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Rant & Rave Thread

Discussion in 'Permanent Threads' started by Joel Raymond, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: Just ate two sleeves of Thin Mints in one sitting.

    Rant: Last night the old lady down the hall slipped in the tub and died or something. Aside from looking like Freddy Krueger, she was a nice old gal.

    Rave: All of her squawking parakeets and whatnot are going to the humane society or bird zoo or whatever.
  2. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Rave: Got a job offer for the summer and throughout the next school year.

    Rant: Not with the firm I want to work for.

    Rave: Second interview with more desirable job on Monday.
  3. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Rave: I'm off work until Monday and I have a St. Patrick's Day party on Saturday. I lazied out of making anything for it and bought a shrimp platter. That's a win in my book!

    Rant: So yesterday morning my son forgot to close the pantry door and I came downstairs to find our dog got into it. She ate several boxes of breakfast bars, at least one box of granola bars, FIBER bars, cheerios, etc. What didn't she eat? Her dog food. Because of the Fiber bars anytime she went near the door I took her out because the last thing I wanted to be cleaning up was her diarrhea. She was fine all day and I was pretty impressed with her digestive abilities. Until my husband texted me this morning saying I missed all the vomit and puke he walked in on this morning. I don't know if "missed" is the word I would have used. Either way, I was extremely happy that I wasn't the first one up this morning. Fortunately she stays downstairs during the night and seemed to have kept her upchucking/diarrhea confined to the kitchen. Poor thing was probably in pain last night.
  4. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    Rave: My second Mortified show was tonight and it was awesome. I felt really comfortable up there (which always feels nice since in everyday/nonarty life, I hate public speaking and am not the biggest fan of being the center of attention) and I rocked it, ifIdosaysomyself. I'm still floating on that adrenaline rush you get after a good performance/accomplishment/whatever, and I really love the feeling of making people laugh.

    Also, one of the other performers was Eliot Glazer - a comedian who I don't think is as widely known as I thought he was (mostly known for the Shit New Yorkers Say video and It Gets Betterish), but I was still excited to hang out with him.

    Rant: From the sounds of things around here, everyone has been getting their Girl Scout Cookies deliveries except me. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT WHORE BITCH OF A GIRL SCOUT THAT MY COWORKER KNOWS DOING BESIDES MAKING GOOD ON MY COOKIE ORDER? And P.S The correct answer to best Girl Scout Cookies are Tagalongs and Thin Mints, but I don't know what was up with all the Samoa hate.
  5. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rave: Interview went fantastic. This was confirmed by my friend who talked to the principal afterwards. The guy was really impressed by me.

    Rant: The general tone of this is that he really wants to hire me, BUT, two of the coaches are pushing hard for their former players to get the spot so they can be coaches, while two of his assistant principals are pushing hard for their former coworkers to get the spot. I am the 5th candidate, and the guy pushing for me has much less pull than any of the other four pushing hard for their guys. Bottom line? While the principal likes me the most and thinks I'd be the best qualified in multiple ways (older and more mature than the two "Fresh out of college" candidates, and with almost as much experience as the "current teachers" only he can pay me as a 1st year, saving the district money), he is concerned that if he hires me, his coaches will be pissed for not hiring one of their guys, and his assistants will be angry for not hiring their guys. Basically, I'm being blocked from this job by politics. I'm not even a teacher yet and I'm dealing with it already.

    Rave: The principal was very straightforward with all of this at the interview. This is good. If I do get a job there, he really strikes me as the kind of guy that won't bullshit me or pull that political crap. He seems to hate it, too, but he still has to play or deal with a pile of crap from others.

    Ravnt?: He told me to get a part time job there just to get in the building and start getting to know some of the other teachers. He basically said if I got enough people to give me good recommendations by the end of the year, he could offer me a position in the fall, as he foresees at least one more (possibly two more) positions opening up. He also said if I put in an application, he'd have me working there by the end of next week. So now I need to get a part time job and start kissing everyone's butt to get in the door for a job that everyone seems to agree I am the most qualified for, but that I won't get because I don't have the right people pushing for me. I honestly think that teaching it is all about "who you know" when it comes to getting a job, and that's just sad. It should be about "who is the most qualified." Being the smartest, most capable, and most qualified apparently doesn't mean squat when it comes to being a teacher... which strikes me as completely backwards. Don't we want the most qualified people possible in front of the class?
  6. Winterbike

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Rave: Met future-wife. She's gorgeous and smart, and we have so much in common it's ridiculous. We both agreed the future looks very very promising

    Rant: She doesn't do much sports but....
    Rave: She's willing to learn

    RAVE: She's fully bisexual, and she says she feels like she hasn't experimented enough yet.
  7. thabucmaster

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rant: Major toothache in one of my molars. It's my fault since I've neglected going to the dentist for a few years, but still. I'm worried that it's going to require either a crown or a root canal, neither of which I really want to go through getting.

    Rave: Have healthcare, and a flex spending account specifically for things like this.
  8. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    Seriously, how is it the middle of March already? I feel like this year is flying along at an incredible break-neck pace and is showing no signs of slowing down.
    Flying to Cali this weekend. It's been over a month since The Husband and I have been together and I'm starting to get frumpy about it. SO GLAD he's going to be in Texas and in my time zone now. I love california but the two hour time difference plays a huge role in when and how we get to talk to one another.
  9. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: I'm in the best shape I've been in a long time.

    Rant: I'm doing three-a-days, six days a week, to get there. Unit PT in the morning, gym at noon or so, and then running the fat kids into the ground in the afternoon.

    Rave: Went to San Diego for St Patrick's Day.

    Rave? Declined gorgeous redheaded cougar pussy because I have a girlfriend.

    Rant: All of my friends thought that I was a pathetic excuse for a man for doing so. "Dude, you're 200 miles away. She'll never find out. And she wants you BAD. What's wrong with you?"

    Left a bad taste in my mouth. They're cool people, but as soon as women become involved they turn into scumbags.
  10. Iamme

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    Average Idiot

    Jan 2, 2011
    Rant: Yep, it's my birthday. Spending it by myself.
    Rave: Fuck yes. Spending my birthday by myself.
    Rant: Fuck fiance-faces work. I wanted to spend my birthday getting birthday sex, dammit.
    Rave: Get to go back to uni in May. This is pretty damn exciting. I learned my lesson the last time I tried it, when I tried to do something financially responsible and future-benefiting. Death by boredom is the easy way to describe it. Back to shit I love. For example: People who have been dead for 2000+ years. Woot.
    Extra rave: Contacting the uni today to see if I can switch my one degree thingy, being Archaeology, to a double which will be archaeology and anthropology.

    Extra extra rave: Love the birthday texts from the best friend. He can never win the age stakes. I will never be older than him. MUAHAHAHA.

    And one more rave, because I'm feeling so fucking good: Fiance-face bought me a blue tongue lizard for my birthday. Her last carer neglected her a bit, not through malice but mostly through not knowing how to care for her properly, so a few of her toes have been cut off. She now doesn't like anyone except for me and if they try to touch her, they get a relatively big blue tongue hissing at them. She's so cute.

    Edit, because I forgot a pretty big rave: I got a new job after being unemployed for possibly the longest and most boring three months of my life. I now get to spend large parts of my day or night talking about sex and selling sex products. This is a huge rave because it's something I'm damn good at. And my job/work place/colleagues are just fucking awesome.
  11. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Rant: sad at what my previously best friend in the world is becoming. She isn't taking care of herself and she is using every free moment of her life to brainwash herself with religion. She reads religious books exclusively, listens to priest podcasts for hours, spends a lot of time at church every week, etc. She is becoming stuffy and judgmental. She is completely lost and using this as a mental safety net against the uncertainty of her life but it is warping her in so many ways. We have nothing in common anymore.
  12. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Rant? Rave? Both? I thought this place was gone.

    Rave: My last spring break was pretty much perfect. Half of it was really chill and relaxing. The other half was spent on vacation with the bf hiking, camping, driving, eating, drinking and concerting. It was a good time and went by way too quickly.
  13. happyfunball

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    overly defenCive stuffed cougar

    Nov 6, 2009
    Rave because it made me laugh: My 11-year-old son accidentally wore a pair of my pants to school last week. He does not know this. I must have given him them by mistake and because he can be a bit of a space cadet sometimes, he just wears whatever I put in his room. I didn't realize it either but then I remember commenting on them and he said that the length was good but the waist was really loose and he had to wear a belt with them. It wasn't until I saw them laying on his floor and I picked them up and thought when did boys' sizes start coming in 3s....hey, these are my pants! I was actually looking for them and had no idea where they went. It was driving me crazy. I think I'll wait to tell him until he has his first girlfriend over.
  14. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Rave: Got called this morning for a 2nd interview for the teaching position. This time it will be with the head of the department and the assistant principals. According to my buddy, there are only two, maybe three, people getting this callback interview.

    Rant: Interviews. Such a pain, so nerve wracking.

    Spoilered for backstory:
    Rave?: Apparently, my interview went SO well it completely screwed up their plans. Originally, the plan was to hire a certain person they had in mind (someone who teaches the course they're specifically hiring for at another school), while giving me an interview as a courtesy to my friend. My interview then was fantastic, and the principal loved me, so now they don't know what to do. Apparently, I have a lot of advantages that others don't have, like:

    I am 30 years old, making me more mature than virtually any "just out of college" candidate that wants the position. They really like that, as they know first hand that I'll generally work harder and smarter with more age and maturity.

    My previous job gives me experience in working in schools, and in working with students with disabilities. They LOVE this. It is experience in a school, in a classroom, but they don't have to pay me as an 'experienced' teacher, so it saves them money. Ask anyone in administration of teaching, they really, really like doing things on the cheap if possible.

    Of course, what I have working against me is that the position is for teaching an AP course, and they have serious reservations about throwing me into an AP course as a first year teacher. My main competition for this position has been teaching this AP course at another school for a few years, now. Of course, they'll have to pay out the nose for that other person, so that works against them. I can also push that my friend, who got me the interview, is the other teacher of this course, so we can work closely together and collaborate so that the course is taught evenly by both people teaching it, and all the students can get the same experience.

    Rant: Here is the kicker. The people who are pushing for the other person are the assistant principals. Basically, the principal (seems to) want me, so now he is throwing me into a room with the people who want the other person, in the hopes that I can convince them as well as I convinced him, or I can't convince them and they'll hire the other person. This jacks the pressure up even higher.

    Rant: I have to work at my video store job right before the interview. Not looking forward to that. I'd rather be preparing. At least it'll keep my mind off of the stupid amount of pressure I'm feeling about all this.
  15. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Fucking Rave: It's like she knew...

    Girlfriend just texted me. "Hi, you want to come over? Movie and beer. I know you have PT tomorrow, but..."

    Karma is wonderful.
  16. Bundy Bear

    Bundy Bear
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 16, 2009
    Blue Mountains, Australia
    Rant: Been eating so much rubbish food in the last few weeks.

    Rave: Pizza and beer is fucking awesome.

    Rave: Around only three months left of my course and then I get posted to my new unit.
  17. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Rant While in Vegas this past weekend for a hockey tourney the guy I roomed with swears he has bed bug bites. I looked myself over, in a very ocd obsessive manner (even taking pictures for close ups) and haven't found anything that even I could construe as a bed bug bite. Either way all my clothes are now in the wash now that I'm home, and everything that was in that room is getting washed excessively. The bitch will be cleaning my hockey goalie equipment, no easy way to do that.

    Either my roommate is exaggerating (he's the least likely person to do that) or I picked the right bed when we got the room. I know I posted about bed bugs before, but these things really get me paranoid.
  18. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Rave: My roommate (landlord) gave me the thumbs-up to get a dog. I'm set on adopting, so it's time to start visiting shelters!
  19. bewildered

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    Deeply satisfied pooper

    Oct 26, 2009
    Rave: gumbo. That's all, mother fuckers!!
  20. BrianH

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Rave: Finally underway for my next (and last) business trip.

    Rant: Rapid depressurization of the aircraft @ 40K feet leading to emergency landing on the east coast.

    Super Rant: Mandatory 72 hour delay to see if any of us develop symptoms of the bends, since there is no hyperbaric chamber where we are headed to treat it.