Rave: decided to get a scratch off lotto ticket at the grocery store last night and won the equivalent of 2500 dollars
rave: Karma. In the same week that my wife got her new job, the dipshit who canned her at old one got fired yesterday.
Rave: Done with finals. Rant: May have fucked up on my corporations final. The essays were easy but there were some tricky ass multiple choice questions. We'll see how it plays but it's likely that I fucked up. Rave: Going home tomorrow and then to a Christmas party with my brother.
Rave: My carnivorous offspring has returned to the homestead. This means grilled lamb chops tonight, and grilled ribeyes on Tuesday! Hooray for red meat!
Rant: In laws have been here for almost 3 hours and can't take a hint that they are overstaying their welcome.
Rant/Rave: I did not have a threesome in my bed last night, but my girlfriend and I did have great "just got home from weekend with parents" sex. Rant/Rave: My brother's bachelor party is this weekend (the entire weekend) and I was put in charge of planning it. Not something I wanted/needed to do when I'm already busy with work and shit but I've got all the plans together now and everything is solid. I'm looking forward to it now rather than feeling anxious, rant turned to rave. My brother is super excited and loves what I've got planned so that's what matters most. Rave: Been closing more sales, doing more demos with prospects. My confidence is way up.
Rant/rave: Going back the the US for the first time in two and half years. It feels strange, I have traveled all over Europe, but going for a vacation to America feels like it will just be a mind fuck. The little things will get to me I know, like someone bagging my groceries. I have a feeling I will snap at them that they "are taking my groceries" Rave:Going to Vegas with my best friend. It was all already paid for, but the winnings from that scratcher ticked are icing on the cake, and half of it will be blown on gambling and a dinner at the most expensive steakhouse in Vegas.
Rant: when I lost my job, I decided id head overseas for a mojth and get my divemasters. Well, I flew in 2 days ago, had a perfect first dive, and got fucked in the ear by fate on dive#2. Did everything right but got unlucky, had a bunch of blood vessels burst and fuck up my middle ear. No diving for a month, and im not allowed to fly. Im on a tiny island where there is literally nothing to do but dive. Wah self pity wah. Fuck.
Rant/Rave Finally got my hernia surgery on my right groin today. I had to stop putting it off. Rant Holy shit am I in some pain. These Percocets may not be helping now that my body is use to taking them.
Rant: Finally getting settled into the house and my brother's already talking about putting it on the market in April (it's an investment property). I'm not excited about moving again - not when I'm 10 minutes from work. Rave: $15K+ will definitely help ease any pain.
RANT: We lost an aircraft here today, in a different RC then mine. 6 Americans dead, thankfully one survivor, but too many in a country that no one deserves to die in anymore. Probably letting it effect me more then I should, but on my previous adventures I was young and stupid. As I get older, its harder to feel invincible. Having my Mom tell me seeing "Black Hawk Crash in Afghanistan" on the news, and that being my aircraft and not knowing my disposition, took at least 10 years off her life, makes it harder to play the game. RAVE: Short time on tour, hopefully won't have much longer to be here. Rest in Peace my brothers.
Rave: I'm a college course scheduling wizard. 8 classes next semester for 21 credits and still have fridays off, and wednesday afternoons off to ski.
Rant: It sucks not having anything in common with your former friends anymore. I lead a very separate and shitty life. My best friend from college (a guy I also grew up with in a town of 2k people) just got married and I didn't even receive an invitation. I couldn't have afforded to go, but I would have sent a lame gift that would have been stuck in a drawer and one hell of a nice note. I kick ass at nice notes.
rant Today's my birthday! And you may ask why this is a rant. My husband got me ..... not a goddamn thing. We went to NYC for the weekend which was a great time. I told him not to make a big deal about it, but maybe just pick up something small so I'd have something to open on my birthday. His birthday was last month and even though he always gets basketball tickets for his birthday, I picked up 4 extra things so he'd have something to open (a shirt for said basketball team, a money clip since I recalled months ago that he said he was tired of carrying a wallet, a pair of jeans). I'm still just kind of shocked that he thought it was OK to just do.....nothing.
Rant: My sister got an iphone today. We've shared an iTunes account forever. She set it up wrong and used my apple id for icloud too, then she went to town deleting my contacts. All contacts, gone forever. I didn't realize this before I plugged my phone in to the computer so I can't even restore it. Don't worry though, I've got all her god damned contacts. Anyone want to make some prank phone calls?
RAVE: A raise and a switch to full time from part time, with health insurance now, Fuckin'a its a good week for me DOUBLE RAVE: STEEL PANTHER!!! this Saturday I cant Fucking wait
Rant: Woke up at 4:45. Tried to fall back asleep for over an hour but failed miserably. I hate being up this early, but I decided to make the most of it and do some laundry because I had almost reached the critical emergency no clean underwear zone. Rant: Checked the dryer, neighbor girl left her clothing in it, and it appears she almost reached the no clean underwear zone too because the whole damn thing is filled with panties. If she doesn't wake up soon, I am going to have to move it. Awkward. Rave: Huge, well deserved raise yesterday. I've been grossly underpaid relative to what I do for the past year, and I just had my salary doubled. Bonus was a little light relative to what I was expecting, but still solid. Nice!