The part that bugs me is when they bite into the burger and act like they're having a god damn orgasm, with condiments dripping all over the place. It's fucking gross, and makes me want to kick the burger out of her hand.
Re: Greybar Hotel Yes, three or four. And, the last violated his probation, I think, so the time he didn't have to serve for getting probation the first couple times got added on, or something.
Sure, I get grief for posting my pube picture, and you can actively encourage THAT picture? That's not right.
Re: Greybar Hotel I totally understand what you mean, but a poorly phrased question. Try not touching yourself for a month, I mean how hard is it not to do something?
I took this to mean HFB posted a pic of her pubes and thought fuck it, I'll wade through the circle jerk to check this out.
Re: Greybar Hotel How hard is it for you to NOT smoke pot? I mean, sure celebrities and rich athletes, coaches, owners would never get DUI 's because it's even easier for them to not do it - wait. Maybe it's harder for some people.
Please, I wasn't drunk last night. Also, I might need to reread some of my posts a little better. I have a Halloween party tonight. This will actually be a fun one as I don't have to dress up for it or chaperone any kids. Oh yeah, and somehow get roped into playing some stupid phallic game that the DJs thought were hysterical. THAT WON'T HAPPEN TO ME THIS YEAR. I have a feeling I'll have to pee around that time and will be hanging out in the bathroom while they are trying to recruit. You can't stop me! I like to give Ryan Lochte shit because he's so dumb, but after Michael Phelps got his DUI he said he didn't understand how that happened as he just hires a driver. That sounds...and I can't believe I'm saying
I mean, objectively, she is a sex symbol. Just, well, when most people think "sex symbol", they think of someone who is attractive, and not someone who has screwed their way to the top.
With fucking Uber I don't know how any rich people still get DUIs. To be fair to dixiebandit it wasn't like he was PMing unsuspecting female members the request to see pussy meat. He was calling angel out for what he thought was shallowness on her part for judging a pic of a girl's snatch. Put up or shut up seemed to be his point. As I remember the original pic the girl's meat curtains were far from being labiaplasty worthy, I thought he had a valid point in that "it's the internet and there will always be one person that has to have the opposing view and go crazy" type of way. He just decided to get internet angry and use a hilarious string of words we joke about to this day.
Re: Greybar Hotel Name another traffic offense that results in a prison sentence. To my knowledge, he never hurt anybody.
Re: Greybar Hotel If I shoot a gun at someone and miss, I still get punished for it. Getting in a vehicle is piloting a multi-ton weapon around innocent bystanders. Getting into a vehicle drunk is exponentially increasing the danger you put those bystanders in. Period. Also, exponentially increasing the danger you put bystanders in by reckless driving or excessive speeding can result in jail time. Even if you don't hurt anyone. So I'm not sure what your point is.