Rave: I love this weather. Rant: been a bad dog owner this week. There's other stuff I wanna share but Rave: my bed feels great and I'm in it.
Rave: I am a teacher (not a rave), and it is spring break (fuck yes that is a rave). Rave: I have just gotten back from a trip to florida in which I saw three different beaches on both sides of the state. Rave: While their souls are rotten and shriveled, Miami women are so beautiful it made my dick hurt from the priapism. Rant: About a month ago I got fired from my football coaching job b/c of internal politics. In GA high school football is life, so this felt just as bad as any breakup I've ever been in. Rave: As of Tuesday I have two new job offers, both with raises. Sometimes hard work pays off. sometimes Life is good.
Rave: It's Friday, plus I'm going to see a Bonobo concert tonight with some friends in NYC. I've wanted to see him live for a long time, so it should be good. Rant: I gave my two weeks on Wednesday, and now everyone is starting to realize how much shit I really did around here. While normally this would be validating--a sort of "Fucking told you so" moment--they're actually losing their minds a bit and everyone is pulling me in every direction to ask me about everything I do. It's exhausting, I have a list of shit to get done by the 24th that's a mile long, and I literally can't take a shit without someone asking me something (seriously, a guy came into the bathroom and asked how to refill the postage meter while I was in the stall). Rave: My new job is going to kick so much ass that it makes two weeks of annoying crap absolutely worth it. Words cannot convey how excited I am. Rave: Fiance surprised me with a bottle of Balvenie Caribbean Wood--aged 14 years. It's partially aged in old rum barrels and I didn't even know they made it. It's really good, on par with their single barrel 15 yr, so if you're looking for a new scotch to try I can't recommend it enough. Don't ruin it, though--drink it neat.
Rave: It's Friday and 70ish and sunny. Rant: Behind on work, gonna be inside finishing a paper for most of today. Rave: Despite being a dumbass about work recently I'll be all caught up after this weekend.
Rave: My weapons carry permit came in this week! And tomorrow is Atlanta Underground Market, and the theme is comfort food fusion. Now if I was just going to Steeplechase tomorrow, I'd hit some sort of Southern trifecta. Rant: There was a huge fucking wasp flying around my living room until we managed to vacuum it up. I hate spring. I hate pollen. I hate flying, stinging and/or biting insects. Kindly fuck off and die.
Rant: Getting sick. I think I got what my daughter had, and of course her birthday party is tomorrow. I can't wait for it to be over so we can get back to some semblance of normalcy around the house. Rave: First week of real teaching is over, and I've made a lot of adjustments to reduce my stress and better engage my students. I was trying way too hard to NOT be like the last guy, and as a result I saw myself going too far in the opposite direction. The last guy did nothing but give the students busy-work, so I've been worried that any assignments I gave them in class, they'd view it as me doing the same thing, so I have been lecturing a lot. Most teachers will tell you that pure lecturing isn't the most effective method of teaching, and the kids were clearly getting bored, so I need to change it up. Next week, there will be more projects and (much) less lecturing. It means slightly more grading for me, but that part of the job has never bothered me. Rave: I gave graded assignments and quizzes back today, and one of my kids saw they got a C on their assignment. This was the exchange: Him: "Wow, wait, you actually grade this stuff?" Me: "Yeah... of course. Not happy with your grade?" Him: "No, that's fine, I'm just not used to a teacher in this class that cares." I needed a slight boost today, and that helped a lot. Not often a kid who gets a C seems happy about it. Rave: I was talking to the department head about some of the assignments I've already done, and he was really impressed with some of my ideas for assignments for them. I gotta keep trying to get in the other teachers' good graces so I can get some support so they'll keep me on next year. Rant: Seriously, though, I hate being sick, and the stress of this party is not helping.
Rave: Last night's training was great. Worked up to doubles on deadlifts, then rep work off a platform, then flipping a 1000 lb tire. I have an awesome bruise on my leg from where I worked the tire up. Success. Rave: No contract, and when the guy saw I was serious about lifting he just told me to throw him $50 every month since I won't be competing but am more than happy to help others get ready to compete. Rave: Dreamhack DOTA Invitational finals!! I'm calling Dignitas winning it all. You heard it here first.
Rant Motherfucking Asurion phone insurance company...fuck you all. I cracked the screen on my iPhone a few weeks back, the replacement they sent me has gone to shit. First, wouldn't send out calls, now the touch screen isn't responding at certain times. Already went through a few re-stores and back ups, dealt with customer service, etc. I make the mistake of wiping out all my contacts, pictures, and apps while going to restore everything. So I'm back to square one. More dicking around tomorrow, demanding my deductible back after this headache.
I'm no longer a 25 year old virgin! !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! !!! Spoiler Rant: It's because I turned 26 a few days ago. Rant: It seems this won't change until I'm out of Kansas and that is a good 2-3 years away. I hope lexapro will remain moderately effective for the duration.
RANT: Fuck NASCAR. It took me 1.75 hours to get home Friday due to all the traffic at TMS. You know it's going to be slow going when they set up porta-potties at the intersection of I35 and 114. Tomorrow morning we'll have all those RVs getting on the interstate, driving as though they're in the race. RAVE: Guest lecturing an undergrad class tomorrow.
Rave: My trip to Montreal has been awesome. I am so glad that my dad and i travel really well together. We've basically cycled through the pattern of walk a whole bunch-> eat a delicious meal -> drink -> repeat many times over. We've been here several times so we have a few traditions and don't have those expectations to see The Sites so it's nice and relaxing and comforting, but it's not like the cities I go to at least once a year so it still has the excitement of feeling like a vacation. (And, hey, it doesn't hurt that a perk of traveling with my dad is I don't have to worry about the financial aspect of a trip.) It was exactly what I needed. And we still have a whole day tomorrow. Whew.
Rant a friend of mine was running the Boston marathon today. Really hoping that he and everyone else is alright.
RANT: I seriously cannot believe some of the people on my Facebook page. Their first thought after this mess at the marathon was to post "See, it wasn't done with an assault rifle, proving people will kill if they want." For fuck's sake, man. Shut the hell up with the gun bullshit for one goddamn day.
So on the plus side I came home early this morning from a pretty successful business trip to Virginia. Had good meetings that I think will convert to clients, saw friends, etc. The drive back overnight was pretty rough, but it was worth surprising my wife with an early return and seeing her and my cat after being away for several days. Then we saw GI Joe (talk about a shitty movie) and I took a nap after. Woke up to the bombing news and have been in kind of a weird surreal funk ever since since it's pretty close to home.
Rant: So my dad called me today to tell me that my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer...last week. She visited us this weekend for my son's birthday and never said a word. She wasn't even going to tell us! She can be weird sometimes. The good news is that it is almost a Stage zero, so they anticipate surgery and a little radiation. She won't even miss work. Something called DCIS. She is only 61. Rant: My husband is sick. He took off work, headache and feeling nauseous, but no fever. He feels like he has to throw up, but can't. Instead he is walking around with a garbage can, going from room to room, trying to comfortable. Rant: My sister is making bad life decisions. Come on family, get it together!
Rave: New laptop! Rant: What the blue fuck is this Windows 8 bullshit? I'm to goddamn old for a new operating system. It's going to take me hours to root around and disable all this crap I'll never use. Rave: I'm in Mississippi! My house is sold and I'm fixin' to bring the hammer of God down on the bitch that trashed my house and stole my shit. The sheriff's department said they had 2 of my guns, so I went to claim them. They handed me my .22 (Now minus its scope) and some raggedy ass sawed off Savage .12 gauge. I informed them that was not my .12 gauge, not even fucking close. I then inquired as to where my 30-30 was..."Oh, she said it was in the pawn shop." I told them I wanted to press charges and then asked why this bitch wasn't in jail already. They went to recover firearms that had been reported stolen. The person who stole them admitted pawning stolen firearms and they saw my TV (Also reported stolen) in her living room. This will be fixed to my satisfaction or I'm turning the whole fucking mess over to the state attorney general.