Rant: It's officially spring!! It's also snowing and 24 degrees outside!! And I haven't seen the sun in days! Michigan is so stupid.
Rant #1: Saturday morning, I woke up to a burst pipe on my water heater, which led to a temporary indoor pool that I didn't intend on owning. For the past 4 days I've had loud machines blowing air in various locations in my apartment, and it sounds like I have the world's loudest A/C unit in my living room. Based on when I went to bed, I figured that it was a maximum of 6 hours worth of water run amok, possibly closer to 3-4 hours. According to the contractor, had I been gone for the day (which I was, the next day), it could have potentially flooded my entire building. You jealous? Rant #2: Earlier tonight, I chipped one of my front teeth by accidentally biting down on my fork while eating. In my defense, I thought the fork would taste good. Praise Allah that the fucking chip isn't noticeable. Rave: I had my best 5-minute set while doing stand-up on Friday evening. This is hardly something that I'd want to do professionally, but it still felt awesome to have 3 experienced comics say it's the best set they've seen me do. 12-15 minutes may be in the near future. Yay? Yay.
Rant: My give-a-shitter is I'm serious need of some repairs. Instead of doing anything remotely valuable over spring break I just caught up on TV shows. I'm so far behind at work and school right now that I'm not sure how I'm going to get it all done. Rave: I heard extremely positive things from my boss's boss today about my job performance, so barring a major fuck up I think I might be safe for next year. Rant: This whole gig is starting to feel like a set of pewter handcuffs. I am very afraid that I will become complacent with the relative comfort and security this gig gives me and not pursue something bigger or better. I tend to be a big 'ol scaredy cat who never takes zero risks in any shape or form, and this could lead to severe bitterness about life in my later years. I need to figure out what I want from life. Rave: Europe this summer! I honestly never thought I would have the opportunity or means to go. Huzzah First National Bank of Mom.
Rave: I have been on a Homeland binge, what an incredible show. I don't think I've ever gotten adrenaline rushes from any other show, at least not this amazing of a rush. Rave: Life is grand. I'm going to Cancun next January, staying at the Hard Rock. Hopefully I don't get to experience Mexican healthcare again. Once was plenty.
Rave: Back from the dentist! No root canal or crowns needed! Just a simple filling. Phew. Rant: More fillings are going be required, but at least the one that was causing me pain is fixed. Rant: Eating lunch afterwards turned out to be quite a gamble... Is that my tongue or the food that I'm chewing on?
RAVE: A few months back I put out some feelers that I was looking to transfer to another circuit. My office is enjoyable but it's the 3rd biggest in the state and the caseloads have gotten bigger with each passing year. I'm looking to scale it back a little and decompress at a smaller office. Well, I heard last week our Field Manager is not accepting any transfers out of my circuit, so, I just accepted the inevitable and went about my business. Got a phone call from the chief in Dallas, wants me to come and check out their office tomorrow. Apparently my F.M. gave the okay for a transfer. The chief in Dallas is very friendly with the boyfriend, so, bonus on that too!! RANT: Current office is three miles from my apartment. Dallas is 20 miles away. Gas is about $3.48 a gallon. I drive a Civic so I get pretty good gas mileage, but I'm not looking forward to the hit my bank account is going to take with a 40 mile commute five days a week. Plus, my car is a lease and I'm way under the mileage, but add what, 600 miles a month (my math skills are poor), it may be a mess. My lease is up in October, so, maybe I can pull it off. Moving is an option, however, with the boyfriend talking about a permanent commitment and his home ownership in this county, it probably isn't a great option to explore. RAVE: This morning we performed a search of an offender's home - white supremacist on for agg assault on a police officer. Tried to fight two POs last week and mentioned his brother has firearms in the home where he's staying, hence the search. It went very smoothly without any issues from the offender and the family - and I got props from the supervisor and my chief for keeping the family members calm. Apparently if you ask about someone's kids, they'll open up and tell you everything...especially about their cheating whore wife. One of the more interesting conversations I've had recently.
Rave One of the center's tigers had a successful surgery last Thursday for hip dysplasia (the first time in the US) and is recovering so well that the owner took him off his 24-7 watch. The story got picked up by the AP, Washington Post, USA Today and The Daily Mail. <a class="postlink" href="http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/energy-environment/vet-performs-groundbreaking-surgery-to-reduce-tigers-arthritic-hip-pain-in-texas-sanctuary/2013/03/19/6ad3a542-90a6-11e2-9173-7f87cda73b49_story.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.washingtonpost.com/national/ ... story.html</a>
Rant: Today, we had to practice popping wheelies in wheelchairs and falling backwards onto the ground (to teach people how to fall correctly). I did it 3 times and gave myself whiplash. Fucking wheelchair nonsense.
Rant: People who read things in your tone and voice that aren't there and then lose their shit because of an imaginary slight when all you did was point out that they were writing on the wrong side of the sheet. Fuck everyone and they can go die in a fire.
Rave: Well, that was unexpected. Long story short, after two interviews, I didn't get the teaching job next year (or, at least, I am 99% sure I didn't get the job that is currently open). Instead, they're bringing me in as a full time substitute teacher for a Social Studies class for the remainder of this school year. They expect a new position (if not two) will open, so this gives me the inside track to getting that position, pending, of course, it goes well. Rant: Starts Monday. As in this Monday. As in I have to take over a class, dry, with less than a week to prepare, not to mention the massive amount of stuff I have to get into place, like babysitting, and paperwork they require for me to start (which must be done by tomorrow, so I am going to be up late doing that tonight). This is on top of quitting my video store job, and trying to just be ready to go. Oh, and I've never even really walked around the school I'll be working in. So that will be interesting. Rave: Its a job. And a job teaching, and doing what I actually want to be doing. And my current boss is extremely understanding of this, and I'm leaving on good terms. If things don't progress in teaching and, for some reason, I don't get a job next year, the door will be open to return to the video store. Rant: Oh, but I don't think I'll be able to use those Book of Mormon tickets we had for May, unless I can take a day off. As a full time sub, I feel like they'd frown on that, but one day wouldn't be awful, would it? I really want to make the best impression possible, but god damn did I want to see that show, and I know my wife was looking forward to it. Rave: Again, holy crap, not at ALL what I expected to happen.
Rant: I might have cancer on my toe! Results are in on Monday. unlike Hendrix, I will cut that shit right off. Rave: polyamory is fun. I have 3 dates Friday, Lunch, then a Movie, and then an After concert date that will involve sex acts illegal in several states.
Rant: I am having one of those days where I am just VERY AWARE of my boobs and my bra and it's driving me crazy. They are everywhere and I'm so uncomfortable and my bra hurts and I just want to be home. But at least I work in a place where I can sit and complain about my boobs and it won't be awkward and my coworkers will just console me about how I'm probably pregnant with a unicorn baby whose horn is poking my boob from the inside because that's how pregnancy works.
I have a similar rant: I have gained weight and my damn boobs are spilling out of my bras. I refuse to buy a bigger size because I am working on losing the weight. Grr. FirstWorldProblems...
Shoot me in the dick: Spoilered for job shit. Spoiler I have never felt more useless and unutilized than in the past couple months here at work. I just don't understand it. On more occasions than I care to remember, I've come up with ideas to help along the companies that I work for (providing proof that if my ideas are implemented they'll either save or make us money) and they're either tossed aside, given to someone else to implement (who then tosses them aside themselves), or six months later--after the window of opportunity has already closed in most cases--the idea is brought back up again by the owners to be touted as their own and implemented at any cost and with utmost urgency and priority. At this point, it's not that I don't care, it's that I can't. Indifference toward my effort to improve things has only bred an indifference to make an effort to improve things. I feel entirely uncreative, lacking any motivation to do even menial tasks, and...well, it sucks. I've been hunting for jobs for a couple months now (since this tepid outlook on my job really began to set in), and I was prepared for the search to take a while. But every day is awful. I need to get the hell out of here. (Knocking on Wood) Rave: I'm not putting all my eggs in the basket, but I have a chance at a really good opportunity. I'm waiting to hear back, but if things are positive across the board (which, at this point, the bar is set pretty low), I'll finally have an exit. Fingers, toes...everything crossed.
Rant: Dropped my Nook Tablet. It ceased working, with no help from Tech Support for offering a repair service solution. "Sorry, it's dead. It's out of the warranty period. And, we don't have any replacements. You can check back in a couple weeks, and the replacements are $100 if you send in the old device." Rave: Ha! Suck it, geeks. I took that bitch apart and found out the little battery connector had come loose. Fixed it.
Rant: I can't get a break. Today was my day off and I was planning on sleeping for about 15 hours straight, watching movies, and writing because I desperately needed a day like that. Instead, I slept for three hours, was awake for two hours, and then slept another two hours, and during that two-hour awake time decided to make an emergency call to the dentist because the toothache I'd been having for the past few days that I assumed was due to my wisdom tooth coming in had escalated to an unbearable pain that reminded me of when I needed a root canal last year. So, instead of a nice relaxing day off, I spent it getting my wisdom tooth pulled because it was all wonky. Fun times. Rant: I kind of desperately need something to go right/some kind of positive change to happen. Or, at least some time where the shittiness plateaus instead of piling something new on on a near weekly basis for the past year or so. It's just one goddamn thing after another on some level of awful. Most of it is out of my control which is its own kind of shitty, but I've been trying very hard with the aspects of my life that require some effort on my part to change and nothing's fucking happening which is a whole other kind of shitty. At least there are a lot more good days/things happening that have a temporary relief than there were in the past, but nothing that really improves my situation as a whole. But right now I'm just kind of living on about one good day a week and hope. Rant: I haven't eaten yet today and I'm really hungry, but my novacaine hasn't really worn off yet and I'm still bleeding and it still hurts despite getting prescription-worthy painkillers, so I don't think eating's the best idea. And I get really cranky when I'm hungry (and/or tired) because I'm still three years old. Going to go throw a temper tantrum now.
Rant Bizarre happenings last night. My iPhone fell off my night stand twice while I was sleeping and ended up cracking the screen. I swear there was no way it fell because I left it too close to the edge or my arm knocked it onto the floor...it just kind of did it by itself. Yeah, creeped me out a little. Rant Another birthday. 29 today. Is it time that I should just stop remembering birthdays? Rave New room mate is crawling out of hiding and getting a few beers with me later
Rave: I got my first facial today. The good kind too, not what most of you probably think with your dirty dirty minds. Another rave: Husband got a raise which should cover what we lost because of the tax increase. Final rave: Swim season is over for 4 whole weeks! I don't remember sports being year-round so much when I was a kid.