Rave: The Wheel of Time is done. Just finished the last book and pretty happy with how Sanderson finished the series.
rant: If it were up to me, I'd never take my kid anywhere in public. She is just at that age where she is a monster, and I HATE being the person who disrupts everyone else with my loud kid. Unfortunately, my wife wants to take her everywhere, and doesn't understand why I am embarrassed when my kid is being a monster and bothering everyone else. She feels justified in that she thinks its unfair for her to have to stay home (I say that's a price you pay for having kids) and she thinks everyone finds our daughter as cute as we do. I'm just going to spend the entirety of this little 'church function' hiding my kid from everyone else because she is being so loud.
Rantish: So i've been on norco tabs for about a week now while I wait for my knee brace to arrive, and while I appreciate it's effects in releiving the pain, I hate that it sucks every ounce of motivation to do anything right out of me. I've been sleeping til 9-10ish every morning (I'm usually up no later than 6:00am), have a cup of coffee or two while I play around on my iPad, then get back in bed and zone out with the TV. I've watched more Law & Order Criminal Intent in the last 3 days than Dick Wolf has in his career. I haven't been to an AA meeting in over week, the longest stretch I've ever gone. I've been out of the house twice since Wednesday: birthday dinner for my wife Friday night and to get my hair cut yesterday morning and only because I missed my last appointment and it's been 6 weeks since my last cut. I have to go in to work tomorrow because I have a staff meeting in the morning and client appointments in the afternoon, so since I have to drive I can't take any of the pills. This brace had better be worth the wait. On a positive note, I've gotten several compliments on what a nice cane I have. But that's like hearing, "What an adorable shade of grey your hair is!"
Rant: My room mate is a fucking pig. I spend more time cleaning now that I have another adult living with me than I did when it was just me and 3 kids. At least they know how to put a dish in the dishwasher.
RAVE: I loved Silver Linings Playbook. Exceptionally well done movie, in my humble opinion. RANT: Holy fuck, not a movie to see when I'm in the middle of a severe depressive spell due to stress. I was weepy for most of it.
Not Sure if Rant or Rave: I also really enjoyed this film, even though my confused brain was scrabbling to break through the barrier and warn me that I was enjoying a romantic comedy and that this was a sure sign of the impending apocalypse. I would've questioned my heterosexuality, but it was aggressively reaffirmed by Jennifer Lawrence's dancing scenes. I would do horrible, disgusting things to that young lady. Unforgivable things.
Rave: As of today, I have one year left in the military. I have one deployment left, but after that, I'm basically done. I'm moving out of my current house, shacking up with a buddy of mine, and living out my time in Terry-town rent free. In my time in the military, I have managed to rack up almost a million dollars in investment accounts. I have a pregnant wife who makes over 200K a year. I have had a fantastically storied military career, with multiple instances of my direct work making national news and influencing strategic decisions. I have only had to put two of my best friends in the ground, but the others who have been hurt will recover well. I have amazing job prospects for when I get out, some so dazzling I almost don't want to take them. I have two businesses I want to start, and the people and money behind them to make them happen. This does not count the dazzling job prospects. Life is ridiculously good.
RAVE: My son just showed me a spastic dance to Thrift Shop by Macklemore and then explained that he learned he is a "honky."He thinks it's cool. Kids are fucking funny.
Rant: Ate ghost pepper wings last night, clearly because I hate myself. Then proceeded to drink approximately one million beers to try and make my mouth stop burning. Woke up early to try and finish the homework that I failed to finish last night, also obviously because I hate myself. Rave: I had WAY more fun last night than I was expecting to.
RANT: You don't want to see my anymore yet you keep saying how difficult it is for you. Just shut the fuck up and leave me alone. RAVE: Stripper gave me her number. RAVE: She was a geek with a Batman tattoo and has watch all 3 LOTR extended cuts in a row.
Rant? Rave? Eating mashed sweet potatoes makes me feel like I'm eating baby food. Rave: My parents loved my boyfriend, and he seemed to at least think they were nice people.
Rave: Finally my relocation across the country has paid off! Gonna miss the City of Angels but I can confidently say I'm already healthier. Rant: No beach. Fuck.
RAVE: Things are looking up for ol' Joe. Seventeen messages waiting for me on a site I haven't even signed up for! Have fun masturbating in the dark, losers!!
Rave Goodbye, penny. The single most irritating thing on earth. You copper piece of shit that I can never clear my car of. Rot in hell. Soon we'll never have to see you again, and we are ALL better for it. One less coin with QEII on it is fine with me. 1867-2013
Rant: Last night I had a dream where I was dating Patrick Bateman. Therapists should pay ME to analyze my dreams. Rant: A side effect of the treatment I started a few weeks ago is that I have these super vivid, intense, epic dreams almost every night. (The reason why that's happening is actually kind of cool - I've been learning a lot so far.) It's pretty tiresome. I've always only had really memorable dreams maybe a couple times a month, and they've always been super heavy-handed with the symbolism, but these have just been weirdo ones. Apparently it won't last forever, once everything starts balancing out, but for now I just have to keep waking up with these crazy headaches from dreaming so hard. Actually, I've had a cranky Monday, so I have a lot of rants. Rant: I had to do one of my interviews for my column this morning at what would be my equivalent of waking up at 5 or 6am. It's throwing off my whole day. He also was a half an hour late. Rant: But at least he actually did the interview. I'm having trouble locking down the other two people. Look, I know I'm not writing for the Times or anything, but I'm still giving you free publicity and, unlike the Times, the magazine I write for actually reaches the people who are these restaurants' neighbors and would be more likely to actually go there or even become regulars. You're just opening up, nobody knows about you. It takes 10-30 minutes out of your day, man. I'm coming up on deadline and both don't have a good backup plan and really want to write about these places. I don't know what I'm going to do if these two people disappear on me. Rant: Also, even though I double-checked that my container was secure, my soup somehow still managed to leak and spill all over the place as I was rushing to catch my train. It spilled all over me and the other stuff in my bag and on the floor of the train. And it's Southeast Asian fish stew, so the remnants of it on my clothes smelled LOVELY until I was able to get to work and kind of wash myself off. I still feel like I smell like fish though. Ew.
Rant I've dated a girl for a short time, which I thought didn't want and who had a huge crush on me. When I ended it she said she didn't ever want to see me again. Then a week later she acts as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately she is is now, through other friends, in my circle of friends. And now I'm not so sure if I really didn't want her or if I was just terrified of relationships, because we definitely rushed things. And I am terrified of relationships. And now I can't really figure out what I want. And I don't want to start anything, because if she would be willing to date me again, and it doesn't work out a second time, this will make things a little bit weird, you know, with the being invited to pretty much everything I'm invited to thing. Did I mention a good friend of mine is going to be her roommate in 4 weeks? Yes, I know how that sounds. Rant Studying. Rave Cocktail Monday at the local bar. You roll a dice and pay the number you get.