He keeps calling it HIS blueberry farm. No, cuntbag, you won a lucky sperm contest. YOU are the fucktard that started a party promotion company that tanked because you didn't tralize people like to drink alcohol at parties. Let's not forget that lawsuit. "I was insulted on the Internet with truth!!! Hold me!!!!!"
Uhm... have you seen his face? Looks like one of the sperm that swims in circles hit that egg by accident. My guess is the condom broke. Last one out, first one in kinda thing.
And still he gets these really attractive husks to do doubt have sex with him. It's almost as if being a rich boy makes you attractive to women or something. He says he's a model. A FUCKING MODEL. Because having one eye two inches higher on your face than the other and the expression of a catatonic mongoloid is what women want. In the words of the RMMB "How can ANYBODY be so delusional?" Why does every spoiled rotten dicktree in western society get this impression that they're good looking? Contact wardrobe, the Emporer has no clothes. Speaking of which: "I'm often referred to as 'Mensa With Muscles' and live in a Buckhead high rise condo."
I would go that far. Lets not confuse "being paid to attend public events with him" with "having sex". Unless they are full on prostitutes, which do seem up his alley.
But let's face facts here. No matter how much of a gigantic flaming douchenozzle you are, money makes you handsome and charming. Case in point, giant flaming douchenozzles:
Ughhhhhhhhhhhhh...I went to the Blueberry Prince's Twitter page. What a twat. I thought that maybe his doucheness was just a dumb kid's immature arrogance. It's years later and he's still a douche. I wish I had Photoshop skills. I'd turn his blueberries into dingleberries.
Obviously this can and will only go forth with Netty Pott's blessing, as he has already expressed his distaste for "wahoos." But perhaps we can do a little digging and make targeted attacks? This isn't Internet "bullying," this is a simple expediting of karma. Plus add humor. For the sake of entertainment. Reasonably certain I can get his home address. Kevin Mitnick may be an asshole, but he's a funny one.
I wish I could find the gif that someone on the RMMB made that was created from a bunch of Blueberry boy's pictures. It had his face in the center of it and all of the backgrounds switched quickly like a strobe light, showing that all of his pictures have the same thorazine-induced facial expression.
This is the worthless braggart road who right away advertises he's an "American Entrepeneur and Screen Actor's Guild Member" as if that bullshit wasn't completely and utterly handed to him without effort. Just Google image search his name. Every Fucking photo it's the Same. Retarded. Facial. Expression. ...does he honestly think his "looks" got him that far? Please tell me what he's "acted" in and I hope he's just another background walk-on.
I'll second that. The reviews are hilarious. That guy is definitely going to run that place into the ground. This is very tempting.
This is going way back, but there used to be a board member called rochkoch (or something similar) and he used to piss off the moderators with his internet muscles. He pissed of Drunkasauras Rex one day, got into a flame war, and replied to one of D-Rex's insults with "Your insults can't cut me down" D-Rex replied "To cut through your fat I would need a battle ax and a running start" If any of you saw I Hope they serve beer in hell that is where the line originated
Random question from RMMB days: What was the name of the guy who was Tucker's army friend who basically ended up lying about his entire military experience? I remember something like Tucker was actually looking into the logistics of going to Iraq with him and writing about it when the guy's fabrications were discovered. And is there anymore to this or is my half-assed memory it?
Reaper was his username, Tony was his real name. If I remember correctly, he was busted because he was taking stories from a Special Forces board and someone on RMMB recognized the stories.
I thought it was soylent green that was caught lying. But it was not a public thing. He was called out on the mod board and asked to leave.
Best to my knowledge, Reaper had his own public call-out thread. I've heard more than a few board members post about how he basically fabricated everything.
RoshKosh. He was an amateur wrestler trying to make a name for himself and eventually get into the WWE (if that's your life goal, just quit).