RANT: While waiting in line to buy beer today, the woman in front of me bought a small bag of Lays potato chips. The total came to $1.68. She handed the cashier a card to pay for the chips. This alone pissed me off, because using a card is cutting into my drinking time....especially for a fucking dollar sixty eight. Christ, she could've paid with nickels and dimes from her ash tray and pissed me off less. The cashier asked if it was credit or debit and the woman replied "EBT" (Food stamps.) Now the cashier has to pull out a separate machine and run the card. All the while I'm standing there with my beer putting a hillbilly swamp witch curse on this woman and future generations of her offspring for wasting my time. Her long transaction finally over, I hastily paid for my beer and headed for my truck when I'm damn near run over in the parking lot. By the food stamp using, potato chip eating bitch that had pissed me off. She was driving a spotless 2010 Mercedes.
Rant: Group writing projects are the WORST. While I could crank out a solid paper in an evening of work, I have hours of editing ahead of me to make sure this thing is passable. It's like cleaning up after toddlers. You'd think a couple guys almost finished college would actually be able to write. Rave: This summer is shaping up to be fantastic. Living at my own place, solid internship, finally won't have to work 7 days a week.
Rave: First day back in the gym in months. Feels good to be able to workout again. Rant: Fucking toothache.
RAVE: Every time I get guacamole on something and they forget to charge me extra, I feel like Blackbeard sailing off with a chest of treasure.
Rant: Horrible sunburn. Good lord, my boobs sting. A lot. All I want is a jug of aloe vera and a rotating fan to sit in front of, in all my topless LobsterTits glory. This is my fault for assuming that cloud cover was enough of a reason to forgo the sunscreen. Nein. I am an idiot. And Victoria's Secret can go fuck themselves for putting scratchy bits on their bra straps. Rant: Went on an accidental date with my hiking buddy. I didn't realize it was a date-ish thing until he kissed my neck...thrice. Which is complicated, because Ra...?: Still hanging out with The Dude, tonguing his balls, trying to see if we can maybe find a way to work things out? And neither of us are sure what we want/where this is going/if I should continue to lick his nutsack (pretty sure I know what he thinks about the last part, but I'm confused so it counts)? And this is precisely the level of complicated that relationship counselors love because unpacking and solving everything would eventually help them purchase a yacht? Rave: At least my strained butt muscle is healing. I have missed running and butt crunches ever so much. Arm day every day isn't as much fun as it would seem on the surface. You just get...bored. Rave: Also, I am blowing through my summer reading pile. I am actually impressed with myself.
Rant: Turns out that if a classmates injures you during class there are zero consequences for the classmate or supervising professor AND the healthcare bills fall on you. This is some bullshit.
You know what's good to have when your computer takes a dump? A back up of all your data. You know what's bad to have? A back up external drive that connects to your USB port that no longer works. Weeeeee.
Rant: Sitting in a class doing fuck all because you knew all the material from years of practical use. Rave: 100% on each of the 3 exams in that class so far, final tomorrow.
Rant: I have a 90 minute boring-as-fuck leadership meeting tomorrow that I need to find a way to avoid. Maybe I can arrange to have a network problem that needs my attention to occur during this time.
Rant: Can't sleep. ever. New bed which isn't broken in yet, plus new (cheap/shitty) apartment till we get a house, plus work stress equals no decent sleep for the past three weeks. I'm surprised I'm not seeing unicorns in my yard yet. There are no raves to be had.
RAVE: Boyfriend and I just realized that we both have next Tuesday off because I'm transitioning to a new schedule and he (miraculously) just wasn't scheduled, so obviously we're going to Cedar Point.
Rant: I ranted about being rear-ended a few weeks ago, but now it has gotten to be an even bigger pain. I'll spoilerize this: Spoiler I haven't been able to file a claim because the insurance information for the other person that is on the accident report doesn't check out. Her policy number belongs to somebody else, and the insurance carrier has no record of her having a policy with them. They searched by her VIN, tag, name, everything, and it returns nothing. My insurance carrier did a tag trace and verified that the car does belong to her. They also searched her address (it's a Mississippi address, but she lives in Georgia now) and it belongs to someone with a different last name. I am still waiting to hear back from the Georgia Sate Trooper who was on the scene and see if he can do anything to help. The cop somehow managed to lose my insurance card at the scene, and I also noticed on the accident report that he got my phone number wrong, didn't include a phone number for her, and recorded an expiration date for her registration that was two months expired. I don't think that this cop knew what he was doing Rave: I have finished second place at bar trivia three times in a row now while playing by myself. If they gave out money instead of gift cards I could have a nice part time job going.
Rave! My parents are flying here as we speak. T-7 hours! Or would that be L-7 hours? Last night I think it all hit me at once. I am a nervous cleaner so about two hours into my session when I was toweling up the damp just mopped floor in the living room, el husband came in and started making fun of me. I might have a lot of nervous energy, or maybe it was the caffeine. Or....synergy! At least the apartment is spotless. Sorta.
FUCK! So my niece had her baby a little while ago. And now I'm learning the truth about the baby's father. During the pregnancy he was in Arizona working. Whoops, no that was a lie. He was in rehab. For fucking heroin. And told her he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. As soon as the baby was born he was right there, a proud papa. Except that two months later my niece is back to work and he stays at home all day taking care of the baby. He's losing weight and his cheeks are hollowed out. Ever seen a Heroin addict relapse? Yep. And he's taking care of my grand niece. And living off my niece. She's 24 years old and knows better then me or anyone else that tells her to kick this guy to the curb. That's the most difficult part of raising a child: knowing when to quit coddling them and let them learn from their mistakes.
Rant: Research paper due at 6. Rave: It's my last big assignment. Once I'm done all that's between me and graduation is 2 short essays and a book review. It's go time.
Rant: Spoilered for whiny littls bitchness. Spoiler You know what no one ever mentions about being pregnant? The fucking nightmares. They're a lot worse than they used to be. After being my dads primary carer for the last few months of his life, I'm more terrified of cancer than the average person and we found a lump on fiance face where no lump has any business being. The result of which was me waking up crying like a little botch be cause I dreamt he had cancer and died. I'm now too afraid to go to sleep again. Fuck.
Video With all of the bad shit that's been in the news I figured I'd share my rave of the day. People don't suck.