Rant: It seems like everyone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. The weather is finally nice and everyone is pissed off about something from standard discount structures to stuff so mundane that I could almost throttle them by the neck until they be dead. Seriously. Rave: The weather is fantastic, almost perfect. I will be enjoying a fine adult beverage outside tonight somewhere.
Rant: BTWs, GPs and minor emergency walk-in clinic docs know absolutely jack shit about orthopedic examination and clinical reasoning. I went in to one tonight because I don't know if I can wait until next Wednesday to get some kind of relief from my 8/10 pain. It's like this doc had wax in his ears and heard nothing I said. I talked about (and pointed to) pain along my ulnar column. I menti oned the ulnar nerve parathesia I've been having off and on the last week. I told him the exact ligament tests (lunotriquitral lig ballottement and shear) that immedicately caused the jpain. What was his diagnosis? Carpal tunnel syndrome, which has absolutely nothing to do with either the ulnar column or ulnar nerve, and it would never result instantaneously from a single, traumatic event. He didn;t do any kind of biomechanical or special tests....he just pulled CTS from his ass bc that's probably th e only th ing he remembered about the wrist from med school. Ugh. Fuck this guy. That was a waste of time and money. And, he pissed me off. At least I got painkillers and a splint that actually fits.
Rave: Passed my Series 63 Exam today! Hopefully the last pain in the ass licensing exam for awhile. The 63 is extra ridiculous in actual practice. Rant: A friend and client got denied for life insurance because of something in his blood work. Rave?: Thank God he got examined for insurance and will now have earlier warning on what is likely diabetes instead of passing out somewhere and injuring himself.
Rave Twenty-nine weeks after first submitting my entry, I found out today that I've "been randomly for further processing in the Diversity Immigrant Visa Program for the fiscal year 2014 (October 1, 2013 to September 30, 2014). Holy fucking shit. I know it's still like a one-in-five chance of getting a green card, but that's more than the one-in-zero chance I've had before today. Unbelievable. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Rave: So I got a new job. Less than a week into this new job I was nominated by more than half of my team to be team lead. This is either a testament to their faith in me or their sheer insanity. Rave: So things I thought that were long done and gone with a certain lady friend might be back on. I had zero intentions of this happening, but it was a pleasant surprise during dinner and drinks last night. I'm really looking forward to our trip to Austin to see Mumford and Sons in June. Free tickets!
Rave: Took the day off at random, and now it's pouring rain. Is there anything better than reading a good book while torrential rain is right outside? I say no.
RAVE: Last day at my job, start the new gig on Monday. Its bittersweet, but it feels awesome trashing a bunch of worthless files I held on to because I was "supposed to" and just completely starting fresh. There will be no walking out with a box of stuff. RANT: The 70+ degree weather of the last two days has been replaced by 50s and rain is on the way, what the hell. RAVE: Another long weekend and a couple of Derby parties on Saturday. Should be good stuff. RANT: My pelvis is out of alignment again (har har sex jokes). This time its actually making my back sore. I've been a bit lax with trying to self-treat it as it was more annoying than painful or uncomfortable, but I need to attack it and stretch/adjust daily for a week to see if it helps before I realize I'm gonna have to go through another few weeks of PT again.
Rant/Rave: Posted before about how my cousin's kid named his kitten, "Secret of the Mountain." Well they got a puppy and they let him name it again. He calls it "Carwash Lobster." My cousin put her foot down and they settled on just "Carwash."
Rave: MY PARENTS ARE COMING TO VISIT ME IN HAWAII!! This is craziness to the extreme. First of all, they hate flying anywhere. They travel all along I-10 to see my sisters by car several times a year but avoid planes like the plague. Second, these people are the most slow and steady, plan for months before acting, think about it and talk about it for months kind of people. My dad mentioned to my mom that they should probably come sooner rather than later since we'll probably be gone by the end of summer. So...within 2 days, they had booked tickets for May 7. One week. Holy shit. Rave part II: MY MOM BOUGHT MY DAD A BATHING SUIT. AND HE IS GOING TO WEAR IT. HOLY SHIT. My father does not own one pair of shorts. He got a pair for Christmas 10 years ago, my aunt made fun of his white chicken legs, and he refused to ever wear them again. I don't even what is this
Rave: I finally lost my shit on the IT guy. Spoiler I have a client who built a database in Access 2010 which wasn't compatible with our office's outdated 2007 version, so I asked them to buy a single license for 2010 and install it on a laptop so that I could do that one project on that one computer without affecting any other files on the network (we had issues when half our computers were on 2007 and the other half were on 2003, and I didn't want that happening again). That request went in 2 weeks ago and nothing has happened. He's totally lackadaisical about it too, as he sits on his computer reading his conspiracy theories for hours at a time. Today I'd had enough and spent ten minutes reaming him out for not finding a solution to this problem. The fucker didn't even defend himself, he just stood there with his hands in his pockets saying "Well, what do you want me to do?". "I want you to drive to Future Shop, pick up a box off the goddamned shelf, bring it back here and install it. If it's too hard for you to do that, I'LL drive to Future Shop and buy it and send you the bill. But you name me any other company where it takes two weeks to install Microsoft Office. This is laughable. It's embarrassing. You're supposed to be our IT department, this is an IT issue. This doesn't need to be done today, it doesn't need to be done yesterday, it needed to be done two weeks ago. If it isn't set up and running on Monday, you call my client and explain to them why either A) the project is going to be twice as expensive because I'm going to have to bill overtime hours to get it finished, or B) the project isn't going to be completed per the agreed-upon schedule because you didn't think it was a priority to do your job." Rant: I feel like I might get fired for the tirade. Because he's the boss's son.
Rave: Getting new art supplies today! Rant: Have a sneaky suspicion I'm out of practice. Rave: Have pretty much an entire week to go back to drawing. Will hopefully be able to post some of it up on here to embarrass myself with.
The key bit there in the italics. Yup, time to send out your CV/resumé (did I get the e right? Fucking ASCII.) RANT: fucking windy today. The temperature has dropped by at least 10 degrees* since yesterday. Terrible. RAVE: Not dead yet I guess? *Note: Pretty big difference between 10 degrees American (Fahrenheit) and 10 degrees Celsius.
Rant: quit fucking me around, if you want to hang out cool, if not say so, quit with all this bullshit. fuck these internets
Rant: Three shots in that I've been doing myself and I'm still not the greatest at it. I mean, I think I got the technique down, but the whole time I'm still going "gross gross gross gross gross gross gross" and then get all woozy afterwards. I'm also pissed because it was suggested that I get them once a month, and it had only been two weeks since my last one and I was feeling too terrible to be able to wait another two weeks. I'm just over it already. Rave: My latest writing project has been writing a TV show. I started at the end of last summer and decided on a 12 episode season. I was really enjoying myself, having fun with experimenting with something new, and was on a pretty good roll for a while there. Then, a few months ago, I was halfway through the last episode and I just stopped. I think I kind of panicked and had all of the self doubt set in. It wasn't like I planned to abandon it altogether, but I just could never bring myself to write that last half an episode. Then, out of nowhere, I was about to go to sleep but pulled up the program instead and finally fucking finished it. Well, I need to start the editing part of it and all. And all the worst parts of at least attempting to do something with it. But it still feels really good knowing that at least it's out there and some form of completed. Rant: I don't like not really being able to tell if it's even good or not. I haven't read it start to finish yet or anything, but I'm pretty sure I like it. And I'm pretty sure it's good. But, I've never written scripts or screenplays before and haven't taken any classes or worked with them in any way. And maybe no one else would want to watch a show about what I wrote about. So maybe it's awful and I completely embarrassed myself. And I can't find anyone to read it for me that I feel comfortable with to get any kind of feedback. So far, only my dad was read the first two episodes (which I think are the weakest two) and he seemed to like them, which at least gave me some motivation to keep working on it, but who knows. He's also not exactly my targeted demographic. (And, I know "Well my dad likes it" isn't typically the greatest selling point for the value of something, but he's not exactly a Stage Mom and is actually a pretty fair critic. Some choice quotes from his response were that "it has a surprising amount of potential" and "it's nice to see you working on something that isn't so derivative as some of your other things.") All of these feelings are the worst part about writing. Rant: There is one rug in the top floor of our apartment. One. It's our bath mat. And yet, whenever my cat has to puke, he seeks out that one rug and decides to puke on it instead of the many other square feet in our apartment that is either wood or tile and therefore a hundred times easier to clean up. Rave: He had been snugging with me for a while before he got up to go puke so, hey, at least he chose to do it on the bathmat instead of on me, my bed, or the clothes that may or may not be on my floor.
Rave: Finally got a day off yesterday. I did virtually nothing, even took a four hour nap. Glorious. Rave: Had a killer dinner ready for Mr. P when he got off work: baked salmon, bacon wrapped asparagus and cheese and spinach stuffed mushrooms. Rant: my only complaint is that there are no leftovers. There should be, but I guess dinner was bingeworthy. I need to work out now. There was an obscene amount of butter and fat in those mushrooms ...
Rant: My folks were supposed to come into town next weekend, but that has been postponed because my step mom has had her work trip extended. That same weekend my sister is getting married and I just don't have the funds to make it. No rage filled vitriol to throw out here just bummed that I won't be able to see my sisters wedding (knowing my family I should say first wedding but she was given up for adoption so maybe it will stick.) Or see my parents. I don't get to see any of these people ofyen enough and I was looking forward to spending time with the folks. Rave: semester is over! Rant: just found out I have to go to school for another year. One fucking class is making this be the case. However this might be just the motivation I need to look into transferring to St. Mary's. Me thinks a Notre Dame degree carries just a little more weight than a degree from Indiana University.
Rant: Grandfather's on the way out. Last grandparent, and with no disrespect or lack of love for the others, he is probably my favorite. Not quite a rave but good: As soon as my mother called to tell me they were taking him home from the hospital to start hospice care, I took off work for the rest of the week. I flew down to FL to spend some time with him and the rest of the family before he weakened too much. Absolutely the right move. I am really happy with my impulsive decision making, for once. All my other grandparents went into comas when they neared their ends. Actually talking and hanging with him now has been tremendous. He's a stoic, old-school immigrant, and is taking his upcoming demise about as well as a bedridden man can, but it's clear that it means so much to him to have his whole family by his side. Dying sucks, but if you can do it with everyone you love around you, that's probably as good as it can get.
???: I know what water weight is and how it works. I know that I often lose several lbs of it when I first change my diet for the better (lower salt) and drink more water (flush it out). What I can't figure out is how I lost 10lbs of it in a week while being at a normal weight. Where the fuck was it hiding?!
Rant: Got in a horrible fight with the girl the other day and we barely spoke to each other until yesterday morning. She has textbook daddy issues and her anxiety of where our relationship is going and its longevity will ironically be our undoing if she doesnt get her shit together emotionally. I care deeply about her but I cant go around in this circle many more times before I walk, I sincerely hope it doesnt happen again. Rave: Im pretty sure she got the message that this cant happen anymore. She wrote me a very touching letter and bought me tickets to see Soundgarden in a few weeks to make it up to me. Rave: Went out in Providence last night. I feel like that city doesnt get its due, I had a great time and theres a lot of really cool hole-in-the-wall bars with great atmospheres. Its like its the city Hartford should have become but never did.