C’mon, I know we’re all jaded pricks here, but I can’t be the only one who liked Rogue One, right? Also I still haven’t seen Solo, nor do I feel any particular urge to. I blame Disney for that.
I really enjoyed Revenge of the Sith. Call me crazy. And I'm just going say it. The new Star Wars trilogy was fucked the moment they decided on such a dull lead. I'm sorry, she just sucks. No personality. No humor. No badass lines. She's the most boring character ever.
I also liked Rogue One. Solo was sort of half baked, but fun enough and fan servicey enough. Woody was a bit funny. Emilia was hot, of course.
I think Rogue One would have been a great movie if I didn’t know who Darth Vador was and if I didn’t know that they definitely got the plans to the rebels. But that’s more related to my enjoyment of the movie and not the movie its self. I tried to watch Solo on Netflix. I don’t know if it’s bad or not, but I do know that it didn’t hold my interest at all. Because I don’t know anything about it.
OK I think I see the Solo issue, Frebis. Early movie Emilia was like a disheveled orphan girl, then she is out of the movie for like 20+ minutes. LATE movie Emilia is like a hot Force using sexyperson. You got bored WAY before she came out all hot. Totally get it.
I really like Rogue One. Solo is just okay for me. But, it's another story in a cinema world that I love. The original trilogy was fantastic and new, offered creatures, worlds and technology no one had seen before. (The next trilogy offered none of the heart and tone of the originals because it focused on the technology, imo) But that leads me to Chapter IX, which I saw tonight. I was entertained. It closed the saga that was very important to my childhood. It has flaws - some minor, some major. But, it's another story in the series with creatures and worlds that are unique. IT IS PRETEND WITH PRETEND PEOPLE THAT HAVE LASER BLASTERS, MAGIC POWERS AND SPACESHIPS. So, get off your high horse about Spoiler Palpatine . Yes, there is dialogue and plot points of convenience, and it's not a 10/10 movie. But I was happy to enjoy myself and laugh and applaud with other theatre goers.
There is nothing like the original trilogy. It installed a sense of imagination and wonder in viewers from that era (especially youth) that just wasn’t in movies before it. I watched Return Of The Jedi a couple weeks ago, it is considered the “weakest” of the original three and that film is a non-stop roller coaster ride that has barely aged. It was made in pre-Terminator action filmdom and it delivers the goods again and again like a flawless Saturday matinee blockbuster. It was a perfect ending to a truly classic trilogy: Not as thoughtful, but purely fun and satisfying.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Spoiler Heh. Did you like Return of the Jedi? Want to see a shittier version of it? Here you go. This movie is garbage, as I suspected before I saw it. It might not be as utterly terrible as TLJ, but that isn’t saying much.The movie completely destroys the Star Wars lore and has some truly baffling parts and plot points that were either forced in by some studio exec or the product of really bad writing. Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. People can just bring each other back to life with the Force. Rey can somehow make her own lightsaber. And man, there are some really awkward attempts at romance that the theater broke out laughing at. I don’t get the praise J.J. Abrams gets, his body of work is pretty mediocre. And the entire idea that Palpatine was still alive the entire time makes the first SIX movies pointless. What was the point of Anakin’s arc then? Overall, it’s a mess and I stand by my contention that Stars Wars overall isn’t that good. A series of 9 (11?) movies cant stand on the shoulders of 1-2 half-decent entries. No wonder Mark Hamill hated it. The only saving grace was the annoying Asian chick from TLJ was relegated to the background, Jar Jar-style. 2/10
I agree with most everything you wrote. I am going again tonight. Oh, you left out that the editing is really bad.
I also forgot: Spoiler That there really isn’t a Skywalker that rises. Rey just decides at the end that her name is Skywalker.
It's better the second time. I quite enjoyed it. Now that I've seen the silly things and plot issues, I got to just enjoy the worlds and comedy and action and effects and music and all that.
I caught a matinee of the Star Wars today. I enjoyed it a lot. There were issues. But it’s a movie about space wizards that use laser swords, so o have already suspended belief about their powers. I thought the biggest issue was the pacing in the first half. The plot didn’t really flow. It felt forced. Almost as if it was created in the editing room. Spoiler I wish they had not revealed that chewy was alive so quickly. I think it would have been better for both the viewer and the plot. Maybe give her some dark thoughts? More anger? Etc. It didn’t bother me that she was a Palpatine. It didn’t bother me that Jedis can use their energy to heal. It also didn’t bother me that Palpatine was a vampire. I thought the best part was the C3PO joke about his oldest friend.
John Williams as the bartender was funny. I didnt pick out Lin Manuel Miranda's cameo, even on second viewing. The voices of the weakminded storm troopers sounded familiar, but I couldnt place them.
I really agree with your spoiler, and I think if they had been a bit ballsier this would have been a much better movie. Spoiler If they had just let Chewy die the Palpatine reveal would have had a lot more punch behind it. Instead Rey's conflict came across as pretty damn weak. Time and again they softened the blow in this movie because everything had to be a nice little feel good moment with a bow wrapped around it. The only one who dies is Kylo Ren and that's only after he redeems himself, and has his hug session with Rey. Well, actually Leia died too, in one of the most random plot turns in cinema history. Was she sick? Did she have cancer? Did she just kinda feel like dying? WTF? Maybe I missed something there. The other issue I had was that the action scenes were really dull. I can't think of any action in this movie that was super entertaining, or that fun to watch. Shortcomings aside, I did walk away feeling like it was a better movie than I had been led to believe considering the hate getting piled onto it. The prequel trilogy blows this one out of the water though. This whole trilogy felt really unecessary to begin with. I can't help feeling like the franchise would have been better served by getting away from the Skywalkers and telling some Old Republic stories.
The Mandalorian is better than any recent Star Wars movie (as in the last two decades). It plays off like a neo-Western and plays far from all the “Force” bullshit.
I forgot to mention a couple things. Spoiler Did anyone find it odd that they played up Finn being in love with Rey for 3 movies and then decided not to address it at all at the end? Also, the spy's motives - what were they exactly? He needs Kylo Ren to lose. Ok, why? Why bring these things up just to forget about them?