Rant: Snowed in with no food in my apartment. I could probably get out, but it looks like work. Rave: Dominos is still delivering. This poor driver will at least get a good tip for being willing to deliver to my lazy ass.
Political Rant: Spoiler Rant: I'm glad people who refuse to work, and continue to churn out kids that they can't support can have unlimited access to money with an Iphone and an attitude of entitlement while my pay gets cut by 43%. I guess that earning the money you receive doesn't make any sense in modern America. Thanks Mr. Obama.
Rant: The summer jobs I want are really slow getting back to me. Not sure if this means I won't get it or if they're simply taking a while making decisions. Rave: Campus is closing at 1:30 pm today. My professional responsibility class begins at 2 pm. Time to start drinking.
Rave: Ny niece had a healthy baby girl! 10 fingers and 10 toes (I know because I counted)! Rant: I'm now a great uncle. I'm old as fuck. Rant: Watching the debate as to whether Oscar Pistorius is a flight risk I had one question running through my mind..."Why don't they just take his legs? Voila! Problem solved." I really should be put in charge of something.
Rave: Surgery went well. I feel pretty good now, with the exception of a headache/stuffiness from it being really cold and dry in the surgery center. I'm sure it didn't help that they were shooting oxygen up my nose, but that just dries me out and gives me the worst headaches. Major Mega Rave: Sex! It has been almost 3 weeks since I've been able to do anything sexually. That stent made everything impossible. Therefore, tonight, the plan is to put the kid to bed, and to break my wife in half. The woman has no idea what she is in for tonight.
Rave: Went to Bartender Girl's bar, enjoyed playing retarded touchscreen games and drinking beer with her old-ass regular friends. Rave: Some creepy 50-year-old has been hitting on her for the last week. I got him to stop by politely saying "Hi. You must be Sparky. Stay away from my girlfriend." He didn't know that we aren't really dating, but I pulled it off well enough. As much as I enjoy the idea of beating the shit out of an old man with a tire iron, I'm happy that he isn't continuing to be a fucking weirdo. ??? Who the fuck is named or nicknamed Sparky? Rant: My nickname is Booty, so I don't really have much room to talk. Rant: She got too drunk to have sex afterwards. She's currently barfing in the bathroom, hungover as fuck.
Rant: The moment you stub your toe/toes and immediately look to destroy the closest anything in retaliation.
Rant: Spoilered for familial bullshit that I just need to type out somewhere Spoiler My sister had a heart attack. But this is entirely her fault. With her 4 kids, complete lack of a job for the past 15 years and her utter dependence on my brother to the ruination of any relationship future that he could possibly have, she chose to ignore congenital heart fauilure 5 years ago. I'm struggling to feel sympathy for her. I'm saddened that her kids may be without a mother. But I'm happy that she will get to live in their imagination as a hero of some sort instead of the usless husk that she is currently. I don't want my sister to die and I don't know how to feel about it. This conflict between disliking the way someone has lived their lives and so deeply, negatively affected their children who if they are lucky will be only minor blights on society is at odds with the fact that she is my sister and I do love her. How do you balance that? I sure as fuck don't know. What I do know is that the wonderful cultish nature of my family's religion means an unecessary complication in that my sister is insisting on adhering to a bullshit rule for a religion that she doesn't practice unless my mother is within earshot in order to make a stand that makes no sense and it makes me think she does want to die. No blood open heart surgery? Go fuck yourself. Your fucking god can go fuck himself too. Rave: I have an amazingly supportive wife. I came into this room to make phone calls for the past 3 hours. Last thing she said to me? Wake me up when you're done so we can talk about all of it. I lucked the fuck out with her. edit: forgot to add a Rave
Rave: Brace came in today, went and got it fitted and adjusted and I already feel the benefits. And, a new Rx for more Norco tabs. I can't believe this is a Monday. Rave: Halfday on Friday. Rant: Because I have to work a community resources fair on Saturday from 9-2. Mega-Rave: ToyToy can count to 10! Of course, he had to use the fingers and toes of a baby to do it, but still! Congrats, Uncle ToyToy!
Rave: Little sister (5 years younger) just got a job offer. She's getting a pay increase of over 100%. I'll miss having her here in the office, but she was getting paid shit money and had no chances for professional growth. Really happy for her. (Douchey, jealous, big brother) Rant: As happy as I am for her, it's just making me realize all the more how badly I need to get out of here, too. Adding in her expected bonus and overtime pay--along with her 100% covered medical--she'll be making as much as I am now on an annual basis. I've been here five years and manage two companies--one of which I've been able to shave over $1 million in costs while making it better than what it was before. I said it already, but it bares repeating--I've got the experience to move, so it's time.
Rant: I'm currently waiting for a phone call from the CA-Army Guard telling me when I can start a new job. It's a full time, DoD Civilian position, that is gonna be $4 and hour more, and 1/3 the commute time from where I am at now. I've already been "hired", but waiting for those ass-clowns in Sacramento to finish processing my hiring packet is wearing me the fuck out. I can't give notice at my current job until I get the go ahead. Holy shit!! Can these people take any longer? They've had it since 2/5. Anyhoo, I've worked at this place before, and it'll set me up nicely with 2 more retirements on top of my military pension when it's all said and done. Rave: Spent the weekend with the wife, away from the baby in Julian, CA. I would highly recommend it to anyone who has the opportunity to go. It's a nice mountain town about an hour away from San Diego, known for it's apples and apple pie. Gorgeous.
Rant: Never been so sick in my life. Must have been food poisoning, i was over it in around 24 hours. Still don't feel 100percent, but i am going going to complain after what Sunday was like. From midnight to around 11am Sunday less then 12 hours, i lost around 6 pounds in fluids. My wife went to go get me some giner ale, and slipped on our deck, both feet from under her. Feel right on her tail bone. So after she got back from getting me my fluids, that i still couldn't keep down. We both went to the hospital. I was so dehydrated that it too 2 nurses, 30 minutes trying to find a vein to run an IV in. Oh and i am scared to death of fucking needles. So that was alot of fun. They poked me 6 times before they got one, and they had to do it near my elbow. When they pulled the needles out of my hand there was no blood. My heart beat is normally around 60-65, it was around 110-120. Also with my wife being pregnant they cant to an xray to see if her tail bone is cracked, but they cant do anything anyways. The only position that is comfortable for her tail bone is on her back, unfortunately baby has other plans and says no. So Sunday was a fun day in the wexton household.
Rave: Old friend got back in touch recently and its awesome to hear from her. We were close several years ago and dropped out of contact which leads to... Rant: There is potential for drama and I used to have some strong feelings for her. I don't know what this is/could/will be or what I want it to be. I'm not sure if the feelings I had will resurface. I have a mixed bag of thoughts about it and while its all good now it could end up being a mess. Pretty much true of any situation. Rave: I've been in a funk for a while and regardless of what happens this will not be boring.
Rave: This is not a rave but the order in which I was given information which makes it a fucking RANT. I get 'Good news. It wasn't a heart attack exactly. Her heart stopped. But now physically your sister is fine. Her blood pressure is up, her arteries have cleared.' Fucking Rant of this century 'Oh but bad news - there is no brain activity except for in her brain stem. People don't come back from that. Sorry' Rant: The impotence of listening to your mother cry over the phone 6000 miles away is fucking heart wrenching. No one is going to be able to keep their shit together and I need to go. As much shit as will happen, I need to fucking go. Like yesterday. I think I'm going to be sick.
Woke up to the room spinning like a tornado. Now I'm sitting here feeling somewhere between hungover and dizzy and I don't know why.