Rave: Good weekend away with the over 35s at the state hockey champs as umpire. Turns out I'm not too bad but very rusty. One team really didn't like my style of umpiring. Rant: First aid course today and tomorrow and the woman instructing is fucking annoying.
Rave: Went fishing for the first time in 20 years. Bought a cool telescoping rod and had a buddy educate me on the joys of a cheap fishing day using bread Rave: Making friends in a foreign country in a language that isn't your first is an amazing experience. I appreciate the patience it requires for the native speaker and it is so appreciated. People here are top notch and for however long I can ride out living here, I plan to. I'll die on this island Rant: Being here means that I have very little interest in the minimum 17 hour multiple flight back to the States nor the ridiculous cost of airfare. There are few things that make me want to come 'home'. I don't know if I'm okay with that. Have to think on it.
Rave: Sister-in-law and her mother went to Houston over the weekend - 48 hours of drinking and herb with my brother without straight-up bitching and passive aggression by his wife. I'd forgotten how fucking funny The Three Amigos was. Rant: Water heater had a massive stroke on Sunday. Spent most of the day taking buckets of water outside to pitch into the lawn.
Rant: Every time I get really angry, I end up with a headache and feel totally hungover. I'm usually a pretty patient person, but I can't keep it together all the time. I just want to go home and wallow. And maybe punch some people in the face.
RANT: Some bitch commandeered my lunch patio today in order to make some announcement: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.castanet.net/edition/news-story-119939-1-.htm#119939" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.castanet.net/edition/news-st ... htm#119939</a> My boss is the primary guy funding and driving this new "Google Campus of BC" building, so he let these guys use our office for the announcement today. Been making noise and hogging the elevator all day. Fuckers. RAVE: My office doesn't suck.
Rant: Why can't my husband think for himself? "Hey babe, can you grab dinner rolls while you're at the store?" "Sure, what kind?" "White dinner rolls." "What kind?" "Store brand." "What kind?" "The one that comes in a dozen - six on top, six on the bottom." "What kind?" "Are you fucking with me? HOW MUCH MORE INFORMATION DO YOU NEED?" This has been my morning.
Rave: I passed the exam! I'm officially licensed to practice in Texas! Won't be losing my new job! Rant: One of my good friends did not pass and may lose her job. I feel awful for her. Rave: Montana is one of the most beautiful places in America. I love it.
Mega Rant: It's my second week at my new job after two months of being unemployed, and on my way to work this morning I was pulled over by a motorcycle cop. I had no idea what I had done, but he informed me that I was following too closely to the car that was in front of me and he gave me a ticket! But of course last year when I was rear ended for real, the cop who came to the scene didn't even realize that the insurance information of the girl who hit me was fake and he somehow lost my insurance card. At least the cop who pulled me over today only dropped my insurance card on the ground right before he handed it back to me. I have no raves at this time.
Rant: School year isn't even started and my technologically retarded school corp is already fucked up. The installed a smart board in my room. Awesome, last year I had a shitty projector. Except, they failed to ACTUALLY hook it up to the computer. I did all that myself, because luckily I'm not a complete idiot. So now that is up and running, BUT... No internet. Because of course. When a solid 60 to 70 percent of my work is online, and you expect most of my class to be taught online, you should probably make sure the fucking internet is working. I went in today hoping to crank out a couple weeks of lesson plans and work on my website, but both those activities require an internet connection. We're supposed to have upwards of 1000 high schoolers using the wifi via their new computers at the same time, and I foresee the biggest cluster fuck ever in the first two months. They can't even keep that shit working in the summer when no one is on it. Rave: Between the smart board and new desks, my classroom doesn't look like something from a 1950s atomic bomb warning video, anymore. Now I just need some decorations and it might look downright modern-ish (or as modern as a room built in the 1980s can look).
Rant: One of the worst parts of living in NYC is that so many people think of it as a phase in their lives and not their permanent home. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that half of the friends I've made since moving here have moved away within a year of becoming close friends with them. I just said goodbye to yet another one of my friends tonight and it doesn't get any easier. I'm sad. (Thankfully, one of my other friends is coming back from the two month sabbatical he dared to take this summer and I will hopefully get to see him this weekend.)
MEGA RAVE: I am officially done with nursing school. According to two separate predictor tests I have a 98% chance of passing my nursing boards, which should hopefully be next week some time. Fuckyeah! Employment here I come. I've already started planning backyard DIY projects. I can't fucking wait to build something.
Rant: So after all the crap I've had to go through with my personnel truck getting repaired. Me being a dumbass backed out of my drive way this morning and crunched my neighbours car with my work truck. It's so frustrating, it's actually kinda comical. I'm so pissed at myself right now, karma must hate me. Rant: It happened at 5:30am, so I didn't go banging on their door. I just left a note with my name and number, and said I would get in touch this evening. I'm not looking forward to this conversation. Rant: The person in our office who deals with our broker is away for a couple of days. So this will be in limbo for a few days, before I figure out what we will be doing.
Rave THE A'S GOT JON LESTER Rant THE A'S TRADED YOENIS CESPEDES TO GET HIM Rant Have a three-day weekend from NFL job and was gonna go back to Oakland to see Lester's A's debut on Saturday BUT I'M WATCHING MY FRIEND'S DOG.
RANT: This week can suck a big fat hairy donkey dick. Enough fucking shit already. RAVE: Tomorrow is payday and thanks to a long month and 173 hrs it'll be a good one. Think I'll spend it all on hookers and blow.