Rant: I've had enough of this snow. I don't get snow days, I get shitty days with 18 drivers on the road waiting to get a call that one of them is stuck or has had an accident. Rant: One of our tractor trailers flipped onto its side in a ditch this morning on the way to our center. Rave: The driver was fine. Rave: I'm home for the day and don't intend to go back outside until I have to leave for work in the morning. Rave: E is getting so big. That girl's vocabulary is growing by the day and she has an attitude to go with it. I can't believe she's almost a year and a half old. Rave: She's going to be a big sister in October!
Rant Just realized that I never updated my address on my resume. So while I live in the area I'm applying for jobs, the employers may think I'm applying from out of state. This may nor may not explain the tepid responses I've gotten.
Rant: Fuck Georgetown and the refs (really, a GTown player has a UConn player in a headlock and gets out of it, Flagrant on the UConn player, fuck you).
RAVE: On Monday I'm having a meeting of sorts with the man the boyfriend calls the "gang guru" - the top prosecutor in the state. He's been on Gangland, he's written most of the caselaw on the GA Street Gang Act, oh, and a genuinely nice guy. With the boyfriend's encouragement I emailed him and asked if sometime I could pick his brain about what kind of trends he's seeing in his county and what to watch out for on my caseload and damn if he didn't promptly reply with a resounding "Absolutely! Will Monday work?" He also thanked me for reaching out and stated it was good to see someone dedicated to their job. Fucking sweet. RAVE: Say hello the newest member of the Georgia Gang Investigator Association!
Rave Just discovered Amazon Instant Video recently. I'm enjoying being able to stream some really older movies I've wanted to see instantly without having to go out and search for them. Catching up on a lot. Although their are some connection problems here and there Rave Tax refund came today!
Rave: Steak with blue cheese topping! Fuck yes this was tasty, beer only made everything else better. Rant: No bacon.
Rant: iPad stopped rotating, which sucks because I have a bunch of textbooks that are formatted to landscape that I need on a daily basis.
RANT: I've been foolishly tired all this week. I've been sleeping fine, and enough, but its still annoying. RAVE: Couple of really solid weekends coming up. RANT: No motivation at work to finish a couple lame projects. RAVE: NSFW Spoiler SGEDIT:NSFW
Rant: Got passed up for a program that was absolutely vital to me gaining experience in the field I want to pursue after school. Not getting in means I have to re-evaluate my career aspirations. My experience was as tailor-made for the program as possible to be; the only thing I can see lacking compared to the people who got in is my extracurriculars are more recreationally based and I'm not vp of six different business associations. Rave: Sent them a reply to their rejection email, letting them know that while their rejection showed great promise, there was a lot of competition and I couldn't possibly accept their rejection at this time. Still waiting for an official response. Rave: Bar tonight with some friends followed by watching War of the Rails tomorrow and getting a chance to use the diving team's equipment. Gonna huck some gnarly flips and feel good about life.
Rave: After weeks of not hearing anything on the job front I received two phone calls within ten minutes today concerning interviews next week. Rant: Not the two I was hoping for but beggars can't be choosers. Rave: Would happily take either of these positions should I receive an offer.
I've never done of these, but it's time. It won't be that original. Rant: Fuck my job. Fuck my job. Fuck my job. Fuck those assclowns. Repeat x1000. It's time to update the resume and get out of this hellhole. Rave: Seeing the book of Mormon tomorrow. Then getting wasted. So all in all, net positive.
Rave: Been a good week so far Rave: seeing old lost friends Rant: feelings Rave: Gonna get nice and drunk tomorrow
We'll see: I've either spent the last few days helping a guy out who's been really down on his luck, or falling prey to a very convincing con man. He got enough money off of me that I have to wonder. If he is playing me, I would almost be as impressed as I would be pissed, because his acting skills and attention to detail have been just fantastic. But that might just be because he really does have cancer, who knows. Here's a weird thing to say: "If that guy doesn't have cancer I'm going to be really pissed off for the next couple weeks."
Rave: Survived a layoff that took out a fair chunk of the building. Rave: The guy who got me the job and some other friends that also work here made it. Rant: There's some good people out of a job today.
Well, apparently they didn't find this as amusing as I did, and now I have to go to a meeting about the email I sent them rejecting their rejection.
RAVE: I'm not Dude and I have no idea what the Church of Fudge video is. Rant: Today was another perfect reminder of why I'm so fucking glad I handed my two weeks in. I will be so fucking happy if this conglomerate goes the way of McCormick and Schmick's (stockholder performs hostile takeover at pennies on the dollar, fires the entire board the next day.)
Rave: Some good sex with a friend visiting this week. Rave: Possible threesome tomorrow night, though I'd rate the odds high that something will prevent it. But hey, the possibility is there. Rant: Going to be up late tonight and early tomorrow to finish writing and then running a game at a local convention. Too much stress for too little payoff.