bit on his plate, so I understand. Also, for reasons I won't go into here, it is a HUGELY wise move for us to no longer be messing around. Still. He was the one I really liked, and I'm not so shit hot on it ending, even if it is the wisest decision that could possibly made (for all reasons).
RANT: Okay, what the fuck? This is the third time in as many weeks where I've suddenly become exhausted and slept for 3 hours or more in the afternoon followed by low grade fever between 99.5 and 100.8. It is also accompanied by feelings of lightheadedness, but nothing else. No coughing, congestion, sore throat, runny nose, swollen glands, NOTHING. Just low grade fever, lightheadedness and extreme fatigue. My wife tried to wake me up for an hour this afternoon, and I just had NO energy. I have no insurance so I can't even go to a doctor for blood work.