Rant/rave: of all the ways to be foiled while hitting on a girl at the bar, I would not have included her accidentally lighting her hair on fire on my list of probables. At least I got to make a lot of self-deprecating, "I'd rather self-immolate than spend any more time with you," jokes.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread Rant: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the presence of mind not to tell my friend that her batshit craziness is why she can't find a man.
Rant: probably been drinking too much lately Rant: I think I'm gonna take June off from drinking, guess that should be kind of a rave, but fuck that Rave: Go Wings!!!!! Rave: If somehow i make it through june without drinking, 4th of july weekend should be fun and a bit cheaper than otherwise
Rave: Was at a really cool party Saturday, full of easy going people, great food, great booze and 2 roaring fire pits. Rant: I had to leave this bash and go to the Sister in Laws birthday party at 8:30pm. This fucking sucked and was entirely populated by “creative hipster types” who I would have happily seen fed to a woodchipper. There was no food, no booze and no fire pits, just a bunch of pretentious twats with silly haircuts and fine arts degrees, discussing government funding for their latest short film on yarn bombing (I shit you not) And their vegan lifestyles.
Rave: Caught a beautiful bull snake down by the creek where I run. I think we are naming her Iggy. Not 100% on the sex, but Iggy works either way. Rave: Mr. P's mom's mastectomy went smoothly and she's enjoying her new young girl's boob, as well as traumatizing Mr. P with such details. Heh, I love that lady. Thank you to those who offered positive thoughts. Rave? I haven't had a drink in several weeks and I feel great. I mostly dried out to support Mr. P's sobriety, which is also going great. It's alot kinder to my bank account as well. I was getting bad for awhile so it's nice to be certain that it's under control.
Rave: Had a good time in New Orleans and Baton Rouge with the family. Rant: Except for the attempted car jacking last night. Rant: I came home to a broken pipe in the wall that's connected to the hot water heater. I had to shut the water off from the hot water heater which means I will be having a cold shower in the morning. Rave: It's the landlord's problem
Rave: In terms of prep, all I have left this year is one short test, a final exam review, and three review games. Hopefully they won't take long, because... Rave: I really only work 3 days this week. Friday I'll be getting a sub because I'll be going to a couple of interviews. Every class will be watching movies, except the one class that is taking their final exam. Rant: Book collection. The guy before me had all the book stuff on his computer, and apparently deleted it out of spite. So I don't know who had what book, which will make collecting them a giant pain in my ass. I'm just going to take them and mark who doesn't have one and let the school sort it out. Rave: This year is ending soon. This situation sucked horribly. If I get a job next year, at least I'll have all summer to prepare and plan out my time, so I won't feel like I am constantly behind. That was the worst; I felt like I was never even close to where I needed to be. Rave: Going to spend a few nights in Chicago for the anniversary some time in late June, and spending a week in Tennessee with my family in July, both of which should be fun trips. Plus, I know I'm not working, so it should be a really, really great summer.
Rant: More neck hickeys. Fuck, man. Rave: The prominent one isn't a bruise, per se. It's more of a stippled oblong area. I can maybe work with that. Rant: The less prominent one is solid purple and has definite teeth marks. Fuck. Rant: I wouldn't be ranting if The Dude gave them to me. Alas, he did not.
RANT: Today is the first day of being in school non-stop for the next two years. RAVE: In two years I'll have my R.N.
Rant: Found a couple of deer ticks on me after running around with the dog outside this weekend. Rave: Online clinics are fast! Rave: Drove 1100+ miles over the weekend and the dog handled it like a champ.
Rave: Haven't smoked for over two months. Rant: Hasn't slowed my drinking down. In fact I probably drink more than I used to. Seriously drinking is one of my last vices and now I'm thinking I need to slow that down too. Getting older sucks.
Rant: fucking useless people. Simple issue at work that I just don't have time to look at, and it should be able to be answered by anyone in technical support who has half a dozen functional brain cells and a web browser capable of navigating to Google. There have been more damn emails going back and forth about this than it would have taken to just investigate and fix the problem. Fuck these people. Have some damn initiative.
Oh do I have a list of first-world bullshit. In order of "serious" to "who gives a fuck".... RANT: Brother left for Mississippi yesterday morning. Mother kept me on the phone three hours until 3AM. She still has memory issues, got fucked on her/her husband's new insurance plan so with his recent heart issues they're kinda limited on medical stuff, the only conclusive thing so far is multiple scattered foci, which usually leads to either a whole bunch of nothing or a whole bunch of multiple scleroris. Also two of my uncles are raging about my aunt who is my grandmother's executor lowering the price on the house because, to quote loosely, "I expect $XXXX because I already know what I want to spend it on." That, and other related issues, are not the kind of selfishness that crops up out of nowhere, so it's nice to know that two of my grandmother's sons have essentially broken down the value of her life and memory to dollar amounts, adjusted for inflation I'm sure. Rant:I trained a new hire who fucking sucks and I'm being told it's partly my fault. As I explained to my boss, I can share my knowledge. I can and did explain exactly how everything needs to be done, along with all the other how/where/when/what/who/why to the point that any one of Jerry's Kids would feel well-informed. I cannot, however, share a work ethic and force this woman to spend less time eating and smoking than working. Hell, if it was up to me, half the store would be down the job center sweating their asses off for the first times in their lives in the summer heat in the hope of MAYBE having a chance to earn money. Unfortunately, it's not. Rave: Making teriyaki stirfry and shimmered's monkey bread recipe for some family this weekend. RAVE: Finally broke down and accepted the modern near-necessity of a credit card. Within six months I should have established enough credit for an auto loan, at which point I can buy something decent. I really, really want to go for something dependable and nice like an Accord or other mid-range coupe, but after four years in a pickup I don't know if I can bear the whole "can't see over the guy ahead of me/feel like my ass is scraping the pavement" transitional phase.
Rant: Some sort of bug has invaded my system. Fever, chills, chest pressure, and horrible, horrible diarrhea. Rave: I could be in a side show as "The Incredible Shitting Machine! 2 bites of food and he releases a gallon of shit! You will be impressed!" Rant: I don't dare drink a beer and risk dehydrating myself even further, and I really need a beer. Shit. Literally.
Rave: I have finally reached my destination safely. Rave: Over 1,000 miles the bf and I are still speaking to each other. I only drove 200 of those miles. Oops. Rant: This traffic sucks. Not due to the quantity of drovers, but rather due to the quality of these drivers' driving. Drivers. Rave: Nice dinner and lots of wine.
Rant: Fucking goddamn United Airlines. Charging me to check in my first bag now? What the fuck? Rave: Hawaii in 36 hours. Can. Not. Wait.
RANT: I think I've decided I'm not going to talk to the girl for one week out of the month. You can take your pms and go shit on someone else who's being sweet to you. RANT: I only have about 800 miles on the motorcycle this summer. I need to really take a trip somewhere. RAVE: 9 days till we leave for Orion in Detroit.
Rant: I finally answered all my dad's questions about the house I want to build and sell. The only problem is that the final question was a doozie - to put a warranty on the home requires a $20,000 bond secured against an asset for the next two years. That asset will be frozen. So essentially I need him to give me $100k to kick this thing off. If it was my money, I'd have no hesitation about the investment but using other people's generosity makes me want to vomit. This is such a huge thing to ask someone.
Re: Rant & Rave Thread Rave: Something that was said in my office just now... "How the fuck am I supposed to tell my client that his herpes gave a monkey a cold sore and killed it?"