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Revenge is dish best served any time.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dixiebandit69, Nov 9, 2009.

  1. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Story 1: In college I had a friend that drew on my face when I was passed out drunk. So I did the logical thing. I bought a smoke machine, fogged his room while he was asleep, then set off the fire alarm. If I was thinking more properly, I would have warmed up his door handle to his room. He peed his pants.

    Story 2: This girl I knew told my father I was fired from my job because I drank too much. In reality I was laid off from my job due to corporate downsizing. Being questioned by my father about that was one of the most humiliating experiences of my life. I concocted a plan to get back at her. I knew a person that worked in the medical records department of a local hospital. I had heard through the grapevine she had been treated there after contracting some sort of STD.

    I had arranged a plan to get the medical records girl to make a copy of her file, so I could mail them to her Dad, so she could face the same kind of humiliation I felt. I never went through with it because I came to my senses, and had no interest in being sued for HIPPA violations.
  2. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Antiquing never gets old. Saran wrapping never gets old. Putting butter on the ground basically anywhere your target is going to walk (like in front of a door) never gets old.

    When my step-dad used to live in a neighborhood, there was an issue with kids driving by and smashing mailboxes. Baseball bats, fists, that kind of thing.

    Well, the old lady next to him decided to put a stop to this, and filled her mailbox with concrete. Kids drove by, swung a bat at it, bat bounced back and into their face.

    Lesson learned.
  3. Trakiel

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    Call me Caitlyn. Got any cake?

    Nov 3, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    His dad may in fact be a jerk. However it seems in so many of these cases the revenge victim could've avoided getting fucked with had they just owned up to their behavior and - if appropriate - offered to make things right. However choosing to act like an asshole when you're already in the wrong can have consequences, often ones that are more severe than the initial infraction. You reap what you sow.
  4. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    In college I shared an apartment with 3 other guys. One of the guys turned out to be a retarded nightmare. During a 9/11 memorial thing on TV, they were showing photos of the victims, and I've never before heard such a rapid repetition of "I'd do her"/"Ugly." He'd crank the AC down to 55 (he crammed his room full of electronics, so it stayed hot), and leave our front door unlocked, sometimes propped open and unlocked.

    He'd also camp out in the living room all day watching videos of high school band performances, and some football video game. Not playing the game, but setting two computer teams against each other and watching it like it were a real game.

    So, first thing we did was enable the TV's v-chip so he couldn't use it. But, it turns out you can just unplug the TV and reset the parental settings.

    So, we stepped things up and got the apartment office to not renew his lease (we found a 4th person to replace him). No garbage water. No destruction of property. Just an old fashioned eviction.
  5. $100T2

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Yes, plaster on her tires. All the way up the sidewall. And since you probably don't know what stucco is, that shit doesn't come off. It was three inches deep, and ended up getting on her fenders and the sides of the car a bit, too. The stucco was on her tires until she got new ones.

    And no, no paint got inside the BMW. The top was up.
  6. Wadget

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 2, 2009
    Well shit man, mention that shit before I fly off the handle next time!
  7. lust4life

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Deepinthehearta, TX
    When I heard my ex-girlfriend from college (who ripped my heart out and stomped on it with stiletto heels, but I digress) was getting married (to someone we didn't go to school with and I never met), I sent them a nice gift and card:

    Card inscription: "I'm so glad you found someone who shares your interests!"
    Gift: "Rubber sheets.

    As a bonus, the only address I had for her was her parents' house.

    I'm not bitter.
  8. comforter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jul 23, 2010
    West of House
    Slightly off-topic, but it's the finest opening line in literature: "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne as I best could, but when he ventured upon insult I vowed revenge."
  9. The Derelict

    The Derelict
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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    A couple years ago I lived in a house with a few of my friends next to a cunt and her husband the cunt rag. They called the cops on us for not shoveling our sidewalk (You are given 24 hours after the snow finishes and it had only been roughly 5.) We clearly did not get in trouble in this situation. However, to step it up they called the cops when we were having a very small fire in the back yard, drinking and making smores and cooking meat. They said there was an over-abundance of smoke entering their yard. The fire department arrived laughed it off (the neighbors complained that we didn't have a permit, however the nice firemen said we didn't need one if we were just cooking some hotdogs.) What put us over the edge though was when they called the cops getting us a loud party fine when we had some friends over. Vowing revenge with another roomate of mine we patiently waited a year and half. Six months ago we went back to that location (we had moved out a year prior) forked the yard, urinated all over their porch, my friend took a steamy duece on top of the urine and we threw a brick through the front door window, bolting away after.
  10. FormerSucker

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    Should still be lurking

    Feb 6, 2011

    I can't wait to hear what you end up doing. I had a terrible experience like that as well. Like he and that whore had been PLANNING it for ages. He told me he was not going to do A, B, C and D, and EVREYTHING he said he was not gonna do, he did. And i felt in my gut something was not right, but i was in love and it made me feel like i was crazy. It was a cruel cruel mindfuck that i still have not gotten over. I always feel like people are plotting. It's a horrid thing to do to someone when all you had to do was grow a cock and some balls and just tell me you dont want me. And then the whore-bag told me how he just felt sorry for me and that was the only reason i was living with him. so humiliating. my god. it makes me so mad. i want to make him eat his and her stupid baby. i hate his guts and i wish him nothing good. the funny thing though....i hacked the whore's email and she is uber paranoid that he cant keep his dick in his pants and he apparently has another child that she just found out about. it felt so good to see she got to marry my cheating ex. dumb c*nt. i made sure that i screwed him right on their kitchen table too. just to make him cheat on her. i hope she goes thru what i went thru x 50. i dont have the words to express my hatred towards them. i know it's awful but i am 99.9% of the time the person who walks away cuz i dont believe in revenge. but those 2.....they EARNED it.

    i need help plotting sweet revenge on someone. is there anyone terribly wicked on here with knowledge of european small claims process????

  11. eric

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    Experienced Idiot

    Jan 22, 2010
    We have red squirrels here. They get into the feeder, chatter loudly outside the window at 5 am, chase the birds and chipmunks off, and generally make a nuisance of themselves. But, I figured live and let live.

    Then one of the little fuckers got into the cottage while we were away and ran around the main floor ceiling. I wouldn't normally care, except that every time this little cocksucker encountered a beam, he chewed through the ceiling tiles so he could pass under the beam. The ceiling now has 8 large incisor-mark lined holes. These are the 12" x 12" particleboard interlocking tongue and groove variety of ceiling tile. I've tried replacing individual tiles in the past and it never works, so I'm probably looking at pulling the entire ceiling down and putting something else up. I'm just glad the little asshole didn't chew any wires.

    Turns out Canadian Tire sells this pellet gun for $199, including scope. With the scope zeroed, I'm able to hit red squirrel head-sized objects on a consistent basis, like say, 5 times over the last two days.

  12. BL1Y

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Feb 7, 2010
    Don't steal people's shovels:

    <a class="postlink" href="!5756611/why-you-should-never-steal-from-a-vengeful-guy-with-a-surveilance-system" onclick=";return false;">!5756611/why-you-sh ... nce-system</a>