RANT: I was trimming my luscious beard just a little bit and my guard fell off my razor and I sliced off about a thumb size area. Now I only have stubble. Fuck.
Rave: Completed my first two days of work at my new internship. It's a young office with many cool people. So far I've enjoyed the work and think I'm going to learn a lot here. Rant: Studying on a Friday night because finals are a month away. Rave: Study wine
Rave: Just got back from a four day river camping trip. I feel like it reset my soul. I also feel like I was the only one who had my shit together. Is planning really that much of a skill? I am the only one who didn't have to borrow something from someone else. Rant: Coming back to work was really hard to deal with. Everyone is still upset over stupid stuff and it seems so much worse after being so grateful for something like clean drinking water.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread RANT: Broke ass can only afford Natty Ice. RAVE: Actually much better tasting than I remember.
Rant: Discovered I'd put on weight and gotten unfit over the last few months. I'm particularly pissed off since I worked my ass off to get from 90kgs down to 60, was fit and healthy, started running to work every morning, etc etc etc. And now my buttons struggle to stay buttoned on my "fat pants". You know? Those ones you use for your period when you're bloated and sulky and stuffing anything in your mouth you can possibly find? Only myself to blame. A mix between lack of time, which is no time to exercise, no time to cook meals I love that are packed with vegetables and all around yummyness and pretty much no fat/sugar in them. Except the cous cous dressing, but that's amazing and only has 1tbs over the entire salad thing. Anyway, I'm getting a bit off topic. I also discovered, much to my disgust, that I was finding it a bit of a trial to walk to work this morning. It's only 3ks. This is highly shit. So I resolved today to stop being such a lazy, fat blob of lard. While devouring a snack bag of cookies at work. Then fiance-face took me out for hot chocolate and sticky date pudding. Rave: Fiance-face took me out for hot chocolate and sticky date pudding to force me to sit down, chill out and relax. Which was nice and thoughtful. I had about three bites of it. Was soo filling. And yummy. Rave number 2: Have an amazingly good cous cous salad sitting in the fridge waiting for me to eat it. Rave number 3: Start uni in May.
Rave: Everything's kinda coming together for this summer. I found a place to live in Florida and a girl to sublet my apartment here. Found out that I'm going to be in out-patient for the rest of my rotations and internship which makes me very happy! Bridesmaid dress is being shipped, and I found pretty cheap shoes that fit my best friend's requests. Have been saying "no" more often, ie no, I'm not going to my cousin's string of showers, bachelorette weekends or wedding because I don't really have the time or money and we aren't close at all. She's butthurt that the entire world isn't flying to San Antonio 5 times this spring/summer to give her things and pay attention to her. Fuck that. Despite the bullshit involved with my research project and group presentations, it's been a good month.
rant a guy i know asked me a few months ago to get his 18 year old kid a job. i usually say no to that sort of thing, since i don't actually know him, or can vouch for his work ethic, but i gave him a shot. He stopped showing up to work after about a month, so we terminated him. i just heard that he committed suicide last night. kid just turned 19. damn...
Rant: Feel crook as fuck which wouldn't be so bad if I had gotten blasted and was hungover. Had one drink last night so should in no way be sick at all.
RAVE: Finished a project where I re-did all the audio for a three minute clip from a movie. It's really nice to be going to school for something I actually like doing. Spoiler I'll polish this up for my portfolio show later this year, so let me know if you notice anything that doesn't sound right! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=fcbfcXwiRcY[/youtube]
Rant: The sheer fucking stupidity, selfishness and dispicable thought process that leads some women to legitimately justify to themselves and the peopls around them about lying to their partners/husbands about their contraceptive and tampering with their condoms to intentionally get knocked up against their partners wishes. Rant 2: People pumping fake money into the economy and stupid work mates. There is just no fucking rave today.
RANT: My wife has been obsessing over the ugly carpet that is in what we use as a dining room. So after deciding that pulling it up and praying the hardwood underneath was ok was better than living with the fucking Rain Man, I spent an afternoon dong so. The floor underneath is uglier than a mud fence, worse than the carpet, and when I mention this my wife says its no big deal, we'll get something over it. " We ?!?" So now in addition to everything else I have to do I have to put down a new floor. In addition the fucking garbagemen didnt take away the old carpet so now thats piled up in my garage until I can take it to the dump. RAVE: It looks like Winter is finally ending. Fuck me it seemed like an eternity. RANT: What the hell happened to Disney Channel ? Our kids are sitting here watching some of the most retarded shit I have ever witnessed.
Not sure: Spoiler I actually kind of hope we stay out of this one. Original link: http://www.myconfinedspace.com/2013/04/07/no-cereal-for-you/dprkna-gif/
Rant: Man. When I was 13-17 and a very different person, I had this group of friends that wasn't exactly the best for me in that our friendship was based on doing drugs in the woods and being miserable together, but kind of also saved my life in a Land of Misfit Toys kind of way. And ever since I made the effort to separate myself from them and attempt to turn my life around, the only news I have ever heard about any of them has been bad news. The majority of them are either dead or basically dead or crazy thanks to never snapping back to reality after one too many trips. I just found out that another one died last night, from having a seizure in his sleep. I have no idea what, if any, underlying cause there was - I'm just getting snippets here and there from Facebook statuses until some official report or article comes online (if there's going to be one). We were never particularly close, but in a group comprised of dirtbags he always stood out as the genuinely nice, if not very weird, kid who liked to wear lipstick and heels. Maybe it's just hitting me hard because it was the final bit of bad news at the end of a particularly draining week, but it's gotten me down. And I know that this is a very selfish reaction to this, but each time I hear this type of news from that group of friends, I'm always struck by this kind of melancholy relief that I managed to get out, and go down a bit of a spiral wondering about the "what if"s if I hadn't, because the strength to do so always seemed tenuous at best - and, in a different context now, continues to be. They all look exactly the same and are doing the exact same things, except they're getting picked off one by one. I just keep thinking about how there was a time there when it would've been so easy to choose to stay with them, and I have this scarily clear image of what I'd be like now if I had. I guess I'm just feeling very weird thinking about this while sitting in my apartment in Brooklyn, and feeling very far away from that person and those people.