Rant? Rave?: Went into the hospital with suspected appendicitis. Pregnant instead. What. The. Fuck? I'm currently switching from shock to happy because it shouldn't have been possible for me and fiance-face to get pregnant naturally. Fiance-face and I worked out the date of conception though. Turns out was the night we were trying out my new sex toys/tying me up, etc etc. Hope the kid never asks how it came to be conceived. Knowing it's my kid though, probably will. Shit. Need to think of an awesome lie.
RAVE: Received a great job offer with a great company yesterday. I got my MBA back in November and have had fuck all in terms of leads since then. This came together fairly quickly, went into the offices last week for interviews, and it was high praise all around. I negotiated salary a bit this morning and got the bump I was looking for, on top of what was already a BIG increase given I was making well below market and had yet to be compensated for an advanced degree. It's an exciting move professionally, and is going to give me a financial freedom I haven't had since college. Damn exciting. RANT: Not looking forward to giving my 2-weeks notice to my boss tomorrow. He's a good dude who went to bat for me in the past, so I'm sure he's going to be a bit disappointed. Additionally, he chirped at me a bit about a month ago over "inconsistent" work performance, so the timing doesn't look great. And I have great coworkers and office space, so that will suck too. Oh well, such is life when it comes to professional growth.
Rant/Rave? Think I accidentally stumbled my way into having a girlfriend. She's fucking awesome but I really wasn't looking to jump into anything right now. Guess I'll just have to let this one play itself out.
Rant: Guess who had a reservation on American Airlines today? Apparently Mississippi doesn't want me to leave. Rave: I recovered my Fender guitar, Marshall amp, and my big fucking tv today. The tv had paint spilled on it and the screen scratched, but I got it back. I have no idea what to do with it now, but I'll figure something out.
Rant: The Dude. Again. Infinite heartbreak. Rave: Progressing nicely towards the 5 mile mark, lifting regularly, and I'm eating clean food in the correct portion sizes. The majority of my life has been sedentary, so getting up and doing it every day is by far the hardest part of the experience. But once I'm moving, I am continually amazed at how far, how fast I can go. Rant: I'm not progressing as quickly as I think I should be. In anything, not just fitness- related things. I'm such an impatient, judgmental asshole to myself over my slow pace because it frustrates the shit out of me, but then I feel terrible and it takes me longer to mentally recover from kicking my own ass. I need to cultivate patience. Rave: It's almost summer--my favorite season!
Follow up RAVE: Just got a call from the police: They recovered my baseball cards! I'm not sure, but it sounds like all my PSA graded cards (Including a near complete 1959 Fleer Ted Williams set) are all there!
Rant: My AC conked out. Time to sleep naked on top of the bed. MONSTERS WILL EAT MY LEGS. Rant: Watch this be the night there's a fire or something.
Rave: Down to the last 2 assignments of the semester. Rant: It's almost 4am and neither of them are done. Because I have a procrastination problem and because I am so wildly unproductive right now. Rave? It will take far longer than it should, but I know I'll get it done, and when I get out of class at 8pm tomorrow, I am going straight to a motherfucking bar. Now I'll distract myself for a few minutes trying to decide what sort of celebratory beverages I'll drink.
RAVE: I've gotten back into working out and eating right. RANT: My heart has been acting up lately. Strange beats and what not. It's bad enough I think I need to go see my cardiologist.
Rant I love Colorado. I've lived various other places in my relatively young life and I'm convinced I want to be here awhile. However the weather this month is making me rethink things. Every Monday/Tuesday this month we've had a snowstorm, literally no exaggeration what so ever. Its mid April, its not February. Time for a week without snow and a week without a high in the 20's. I don't think thats asking too much this time of the year.
Rant: Hey, you know what, fuckface? I can't make a baby all by myself. So either pull your head out of your arse or fuck off.
Rave new phone that came today is working, and working PROPERLY! Now why couldn't they have just sent me an actual iPhone instead of one with random non Apple parts before?
Rave Putting on my product manager hat, and designing a software feature/enhancement that not only impacts all existing customers in a positive way, but does not go against the products long term roadmap. Rave Thinking of better ways to do something, and adding value for thousands of users is pretty cool.
Rave: Tried archery for the first time today, the girl and I took a lesson for only 30 bucks (yeah yeah couples deal) for one hour and it turned out to be pretty fun. I enjoy shooting guns at the rage, but this might be another new hobby as well. I was able to get about 5" groupings from 15 yards away. I talked with the archery instructor as well, and a cool thing with going hunting with a bow, is that you can't have a handgun on you to kill the boar in case you suck, you only are able to have a long knife as back up. Sounds awesomely dangerous. (California Rules). Rant: I am still sick (albeit barely) and completely not prepared for my test tomorrow Rave: I have bronchitis and some viral infection, that combined with a doctors note = fuck studying tonight I am counting my final test as a twofer yeah! Rave? ... what the hell twofer is actually a word?
Rave: So, Rosie Perez of White Men Can't Jump, Fearless, Do The Right Thing is one of my Twitter followers. I write about boxing and Rosie is a big fan. I exchange tweets with her here and there. I inquired about interviewing her about her boxing fandom a few months back but never heard anything. She's now the grand marshal for the Boxing Hall of Fame parade in June. She DMed me on Twitter asking if I was still interested, that I was the first to ask and a lot of people have contacted her recently and that I was her first boxing Twitter friend. I. LOVE. ROSIE. PEREZ. This is a dream come true. Rave: Three concerts in five days. Hadn't seen a show since late October when I saw Cat Power in New York. Las Vegas doesn't have much of a music scene unless you like house, which I don't really. But because of Coachella, a lot of bands played shows in between in Vegas. I saw Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Rocket Summer, and Of Monsters and Men. Two were at the Boulevard Pool on the roof of the Cosmo, which was pretty sweet, because I was able to get high at the shows and smoke a bowl or three. Rave: Boxing writing going well. Caught on full time with RingTV.com, been covering a lot for them. Was at Mayweather's media day all day yesterday, my feet are killing me. Floyd against Robert Guerrero on May 4 will be the first Mayweather fight I've ever covered. After five years, it is about damn time.
Rave: Boyfriend and I broke my bed frame having sex. Rant: The same bed frame that was given to my grandma from my great-great grandparents' furniture store in NYC back in the day. I feel a little bit ashamed.
Rant - guess I'm going to try to give blood today. The explosion in West is...utterly devastating. This is a rant because in 10 years I've only been able to give blood once due to anemia. I hope I can today.
Rant: tossed and turned all night, then woke up fully at 4am. I just want to go back to sleep. It's too early for bacon.