I work out ... it feels like a lot. But boy are the results hard to come by. I have semi given up on the end goal of looking good naked and instead focusing on health (yeah yeah, who am I kidding, I still wish I would look better naked). I have to force myself to work out but then feel so much better after I do. It is therapy for the mind, body and soul. So current state of fitness....eh. I had given up on running, but somehow have ended up registering for a half marathon in October so I guess it is time to start again. I have been working out at home, so have been doing more body weight exercises or with hand weights, so lots of burpees, push ups, jump lunges, that type of stuff. Trying to figure out of I want to join a gym, my last one ended up being a "scene" and that was discouraging. Achilles Heel - age, food, and wine. Getting older sucks kiddos. Your body just doesn't want to respond like it did years ago. I could drop 10 lbs if I limited my food and wine (and hell - my life), and I have in the past. BUT I am trying to tell myself that it just doesn't matter that much and embrace my curviness. In reality, I would love to be more Kate Hudson than Amy Schumer but I am just not built that way.
I'd like to make time for the gym on a regular basis, but this is difficult because of how irregular my schedule is. I used to spend time on a weekly, if not daily basis powerlifting, and while I don't have the time to dedicate to that, I'd like to get back to deadlifts and squats on a weekly basis. I have chronic lower back/hip issues that I invariably find a way to make flare back up, and the only (inexpensive) thing that seems to all but cure my back issues are dead lifts. I'd like to give a hearty "fuck you!" to the orthopedic doctor who told me I should never lift weights and that they are called "dumb"bells for a reason. I think my core problem is a weak lower back. I am in fairly good shape. I am constantly moving myself and other things around, so I am a good weight for my height and fairly strong. More functional strength would be nice, though. And there is always that nagging idea in the back of my mind that I could slice off 5lbs, but that is pure vanity. My eating habits. I have a hard time eating when I am moving around or mentally stressed out or anxious, and I also have low blood sugar that is aggravated by this fact. I tend to eat a lot of food at night if I am off, or if I worked late, none at all. The amount of caffeine in my bloodstream at any given moment is enough to wake a mummy. I am constantly drinking coffee or tea with a water chaser. Luckily, while I have a crazy sweet tooth, I don't do sodas too much. If I can keep the candy out of the house, then I eat and cook pretty good food most of the time....it has just become sporadic of when that might happen these days.
Focus: My goal for the year is to simply not break any bones in dumb accidents like the past two years with my hand and pinky toe. The only reason I'll go to a gym today is if ms. katokoch needs someone to help motivate her. Alt-focus: Good. All those people who said I'd get fat after my wrestling years are still wrong. Anti-focus: Just feeling unmotivated and tired after working all day and not having time. I have to choose working out or getting stuff done at my workbench, it's really hard for me to do both in a night.
I think I'm good shape for my age (33). I have a home gym in my basement and workout 6 days a week. I eat really well but portion control and bread & pasta are definitely weaknesses for me. My biggest problem towards the "looking good naked" goal everyone wants? Hair. I've always been a guy that has body hair. I have a hairy chest and stomach, and I'm just fine with that. But now, as in the last 4-5 years? Shoulders and back have joined the party. I hate it and am seriously considering electrolysis. It's not by any means as thick as my chest hair, but I take a razor to my shoulders before my girlfriend comes over. Does that fall under "Dad bod"?
I'm 5'10", and hovering around 210-215 lbs. my goal is to be under 200. my body type could be described as "ex hs running-back". I'm wide and stocky, with decent muscular definition, but definitely some pudge. The GF has class MWF after work, so ive been going to the gym while shes at class. ive got an old knee injury(Acl/Meniscus) and shoulder injury that ive been trying to work on. Back in college, i had to do a play with my shirt off, so i got in the best shape of my life, and while at 32 i know thats not reasonable, i'd like to get within 15 lbs of that. Achilles-beer, ice cream, making salad a daily meal, and running.