Outside of cowboys stadium - Chris Kyle's funeral is here. The patriot guard is out. Flags are at half mast, and there are service men and women everywhere to show respect to the family. Given the circumstances - rave. A very sad, heartbroken rave.
Rave Very high profile job available in the Catholic Church Rant Another fucking job being married prevents me from getting.
Rant: Fucking plow my street. It stopped snowing Saturday morning, it's Monday night. I would like to earn money and buy food. I want out of the fucking house.
Really getting pretty stressed these days. Everything kind of piling on. Studying for my license exam, all the new career stuff (training, learning to market, logistcs, etc), personal projects that are about to spike in intensity after about two years in planning/development, some money issues until the career change builds up momentum. It's just a lot to deal with constantly and kind of grinds. But I'm healthy, I love my wife and cat, money is enough for now. It'll get kind of rough in March but the good outweighs the bad at least. Just tough sometimes to keep it all juggled and moving forward.
RAVE: 9:30 Monday night, time to have some breakfast and a nice cold beer. Been a grown up is awesome.
Rant: To recap my day yesterday: ER at 12:30 am, given morphine and told I have a 5 mm kidney stone and sent on my way by 3:30 with a script for Norco. Nap briefly from 4-6, awoken by daughter and kidney pain. Around 6:30, we decide to get my mother in law to watch my daughter, as I am in no condition to do so. Around 9, I get my Norco script filled and take two. At 9:30 I also take three Advil. At 10:30, I feel the WORST pain I have ever felt in my life. I am literally vomiting and crying from the pain. By 11 I am back at the ER. They give me more morphine. My kidney stone laughs at this, and proceeds to make morphine it's bitch. My piss is now more blood than urine, and the pain is so bad I pass out briefly and scare the shit out of everyone, wife included. Hooray! Cue dilauded. My pain goes away. Instead, I am met by Mr. Nausea, who gives me the dry heaves for an hour. Luckily, I've only eaten a slice of bread by this point. Doctor orders me not to eat in case they need to do surgery. Hospital admits me at 5 PM. I have yet to meet the urologist, I am still feeling some pain through the dilauded, and I am nauseous as hell. Around 7, they decide to let me eat, and say i won't be able to eat again after midnight in case of surgery the next day. They bring me food that I stare at longingly, unable to eat due to severe nausea. I eat the bread roll. Every part of my body hates me. By 9 the pain has subsided. They are pushing lots of fluids through me, though, to try to move The stone along without surgery. I am now pissing every 20 minutes. This lasts all night. I never never sleep more than 20 minutes at a time. I am pissing in a plastic urinal that the nurses have to strain. I feel bad for them. I see my night nurse. She is hot. Things are looking up. My night nurse only comes in once between 10 pm and 6 am, and ignores my call button. I have to get out of bed, still hooked up to a thousand cords, and empty the completely full urinal myself. I curse my nurse's existence. Don't care if she is hot, she sucks at her job. Doctor comes in this morning and gives me the news. I have two stones on the left side of my body. A 6 mm stone that moved and caused all the ruckus, and a 5 mm stone still in the kidney waiting to ruin my shit again. He offers to wait, but says it could take months to pass and could be worse, or do surgery. I opt for surgery, which happens later today. Rave: It will be over soon.
Rave: They just plowed out our road and parking lots yesterday afternoon. I immediately jumped into my car to go...anywhere. It's one thing to have a three day weekend and be able to go somewhere. It's a completely different thing when the only place you can really go is Dunkin Donuts, and you have to walk through waist deep snow to get there.
Rant: I woke up feeling sick today and of course it had to be today when my work pals and I have Mardi Gras plans after work. I can't remember the last time I was nauseous without it being because I was hungover. It's annoying. I can't even tell if this is due to the Sickness at Large or if it's just some random bug or eating something weird or whatever. Bleeehhhhhhhhhh.
Morning Sickness? Rave: My wife has found that graveyards is working really well for her. She is happy, not throwing up much at all now, baby seems to like it. So she has taken graveyards shifts from other people, she is doing something like 6 straight weeks of it. So far so good. Which is really nice, cause she was getting some god awful morning/all day sickness. Rant: Probably means the baby when it comes will not let us sleep during the night.
Rant: My day at school of do nothingness (career fair for the students) was cut abruptly short. One of the main speakers had to cancel, and I was asked to cover. Hooray 30 minute speech in front of the whole school on very short notice. Rave: I rocked it. It also reminded me of how much I love being up in front of a crowd. I need to do more of it.
Rave: Home! Rant: Having multiple things shoved up your dickhole in a short period of time is fucking awful, and will result in some damage. I feel like someone just stomped on my junk repeatedly for the last two hours or so. Cringeworthy details follow: NSFCMC Basics of the procedure are that they knock me out and rape my cock. Once I was under, first they use a catheter to drain my bladder. Next, they shove a scope up there to see where the stone is and how big it is. The best case scenario is that it is small enough that they can grab it and yank it out right there. If not (and it wasn't, in my case), they proceed to shove a laser up there and use that to break up the stone, which is then removed in smaller pieces. Normally, this ends the surgery. In my case there was a 2nd stone, though. So, they then shove a stent up there, to keep the stone from moving down from my kidney. For those who don't know, a stent of this nature has to be removed easily, so it has a pair of threads on it that are now sticking an inch or two out of my dick hole. Even a slight breeze moving these things tends to hurt, so it is nothing but loose, baggy clothes until it is out. It also makes pissing hurt. Like pissing fire, only without the cool flame-thower effect. To top it all off, there is bruising. On my dick. Rave: Everyone has been absolutely awesome since this happened. My in-laws took care of my daughter for two days, my parents acted, basically, as chauffeurs, driving myself and my wife around (my wife got sick yesterday and needed a ride home, and my parents were exceptionally helpful), and my mom is watching my daughter tomorrow, and everyone at my job has been great about covering my shifts. Rave: You idiots have helped, too. I appreciate the reps and the laughs I've gotten from this place. I needed it; kept me from wanting to slam my head against a wall.
Motherfucking violent rant: Sixth rugby game cancelled in 8 weeks. Motherfucker, this is ENGLAND, you're surprised it's gonna fucking rain? How about you figure out how to fit your pitches with some proper fucking drainage so the first rumour of a rain shower doesn't waterlog them to the point that they look like you could reenact the Battle of Trafalgar on them without too much trouble? And why does this bullshit always happen on Wednesdays? It's like there's some evil fucking weather god who starts pouring it down on sundays just in fucking preparation for this day. I WANT TO FUCKING HIT PEOPLE, GODDAMNIT!
Rant: My wife thought she might be pregnant Rave?: She's not Rant: You know that thing where you flip a quarter and know when its in the air what you really want? Yeah, baby is what ran through my head. Rant: It would change our entire lives. Truly though she wants nothing to do with the idea and I think that bothers me. I think it bothers me a lot and that is just plain unfair of me. Originally I was open to the idea. Then I shut that down because of her stance. Apparently after a lot of talking she was exactly the same but shut it down because I had done so (even though my saying so was for her). Now it would 'ruin her life'. Fuck man. Fuck
Rave: Morning sex! Rave: Tax money direct deposited! Rant: Said tax money will be going towards an unknown cost to fix the wife's car on Monday. Rave: Dinner with the wife tonight! (Shut up, I happen to like Valentine's day!) Rave: More sex later! Rant: Dog sitting my parent's prissy dog this weekend. Every time we watch that bastard, I want to shoot him by the end of the weekend.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread Rant: Federal return rejected, fuck me RAVE/rant: Got my state return back but it's all going to my other state because living in one state and working in another fucking blows.
Rant: I live in New Hampshire but I operate out of the New York Life general office in Massachusetts. As a result, the staff there aren't as familiar with NH licensing procedures. So, when I went to take my Life Insurance exam that I had studied for I was unprepared to discover that the exam I was taking was actually a combined Life, Accidental, and Health insurance exam. NH, it seems, does those as one exam instead of broken up like MA does. Lovely. An exam for which I was not studied up for. Rant: The study materials I had had were also Massachusetts based for state specific things. Rave: Passed anyway! Now I can review the health and accident stuff to make sure I'm up to speed, but the exams for those are now out of the way. This means I'll be licensed in NH for all of them and my reciprocal license for MA should go through in a few days. Plus any other state I may need to do business in for the most part. Woo! Rave: First appointment booked and I am now in business! Anyone who wants to have a chat about your financial needs, life insurance, annuities, retirement planning, college savings, etc etc, let me know! (The investment/securities stuff will require some other exams, but I'll have those set soon as well.)
Rave: Vacation with the girlfriend went very well (by which I mean I was able to shoot guns with her dad and not have a "hunting accident"). Felt good to walk around in the woods again, even if it was raining. After leaving there (near St. Louis) we went to a wolf rehabilitation center and sat at a campfire listening to them howl. Cahokia, the indian mound site, was also awesome. And Memphis, on the last leg, is my new favorite city. Great food, awesome Beale St., met the lead singer of Sevendust, and saw the Peabody ducks. I had chills standing where MLK was shot. If you haven't been to the Civil Rights Museum there and you have the chance, go.
Rant: Doctor wanted me to wait til March 15 to have my next surgery. I have a stent in and it is not only painful, but it makes me literally have to piss every hour. They also said I can't work or lift more than 20 lbs while it is in, meaning I can't so much as lift my daughter. Basically, they want me to put every aspect of my life on hold until March 15. This isn't for a medical reason, only scheduling bullshit. Rave: After several calls and complaints, they finally came around to see things my way (i.e. I need to take care of my kid and work) and will get me in February 25th. Rant: Pain meds make me light headed, and it is tough to sleep at night considering I am up to piss every hour or so. I cannot wait for this to end. Rant: Sure am glad I have a broken penis on national "easy excuse to bang the wife" day.
MEGA RAVE: I got the job, start in a few weeks. Rave: When it rains, it pours. I haven't heard from the job(x1.75 time my current pay), so i applied for another one(x2 my current pay), got a call yesterday for an interview, and today I got a call from the original job offering me the position.