Last year was 10 years since I graduated high school. Early in the year, someone started a Facebook group for the grade to see who would be interested in a reunion. I put my hand up and said I didn't mind being part of the organisation and people were ok with me doing so. I said I would try and make it as inexpensive and painless as possible - perhaps book out a room in a bar and everyone pay their own drinks. Most people agreed and were happy. Until one fat bitch piped up with "why don't we have a reunion that is more family friendly - like a picnic and we can all bring our children..." What. The. Fuck. Thanks to shitty school zoning, I went to a public school in a pretty rough suburb. About half the girls in our grade had a kid within 3 years of school finishing, with most of them being single mothers. A lot of the boys had at least one baby mama. I suggested that the point of the reunion was to catch up with people you went to school with, have a few drinks and reminisce. Not entirely possible with a room full of children. "I can't get a baby sitter" was thrown around a lot, along with "I don't go anywhere without my children" and "my children are the most important thing in the world to me, why shouldn't I be able to bring them along." I was also a "child hating bitch" and a "snob who thought I was better then everyone else" for being against the "family friendly" reunion. So I told them to jam the reunion in their ass and organise their own fucking picnic. Needless to say, nothing was planned and our reunion ended being a last minute thing at a local bar where everyone bought their own drinks.
It's hard to nix kids completely especially for out of town guests. Where are the kids supposed to go? I know for my sister's 10 year reunion, the whole thing was kinda fucked because she and her husband were in the same class, so they had to pay for 2 tickets instead of 1+guest, and they have 3 kids, so they had to figure out relatives to pawn their kids off to multiple times over a whole weekend. For weekend reunions, in a lot of cases there will be a boozy night but also a family friendly day, like a picnic or something. For many, getting back together isn't just about seeing old faces, it is about showing what you're doing now. For a lot of people, that means showing off their family. Then in that case, if you don't have kids or if you hate kids, you can skip the event that includes them.
The kids thing was brought up while planning our ten year. There was talk of having it at the park so everyone's offspring had a place to play. That idea was quickly put down since it was a class reunion, and not a family reunion. If people can't find a sitter for an event that is planned months in advance, I guess that's too fucking bad. Bring pictures if you want to show off your kids. Everyone is only pretending to give a shit anyway.
If mine was a family thing I wouldn't bother, I can barely tolerate children I'm related too let alone those of folks I'm probably not going to like. Also not looking forward to the "why don't you have kids" questions, it's fucking rude. I alway feel like responding with "because generally children are fucking horrible and I'm more interested in accumulating wealth and traveling" actually this is true.
Yeah, my 10 year isnt for a year, but i dont understand the whole bringing you kids thing. I thought it was all about getting drunk and talking shit.
I totally get that. Except all the people whinging about kids didn't manage to move to the next suburb over, let alone interstate. I have a kid. I don't want to take her to my reunion. I want to get drunk.
I went to a *very* small school (graduating class of 48 people). I went to (read: crashed) my five year after RSVPing I couldn't go, because I was stationed in Texas at the time. Last minute got four day weekend and drove home to pick up my car with some friends from Texas. Nothing like walking into a dive bar in a town of 1.8k people wearing cowboy hats & boots and drinking them out of tequila. Ours was organized by the class secretary, pre-internet days. The week of graduation, we filled out forms with where we were going to school, our "home of record", and who else to contact with reunion information. We even got little postcards to fill out to keep them updated on where to send things. Obviously, it was all sent to my parents' house, and forwarded to me. She did an excellent job keeping everything arranged (my parents moved two years after graduation, but I did send a postcard in!). Since the five year reunion, there's been nothing "organized". I ran into a classmate at the mall one day a couple years ago, and she mentioned that they were having a "get together" at a high end restaurant for our 20th. Cost? $100 per person, plus cash bar. Looked at the RSVP list, saw no one that I would even have drinks at the dive bar with, thanks. If I haven't talked to you in 15 years, obviously I haven't missed you! Ditto with facebook requests. I've had a few classmates invite me, I accept, then never log onto facebook for the next 3 months, much less check out their profiles in depth.