Stop and think back over your interactions with her. Consider your relationship with her, how much effort is being put in by each party, how you interact, etc. And then think of how you would feel about that if it was any other girl. Would you be putting forth the same effort for the same return? Would you really meekly take "You're too short" for a serious and acceptable answer? I'm willing to bet "No" to both questions. You sound like you're fixated - I'd bet that right now (and for a while) no other girl grabs your thoughts the way this one does. They don't attract your interest, she seems perfect, etc. Been there, done that. Unless I'm way off base, this girl has already picked up on this, and will only play on it. Walk away, find someone else, make sure they are working just as hard for your respect and affection as you are for theirs. Congratulations, you've reach "freakishly tall" territory, where people usually make a career in basketball so they can pay for the therapy required when everyone around you thinks you're a recently thawed Philistine.
This is why I can't take women's thought processes seriously. "What's the gentler way to reject him? Reject him straight up and have him feel that one out of three billion women on the planet just isn't into him? Or give him a complex about his height, which he can in no way fix, and imply that many women think as I do? Definitely the latter, that's the way to go." And we let you vote. Jesus Christ.
Or, you know, she sees him as a friend and doesn't have any sexual feelings for him. You spend more time with your friends when you're single than you do when you're coupled. So she sees him more when she's between guys, which is understandable. The only thing that makes this situation 'bad' is that he has feelings for her. If he didn't see her in a romantic light at all, and she was just a cool friend he liked to hang out with, none of her behaviour would be bothersome. She's at least been up front about not wanting to date. She still likes you as a friend, though. So you have to decide if you want to simply have a friend that you like that you wish the best for (i.e. imagine her as a guy...would you still be down with the friendship?) or you have to cut her out of your life because you're hanging in there hoping one day she'll change her mind. That's not fair to either one of you.
I needed to get away from the group therapy session that was veering into depressing waters. That video is indeed badass and despite the criticism against her I respect MIA for continuing to be different and innovative as well as being fucking smart with her video themes. Like subtle commentary in that video is awesome despite being overall a badass watch. Also, that woman is 36. She still looks like a gorgeous 25 year old, jeez...
Pretty much everybody is taking one side on your issue here. This place is known for that, and it's usually the right answer.
It's Superbowl party time, bitches. My first in a few years. As a bonus, we get to play ACTUAL football because it's so warm here. Seriosuly, my fucking daffodils are coming out because they think it's spring now. It freaks me out a little, I have to tell you.
Iz, that sounds really unhealthy. Why would you still want to be good friends with someone who treats her friends that way? She could have at least been honest and graciously let you down with some sensitivity and respect. "I only date tall guys," seems awfully callous. Who turned on the wind? I thought I was gonna blow away running this morning.
I am debating whether it is worth it to stay up till 5 am to watch the superbowl or not. I haven't missed one in years even though I don't give a shit about any sport. Also anyone betting any money on it? This same match up a few years ago a buddy of mine put down 6 bucks on the prop bet that the first point would be a safety by the rangers. It was paying out 1000 to 1.
I had a moment of clarity this morning, it happened about the time my eyes blinked awake and I said "Ow" to no one in particular. "Ow" should not be the first word one uses to greet the new day. As I sit typing this I'm a walking, breathing, pain filled scab. Every inch of my body is either bruised or scabbing over (And that's a whole lot of real estate when you're 6'7".) I also think my head has a few new soft spots. Before I start babbling away, remember that one of my vital organs (My fucking head) was run over by a snowmobile last night, so find it in your heart to realize and underst....Hey! Is that a Christmas Ball? Yay! It's shiny! Sorry. Back to my moment of clarity, because I have so few of them. It was about time that I awoke saying "Ow" that I knew I might need to take stock of the situation. I've treated my body like a cut rate, discount bouncy castle for 49 years. How I haven't managed to kill myself at least a dozen times even causes me to wonder. I think that snowmobile track beating against my (Now mishapend and unfortunate) head might have actually done some good. Or it caused some sort of horrible traumatic brain injury. The jury's still out. I'm old enough to be many of your's parent. (That's a frightening thought.) And I'm still out here doing shit that defies explanation, just because I can. Imagine your father doing the shit I do, scary thought huh? Crap, let me get the train back on the track here. Oh wow. I can actually poke my finger into my skull up to the first knuckle. That probably isn't a good thing is it? So in closing, the Cubs never should've traded Lou Brock for a box of candles.
Oh yeah an after I had a before thought. Our friend Izzy's girl worries, dude just quit giving a fuck. When you get all emo and blabbering about feelings and relationships the pussy will dry up like a clam left in the sun. I may not have become smart in my years of stomping the terra but I did learn one thing: Women are insane. Ignore them and they are climbing all over you like you have a magnet for a soul and they're made out of metal. Talk to them like they're actual human beings and they want to cuddle and shit while their eyes are scanning the room for some bad boy they can possibly tame. When you quit caring about feelings and friendship, shit kind of just happens. Take this advice with a grain of salt because I'm nursing a possibly horrific brain injury. Is it normal for a person's head to look like Stewie from Family Guy? Probably not huh?
You're not allowed to root for the Giants. You're a Jets fan, your team tanked and missed the playoffs, you have to wallow in shame. You don't get a mulligan just because New Yorkers are entitled assholes. No matter who wins this game, you simply have to endure the trash talk of the fans of either your divisional rival, or your crosstown rival.
Oh, I know. This matchup is a worst-case scenario, really. But at least in my experience, the Giants-Jets rivalry really isn't all that intense, regardless of what Rex would have everyone believe and before the last six weeks or so, I've never really caught much trash talk from Giants fans. In reality, I'm just rooting against the Patriots. I'd be rooting for al Qaeda if they were playing today. I'd probably be a lot happier if the Niners (or any other NFC team) were playing, but in the end I'm not too conflicted about it.
Since I hate sports, I libraried the fuck out the afternoon. Aside from a nice array of dining establishments, and an occasionally nice dive bar, this city offers little else. But the library is a work of art. Built like a church nave, in a modernist style. Stretches over 100ft. Their collection is actually awesome too. Now, La Floridita Daiquiri: 2 ounces of rum, 1 ounce lime juice, 1/2 oz maraschino liqueur, 1/2 ounce simple syrup. Fuck my titties this is awesome. Daiquiri in Florida winter is not weird at all.
I cannot remember the last time I cared this little about the Super Bowl. At least the last time this match up happened I was dating a Patriot's fan, so rooting against them was vaguely comedic. My friends and I are streaming it on my computer, ordering bad-for-you food, and collectively rooting against the Patriots/talking about how Steven Tyler looks like a very ugly 70 year old woman. I desperately wish for interesting football again.