Rave Moved into a new apartment. Room mate is quiet, friendly, and easy going. The place isn't very big, but it's in a new city with a lot of cool places to eat/bars. Rant Room mate has a cat. I can deal with it but that fucker likes to slink around in my room when I'm trying to settle in. Better keep the door closed.
Rave: My wife is off Thursday through Tuesday. Rant: I work every single fucking day but Friday. God fucking damn it. Trading out of at least one of those shifts. Rave: In-laws are taking the kid over night Friday night. We get our first date night in a good two months. To say it is needed would be an understatement. Rave: Wife is getting a large bonus. This is in addition to a nice tax refund. Not quite 5 figures, but very damn close. Rant: Oh, and then the hospital bills for my kidney stone come due, and the tax refund is fucking gone. Fuck the health care system in this country. They'll charge out the ass for everything. They know you don't have a choice in services, so they can charge you whatever they want, and therefore, they will absolutely fuck you in the ass as hard as is humanly possible. Its like passing another stone.
Rant: Fuck time changes. They're awful. Rave: Sleeping with The Husband. In OUR bed. Soon. So very soon.
Rant: Got whatever god awful disease Kenny had. Rant: To top it off their mom decided to inform me about an hour before she was due to pick them up, that she was going to the hospital for a kidney infection. That was just wonderful news after spending all day with the trifecta of evil while having to take frequent breaks to piss from my rectum and projectile vomit. Rave: The Martian death flu has passed! Also I'm gonna go play some Magic tonight. Hurray for good health and nerding it up!
Rant: Fuck Priceline.com. We booked our honeymoon vacation last July to Hawaii, and since then, they have rescheduled our flights four goddamn times. I'm really getting pissed off at them. TBD: Emailed the executives at Priceline to find out what the fuck is going on and to let them know how displeased I am with their service. Received a reply back indicating that my email was received, and that someone would be getting back to me within one business day. Fingers crossed.
Rant: Three hour webinar on a new government reporting tool. Rave: I found a little jar of Nutella in my desk, and a spoon. Rant: Tummy ache.
Rave: The next segment of my environmental toxicology research is being presented at the Southeast Region SETAC conference next week, and the single arm stage 2 clinical trials paper I'm coding simulations for has been accepted for publication in a medical statistics journal. Huzzah, academia!
Rave: After months of not being able to put together anything for the summer I finally got offered an internship with a fairly major company. It's not exactly what I'm studying, but I'm going to be awesome at it. Rant/Rave: Finally got bored enough to decide to get back in shape. Thoroughly enjoying stage 1: get rid of the junk food in the apartment by EATING ALL OF IT. Counter productive? Meh.
Rant/Rave: No work this week Rant: No fucking pay check next week Rave: Getting nice and drunk tonight
RANT: Confirmed, whole toe is black, guess I'm not running for a while. Rave: Perfect reason to get drunk instead.
Rave: Going to visit my best friend in Charlotte this weekend! I really need to get out of the fucking house, too. Sadness + isolation + winter = the mopiest moper who ever did mope. Rant: His girlfriend is "uncomfortable" with the idea of me staying with him. They're long-distance, so I can understand how sometimes their geographic distance can germinate insecurities which normally wouldn't take root. That being said, I haven't seen him in two years and some change. In fact, the last time I saw him was a week before my first date with The Dude (kind of fitting that I'm bookending our failed relationship with visits to my best bud, right?) and we go weeks without talking. It's not like there is anything there to twist out of shape. And yet...her panties are twisted. Ugh. Normally I wouldn't give a fuck, but he really loves this one and I suspect they may end up getting married. Rave: No kids to watch this weekend. Holy shit. I won't know what to do with myself when there aren't crayons and Spongebob around.
Rave: Due to middle and high school math class extra credit opportunities of yore, my sister and I have a tradition of baking pies together for Pi(e) Day. She is home for spring break, so the tradition endures. We made three apple-caramel-pecan pies, one for our parents, one for Boyfriend's parents, and one to take to the internship tomorrow to remind them that I am The Best Intern. And let me tell you, they are delicious.
Rave: Happy Steak and a Blowjob day TiB. May your steaks be medium rare and your bj's sloppy and swallowed. Ya'll deserve it.
Rave: Going to see Clutch tonight! Rave: Girlfriend brought over a crock pot of homemade gumbo last night, then we had each other for dessert. Rant: I was holding out hope that Pope Benedict would be replaced by Pope Doggy Dog. Oh well.
Rant: Interview in an hour and a half and I am stupidly nervous. Honestly, what the hell? I know I am well prepared and suited for this job, and once I'm there I'll be fine. It's the lead up that drives me nuts, mostly because my pessimistic attitude has every potential negative outcome running through my head simultaneously, while not a single positive outcome can gain entry. Rant: Because of course I have to go right to work after the interview. Rave: I need to relax and be happy I have a job now. It's not what I really want to do, but it isn't a bad job and I have the option to go full time if I don't get this teaching position, so either way things will work out for the better.
Rant: My phone just took the mother of all shits. I've never done a Factory Reset before. What a headache. 5000 texts to back-up, 1000 photos, 22 apps... and holy fuck, if for whatever reason this reset has affected how much fake-money I had won in my poker app, I am going to fucking cut a bitch.
FTFY RANT: Getting so sick of my job, my rock solid bullshit veneer might be cracking. If my boss catches on I might be out before I can find another job. Or even worse, she'll actually start babying me to "give me more opportunity to succeed." RANT: Looks like the only route to my desired career which is so goddamn like the one I'm in is a 15k pay decrease. RAVE: Finally got a "mentor" like guy who is a SVP at a major ad agency to give me advice. He is where I'd like to be. I wish I had some of the shit he's telling me know 2-4 years ago, but I'm super optimistic with his help going forward.