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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Rant: stupid hotels and their idiotic credit card hold rules.

    Rave: apparently when short on patience I tend to shoot lasers from my eyeballs.
  2. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Rant: at veterinary emergency with our cat. She's not in good shape. I think it's a reaction to distemper and leukemia booster she had yesterday. Waiting for the vet to see her. Poor little girl.
  3. silway

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    We're back from the vet. She has a fever and is definitely in some pain. They gave her fluids and pain killers and a scrip for more if we need it. We'll keep an eye on her over the next few days but cautiously optimistic at least. Die Hard will wait for tomorrow.

    Grumpy cat on the exam table. Spoiler for large pic display size.


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  4. jordan_paul

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    Oct 26, 2009
    Binbrook, Ontario
    Sometimes I feel like running my fucking head into a wall. After having a 30 minute phone conversation with my girlfriend tonight is one of those nights. Is it bad near the end of the call I didn't even want to hear her voice? Fuck. I love her to death and I'm in the process of rearranging my whole life and plan for her, but sometimes like tonight she gets in these depressive moods about the stupidest shit. Her issue tonight, like many other occasions is that she has 25 grand in student loan debt. The only reason she is feeling down about it is because her retard piece of shit cock sucking ex-boyfriend listed that as one of the "reasons" he broke up with her. Now I think she feels I might send her packing because she has a pissy 25 grand in student loans? Give me a fucking break. I told her 100 times that her having some debt to better her future makes me love her even more because it shows she's not some stupid bitch who doesn't want to do shit with her life. I also tried telling her that the money is an investment into her future but she doesn't get it because some douche bag said he didn't like her having student debt. It pisses me off that I'm supposed to be that man that "she wants to spend the rest of her life with" but she is still influenced buy some fucking idiot. I even remind her that when we move in together that I'm going to help her pay for her student debt (among other things, part of the joint bank account deal) to prove to her that it doesn't bother me but she still gets in these moods. The worst part is that when I try and talk about it to reassure my love to her she shuts down and says she doesn't want to talk about it and then she mopes around all day. It just frustrates the shit out of me.

    Edit: She called me back 15 minuted later almost crying and I found out what set her into this shit mood. Her mom asked her in her usual cunty condescending way if I knew that "she had so much debt" and that " might not like that." That's the other reason she gets down on herself, her mother. She's a nice enough lady I suppose but sometimes she treats my girlfriend like shit. Shes always nagging on my gf about her "weight"* or tries to micro manage her money. The thing is that her mom is kind of obese, and my girlfriends mom never gave her any fucking clue how to manage money because she did all that. My gf is 24 and her mom still has a password to her online banking info and checks up on it. Which in turn stresses my girlfriend out because she feels she is bad with money, and will "ruin our relationship" with her bad money skills when we move in together. It wouldn't be a bad thing if my future mother in law had a fucking clue about how to manage money in the first place, but she fucking don't. My girlfriend has like 5 different bank accounts at 4 different banks because of her moms forced advice. I be fucking stressed out too if I had to balance 4 cheque books. I tried to show my gf how I do it but again, she shuts right down and I cant even talk to her. And I'll be fucking god damned if her mother tries to stick her nose in my fucking personal finances once my girlfriend and I get a joint bank account. That shit wont go over well.

    Her mother is doing the same shit to her other daughter (who is 22) to the point where my girlfriends sister doesn't even have access to her own bank account. That boggles my fucking mind because when I first started paying my own bills (at 14, cell phone) my parents told me that I make my own money so I have to pay my bills and if I didn't it would be on me if I fucked up. It's actually pretty sad.

    Sorry for the rant, it's probably all over the place but it really helped me relieve stress writing it all out.

    *my girlfriend is fucking beautiful and she doesn't need to loose a pound. Shes not skinny but she's far from obese. You can almost see her ribs when she lifts her arms up
  5. AlmostGaunt

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Crossposted Semi-rant from Drunk thread: I find myself going to a Greek mythology-themed costume party tomorrow night, and I'm wondering what to wear. I'm a little bit tempted to go as Oedipus, i.e. wear a toga, get a giant heart-shaped box and write Mom on it. Top with a crown and bloody dagger and call it good. Question is, what am I missing? Is there a more iconic figure that I'm blanking on, or any way to improve on my current idea?
  6. bongsol0

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    SF Bay Area
    Rave I just had circus sex, the rare kind that finally brought the freak out in the g/f of almost 3 years.

    Rave 20 minutes later '____ so you wanna go again?'

    Rave The sequel was better.
  7. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    RAVE: Awesome presents, great day together, fantastic unexpected blowjob, lobster and steak for dinner topped off with so much great sex my balls and legs ache. Best Valentine's Day ever. I'm the luckiest guy alive.
  8. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    RANT: So I went to the orthopedist on 1/28 and based on his recommendation, opted for a brace for my knee, which I thought was an off the shelf type thing. I get sent to another area of the medical office and meet with a guy who says he's going to put a wet cast on my leg to make a mold to have the cast made (doctor never mentioned that part) and he tells me it'll take about 2 weeks to make. Well, it was two weeks this past Monday, and no word. On Wednesday, my wife calls the office to inquire about it and she's told it's not in yet. Then yesterday, I get a call from the insurance and billing person at the ortho's office to tell me that my primary insurance approved the brace, but my secondary insurance denied it, and the doctor has to speak with a peer to peer specialist with that insurance company BEFORE THEY CAN ORDER THE BRACE!!! It's been 2.5 weeks and now it's going to be another 2 weeks for the brace to be made and shipped from California. Limping around for the past few weeks using a cane, I've been putting more weight on my left knee which has now started to throb with pain (I'm assuming I'm bone on bone in that joint, too in addition to the torn miniscus in the right knee) and the norco tabs are barely taking the edge off, so I asked to speak with the ortho's nurse about getting cortisone shots to alleviate the pain for the time being. Sure, come in Monday morning at 8:30. In other words, "Have a miserable weekend.". I was supposed to go to Austin this weekend for Family Weekend and to celebrate my daughter's 19 th birthday, but had to stay home--the 4 hour ride would have been bad enough, nevermind walking around campus. So, my wife went alone, and I'm home with my youngest for the weekend, pretty much either laid up in bed, or sitting t the kitchen table for brief periods.

    And a hopeful rave, my wife has already had three interviews that went terrifically. Hopefully, one of them will pan out quickly and we can bank her entire severance package (less a new mattress for our bed.). And she stopped and bought me a pound of beefy jerky at Robertson's on her way to Austin.
  9. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Catty Rave: There's something satisfying about running into someone from the past who you never liked and seeing him/her look like ass. This girl was a total mean girl in high school: rude, made fun of everyone, thought she was better than everyone else, etc. Anyway, I saw her at lunch today. She's at least 30 lbs overweight and looks like shit. I hardly recognize her b/c she looks like she ate another person. Time has not been kind to her. Muahahahaa.
  10. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Rave: I finally found someone who doesn't think I'm going to break in bed. Weird, fucked up sex, here I come!

    Rave?: I actually kind of like him and get along with him, which is awkward for me and my intimacy issues (with whom I've had the longest of relationships).
  11. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    Rant: Gas prices jumped 20c/liter over night. That is roughly 75c/gallon. In one fucking go. I am not complaining about the overall price of gas, which is stupid. It is how the fuck do they even make a one day jump that high. Atleast give me the reach around, please.
  12. crazy asian

    crazy asian
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: I am never current on this board.

    Rant: Writing a paper about the Indian Child Welfare Act, and I'm really really good at being distracted.

    Rant: Tomorrow I will go to the worst english class for 5 hours on a Saturday, then help my friend move, while it's snowing.

    Rave: Costa Rica in 35 days.
  13. KillaKam

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Apr 17, 2010
    Rant I feel really out of shape. Eating way too much crap since the holidays and lack of exercise has caught up to me. Thing is I never want to exercise during the winter. This shitty cold weather needs to go away, so I can get outside and start running again. Not a fan of treadmills but I think I might have to get on it.

    Rave Tax refund looking GOOD

    ? Decided not to move in with the cute girl. After my best friend telling me it would probably be a mistake, and further pondering I bailed. Back to square one.
  14. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rant: almost a week with zero sexual activity, with another week and a half to go. I'm pretty sure that once this stent is out, my wife will just have to look at me seductively and I'll blast her through the wall.
  15. JoeCanada

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Edmonton, AB
    RAVE: The Battle of Los Angeles, Rage Against the Machine. What an incredible album. I know I'm almost a decade and a half late to the party, but I've never listened to them much. I bought the album because I really like Calm Like a Bomb and Testify... and it turns out the entire album is just as good (or better)! When the fuck does that ever happen? If you ever need to get shit done but you're feeling really lazy, put this record on. Seriously, it's like drinking a gallon of coffee and then mainlining a bunch of meth.
  16. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: Condoms.

    Bareback? I'm perfectly fine. Condoms? Hope she enjoys my 3-inch flaccid penis, because it ain't happening. Goddamn it.
  17. T0m88

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    Dec 26, 2011
    London, UK
    Not sure if Rant or Rave: Went out to a bar/club with a couple friends last night. Turns out it was a gay bar, or at least it catered to a very mixed crowd. Should have seen the warning signs when they let in 3 drunk dudes with no girls at 1AM. While you can get a train run on you by the New England Patriots as far as I'm concerned if that's your thing, I'm still made acutely uncomfortable by the sight of two guys sloppily making out. Likewise by the sight of guys dancing or behaving like women. Something about a guy with a beard wearing a shirt tied up below his chest girating like a drunk stripper that just makes my brain go "er, what the fuck is going on?". Am I... Am I a homophobe?

    Uncertain Addendum: Also, if you're into dudes, shouldn't you want to, you know, fuck dudes? If someone behaves entirely like a woman, doesn't that kind of defeat the point?

    Rave: The gays have good taste in music.

    Rant: Going to the Men's Room was an experience that has probably scarred me for life. It's easy to forget just how filthy depraved guys can be. When you remove the civilising influence of a woman, all interactions seem to boil down to:
    Guy 1 "Hey, you look hot, wanna fuck?"
    Guy 2 "Sure."
    Guy 1 "Where should we get it on?"
    Guy 1 "That toilet over there seems ideal!"

    Quite aside from the grunts and bellows emerging from most of the stalls, I could've done without the guy coming up to the urinal next to mine, taking a good long hard (heh) stare at my exposed penis and going, "nice". I swear it retreated into my pelvis like a hermit crab. That's fucking sexual harassment, knock it off already.

    Rave: Aside from that one incident, 0 harassment. Gay guys apparently have Assassin's Creed-like Eagle Vision abilities and are able to spot heterosexuals just by the way they walk, and leave them alone.

    Rave: Picked up a hot Russian girl. Guess the whole everyone being into dudes thing kinda narrowed her options down.

    Rave: Gay dudes are the best wingmen ever. She was out with two friends (both male, both gay) and she told them she was leaving with me. Female friends would've undoubtedly attempted to throw a thousand fucking spanners into the works, but one of them looked over at me, went "Oh, he looks like he'll RUIN you! Have fun, girlfriend!" and went back to dancing. Thanks, gay dude!
  18. kuhjäger

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: just booked a week on Crete (a Greek island for the geographically disinclined) in an apartment for only 500 bucks with flight. A vacation this year on our terms. Awesome.
  19. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    Preamble: Hi TiB, it's been a while.

    Rave: I saw a female black midget today.
  20. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: It isn't every day one of your projects ends up in a newspaper.

    Rant: They still made some silly mistakes, like saying my girlfriend is my fiance.