Rave: This morning a girl in a bus next to my car asked me for my phone number via hand signals. She was pretty hot... Rant: ... for a 14 year old. Rant: Next 3 weeks are so full of work I'll barely have time to sleep Rave: I don't care, life is still very good to me
RAVE: My great e-bay guitar hunt is over...I bought a Fender Showmaster Strat. If you're like me, you're thinking "What the fuck is a Showmaster?" Turns out it's a MIK Strat, maple neck (Rosewood fingerboard), basswood body & Seymour Duncans. First order of business will be to ditch the crap factory tremolo and throw a Floyd Rose on it. RANT: I've been a Gibson player my whole life & now both my guitars are Fenders. What. The. Fuck.
RANT: I wish she was a random instagram chick or something, not a pro. RAVE: Just when I was talking about her making dorky white girl dancing look sexy, I stumble about this and change my opinion completely. Oy vey... Spoiler
Rant: Only 4 weeks into this 10 week stint. Tons of grading still, and while I am prepped for tomorrow and most of the rest of the week, I still feel woefully unprepared. Every damn day I feel unprepared. Also can't teach at all the way I want to because I have to teach to the final and have to teach a ton of stuff before I reach the end. They also want me to increase my focus on the students' reading comprehension, so basically make them read the book and answer questions. This is fine, or would be, if my students brought their books to class. Literally every day they need their books, and literally every day half of them have to go back to their lockers to get them. It is insanely frustrating... every single day this happens, and I can't just tell them they fail for the day because failing them really isn't an option. Plus, I feel so incredibly lazy when I just give them a sheet of questions and say "read the section and answer these," but I do recognize that it is important that they work on their reading comprehension (this is for US History, so mostly Sophomores and Juniors, and this school hits reading comprehension hard in Junior year). Finally, there is 1 month left, and every single senior I have (and most Juniors, for that matter) are completely and totally checked out mentally. I won't give homework because I know it'd be pointless, but even the classwork (where they have A TON of time), half of it isn't getting done. This isn't hard stuff, either. It is just pure, abject laziness on their part. Rave: Despite this, I can count the number of kids currently failing on one hand. I have plenty of Ds, but only a few Fs. One of them is because the student has literally missed the entire past 4 weeks, and a few others I'm just going to have to light a fire under their asses by reminding them they can't graduate if they don't pass this class. Rant: Seriously, though, I'm really just hoping it is the situation I'm in for why I'm hating this so much. First year teacher, three preps (most teachers have only 1 or 2 classes to prep for), taking over for a teacher with zero classroom management, and entering a situation where I can't teach the way I want or the way I feel is most effective, and I had literally no time to get myself ahead in terms of my preparation. If I had the summer, I'd go into the year with at least my first month planned and ready to go. If I felt caught up on my prep, I'd feel much better about things. I just fucking HATE taking work home, and that's on top of the 10 hour days I'm working. Next person who says "oh, must be nice to be done with work at 2:30" is going to get punched in the face so fucking hard... Rave: Much needed date night with my wife on Saturday. We needed that so damn bad. $150 steak and lobster dinner, with drinks and desert, along with going to the movies. I've missed just hanging out with the wife like that.
Rave: New job offer came through today, I'm an official employee as of the 1st. 2nd job with friend worked out well, he's been a FWB for a while, and I was going to play the job straight. However he pulled me aside and was like, I'm going to go upstairs and go to bed, come up when you get released. You don't have to drive all the way home in the middle of the night.. So regular work day is also sweet kinky sex night. They say not to mix business and pleasure but man this is great. Plus I found another girls jacket in his room the next morning so I gave him a high five and he was all like "Thanks for not being crazy."
Ok, this will out me as a dork and the red dots will flow, but... Rant: Just returned to playing World of Warcraft (shut up!) after a 5 year hiatus and what the FUCK did they do to this game? ...if you're in Stormstrike or Retaliation battle groups, pm me, let's be friends. I'm so ashamed.
Rant: I'm beyond frustrated with myself. I have been fighting the same battles with myself for over half my life. Seriously. I found a journal a while back from when I was 12 that outlines the same shit that I struggle with on a daily basis. 14 years later and I haven't made any progress. I'm tired of life. Womp womp, woe is me.
WTF: I have no idea what happened on Sunday. I have known this girl for most of my adult life and we have never had any sexual tension at all. Like ever, I thought of her like my sister/another guy friend. I go to visit her and her boyfriend who I'm also really good friends with. We have to do some maneuvering that includes me and the girl waiting while sober guy goes to get the car. Next thing I know, I've been pulled into an alley doing things that would get you more than a "move along yall" if the cops saw and hearing some of the filthiest, hottest things I have heard in my entire life. We didn't fuck, but made plans for after he went to bed seeing as at that point he had gotten the car. Thank god he stayed up all night so nothing more happened. Best/Worst part is we're both discrete so it was never acknowledged again. Rant: Those words are haunting my dreams.
Rave: I have an interview with the brewery for the market manager position. Oh my jeezy. Rant: If I get the job, it will mean moving to another state. I was really hoping the job just meant a lot of travel.
Rant: GF is having a shit day & there's nothing I can really do about it other than be there for her. Sucks seeing someone you love unhappy, even if it is entirely their fault. Rant: Procrastination is killing me. So close to the end and still so far. Rave: I'm finally going to fucking graduate. From where I started too. Such a weird path to get here, never thought it would go this way, but so happy it did. Life is amazing and full or surprises.
Rant: Well, getting a job at the school I'm at is looking less and less likely. The guy who got me in is fairly sure I'm going to get jerked around a bit. I took over for a guy that was terrible, and got thrown in a situation that was absolutely awful. They love what I've done so far, but he seems confident they're going to bring in someone that one of the coaches is pushing hard for. This was pushed further in that direction when my resume was forwarded to another school, which isn't exactly a good sign, but... Rave: Two openings in another school system, and the Principal at the school I work at said he'd be willing to vouch for me, as well several other references I've made at my current job. Luckily, everyone seems to know everyone else around here, so these connections should be immensely useful. Looks like even if I don't work at the school I'm at, there is potential to find something someplace else. Long story short, I feel like if I'm not working at the school I'm at currently next year, it is much more about political bullshit than it is about my teaching ability. It seems like most people are willing to vouch for me, so that is good. Rant: Sleep. I still miss sleep.
Rant: I'm so angry at my classmate I want to cunt punt someone. It's been a week, and my wrist and hand are still fucked. I talked to my professor about it, trying to not throw him under the bus, and she thinks he was reckless. She's been working on it, but fuck. It's my dominant hand, I can't stop using it, and it's not getting better. I'm tired of it hurting all the fucking time because some asshat didn't know what he was doing and was way too rough. I hope he gets food poisoning.
?: Hey yall, if you've got any jobs for an IR grad with an awesome academic profile, let me know. I'm driving myself nuts sending people resumes.
Work related RANT...as usual. Spoiler'd for length...as usual. Spoiler I know this profession is not meant to deal with members of MENSA. I completely understand this segment of the population doesn't have any common sense. But every once in a while I'll get someone that I feel needs to be bashed in the face a dozen times. I went to his house and he lives in a fucking shack. This place is the epitome of white trash. Shit strewn all over the lawn, the house half caving in, cars in disrepair in the driveway, the whole nine. Fine, they're of the lower income, I get it. Until the 3 year old kid comes out. And the kid looks like he hasn't been bathed in days. Momma follows behind, her huge pregnant belly making her waddle. Probie follows her outside. I give him the business of paying his almost 40k worth of restitution, since he's been on probation since 2005 and hasn't paid a dime toward it. I frighten him enough that he comes into the office the next day shaking like a leaf with a $10 money order. He wants to know where to send it. Now, I actually feel a pang of guilt, but also slightly one of pride. Me reading him the riot act helped him get his ass into gear and even though it's only $10, at least there's a teeny bit of effort. I felt guilty at yelling until I saw he was shaking like a leaf. "Why are you shaking?" "I'm cold." "What? My office is a thousand degrees, how are you cold?" "My house has no heat or air conditioning." Now I feel my blood begin to boil again. If it was him and his trash girlfriend, fine, they can live how they want. But to keep a toddler and infant in that shanty in the middle of a Georgia summer with no AC? I started wondering how quickly I can get him out of the office so I can call child services. But first, I need to screen him. He finally admits after two clear as water drug screens he's going to hit positive for pot. I ask him why he's using marijuana. And what followed was the most rage-inducing speech I've heard. The meat of it is this: he's under pressure because he and his girlfriend are expecting another baby on top of the toddler I saw. Oh, and they can't use condoms because, as he put it, "My girlfriend said she's allergic to latex." I gave him a hard look. "You have no proof she's allergic?" He shakes his head. "Well, shit. If I told my boyfriend to throw out the condoms because I was allergic to latex, he'd demand to see proof of such an allergy. You know they make condoms out of other material, right?" "No, I didn't. I've never used condoms." It really took everything I had not to hold him down and castrate him. I know, I know, I know. I can't be so surprised at the idiocy of people, especially in a more rural area where I work. But COME FUCKING ON. He fucking knows what happens if he fucks without protection. Ever see The Devil Wears Prada, Emily has a horrible head cold and starts chanting "I love my job, I love my job, I love my job"? Yep, that was me after he left my office. Oh, yes. And I think child services is going to get a phone call from a concerned PO. If not for the no heat/AC, it's definitely for what I can only imagine is the mess inside that excuse of a residence.
Rant: Can't stop thinking about previous post. This has also manifested itself in hearing George Thorogood sing I did a bad bad thing over and over in my head. In addition everyone in my office was super excited about ordering food from a place that shares its name with the girl, thus having to hear it all fucking morning. Well played universe, well played.
WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE??? What the hell is WRONG with this culture that this is so prevalent that it is happening more and more frequently? What is WRONG and BROKEN in these people that they believe women and girls are truly this worthless? Rant.
Rave:Fucking finally. I wonder if they re-wrote a lot of the game to get around licensing issues. Rant: I don't want to buy a Wii U.
RANT: Anyone work for the IRS? I'm stuck in Errors purgatory because I filled for the Education Credit-- I filed Feb 5th and they are telling me that it could be another month OR MORE. I just want my refund. RAVE: It's finally spring in Wisconsin!
Rant: The "Cuban" cigars my brother brought back from Mexico are fakes. Rave: They're still pretty damn good.
RANT: I don't even know how to explain this right now so I'm just going to type out the conversation and let it speak for itself. Backstory is my dad moved to Mississippi because he's wanted to go down south for years, and the opportunity came right as he was about to be booted out of a place that's sinking faster than Atlantis. Since his new job covered his moving expenses and is paying his rent for the next year down there, he was going to keep the house up so my brother could finish this year and his senior year at his current high school. I call him today: Dad: Don't tell your brother, but after Prom and the weekend I'm letting him know I can't keep up paying for cable/stuff down here and up there. The house is going up for sale next month. He's going to have to either move down here or move back in with his mom. Me: You're fucking serious? That' unfair to him. Dad: My siblings and I moved every two years, he'll get over it. How is this unfair? Me: You spent years offering to have him move up here with you, he moves in, you spend no time with him because you're working 24/7. A year later, you move halfway across the country, and a month after that you tell him he can move halfway across the country with you or go back to hating his life at his mom's. (This being the fucking school system that had him holding a revolver in his hands considering using it on himself; and the stepfather who slammed him into a wall for the disrespect of...wait for it...demanding that his own father not be shittalked in his presence) He's just now starting to form relationships with people for the first time in a decade, so good luck explaining this - if I were in his shoes I'd be pissed. Dad: I can't afford the extra $$$, he doesn't need that big a house. I don't see what there is to be pissed about. Me: The fact that you don't see what there is to be pissed about is part of the problem. Dad: (he's pissed now) I could've been the dick who said he had a week to move to MS, pack his bags, let's go. Me: Yeah, well, you could have been a lot of things. Dad: *Instant change of subject, end of conversation.* Twenty years from now my dad is going to wonder why, like his dad, he has no real relationship with his children. Assuming, of course, that he's retired and therefore has time to look back at anything at all.