I'm not sure if anybody is arguing this, but Joe Paterno got exactly what he deserved. He showed a gross negligence in oversight and a lack of moral character, and losing a job is a pretty small price to pay for those sorts of things. When you enjoy the adulation of being the "benevolent dictator", you also shoulder the responsibility when things go so terribly wrong. That is what power is. I don't even care a little bit that he coached football for a long time. Perhaps I'd care some if he was dealing with highly classified government information, or dedicated his life to bringing fresh water to war torn countries. But as far as I can see, a man whose high profile job revolved around making difficult public decisions and managing personalities entirely dropped the ball (no pun intended), in a way that cost many people their safety. Enjoy your upcoming free time Joe.
Before anyone else gets it, I will take Jo Pa in my 2012 death pool, not having a job will make him lose his sense purpose, this will cause him to die.
http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/i...erry-sandusky-disappeared-05-article-1.974806 I'm not much of a conspiracy theorist, but what if JoePa had him killed?
Let's be clear with our choice of words. There is no debate. None. Zero. Everyone should have called the police. There was no other acceptable option. They should have held hands on their way to the police station. They should have helped one another spell difficult words on the police reports. The day they heard about it. The minute they suspected. The second they thought something might be wrong. Anyone who thinks this is a "debate" of any kind is a moron. Plain and simple. That goes for every member of the sporting press who has presented the issue as a "debate" (I'm looking at you, Herbstreit, you amoral sack of creamed fuck) and it goes doubly for those festering shitcunt prickstains who rioted last night. If that's any indication of the kind of critical thinking they teach at that school, it should be razed to the ground without a second thought.
What are the opinions on them even playing on Saturday? I don't think they should, but I'm not sure if my reasoning is solid or if I am just basically of a "screw them all" mindset. Here is my thinking: 1. When Joe Pa gave the players they news of his retirement they gave him a standing ovation. That reaction is so viscerally wrong it is yet another huge indicator that this is a cultural failure. If these guys still love Joe Pa so much they should be ousted as well. 2. This is just a continuation of the school putting itself and it's football program above all else. They shouldn't play another game until they fix all this shit. This sucks for the players, but that's too fucking bad. Take it up with Sandusky, Joe Pa, et al. 3. I'm not buying the idea that it was only McQueary, Joe Pa, Curly, Schulz, and Spanier who knew about this shit. There is no fucking way other people didn't know. 4. It's unfair to Nebraska. They are going to drag Nebraska down into their own pile of shit. Nebraska doesn't deserve to have to be anywhere near these people. That being said if the game does happen I am officially a Nebraska fan come Saturday.
And it's now being reported that Joe Paterno hired a prominent criminal lawyer. That's interesting. http://openchannel.msnbc.msn.com/_n...criminal-defense-lawyer-source-tells-nbc-news
You're right, there is no debate. They were required under Pennsylvania law to report it to authorities (it mentions the duty to report in the Grand Jury Transcript) - and teachers in general have a duty to report (legally imposed as well). If I'm Sandusky, and out on bail? Yeah, Costa Rica here I come. No pun intended.
I think we can all agree there's at least one person who shouldn't be there on Saturday, but the game is going to be played. I think you're just so pissed off like the rest of us that you're overreacting a bit. We don't need to oust everyone who doesn't want to rabidly strangle Paterno. Go after the people involved. The players just aren't in any meaningful way. I don't see Nebraska as a victim either. As for fixing this shit, I don't think there is any fixing this shit.
Can the NFL loan Belichick to Nebraska for a day so he can bring his massive "we're going for the fuck you TD" skills to bear on this game?
This shit has been all over my Facebook feed. I don't really care enough to be reading essays about how Joe Paterno is a martyr and a gentleman when I'm trying to facebook stalk hot girls. I defriended one of these Penn State idiots a couple of hours ago. I just checked 20 minutes ago and he's already sent me another friend request.
As far as knowing who he is some absolutely did. They volunteered for his charity when they needed to do that sort of stuff.
Okay, everyone - I want to ask you to think about something. I want you to search your mind and try to remember a scandal, an example of sexual assault/abuse of a minor, where the public outcry was so universal, so immediate, so firmly in support of hanging everyone involved. (in this case there's a segment that wants to save JoePa, but let's ignore them for just a sec.) By and large, the public is demanding justice. So what else you got? The Catholic Church, certainly. Michael Jackson, maybe with a bit less public support. What else? I'm guessing some of you might have another example or two, maybe more. Now. Notice anything strange? Gender. It's only when boys are assaulted that the public is unanimous or that the media picks it up and runs with it, or that the DA's and Prosecutors and the Police get all fired up because they know it's a case they can pursue and likely win. It's only cover ups over young boys that create such anger and vitriol across the board. Never young girls. Never. Ask yourself, do you honestly think it's not happening to young girls? That it's not in fact happening tenfold, or a hundred? Are you insane? A handful of women on this board have mentioned being sexually assaulted or abused - how old were you when those things happened to you? Were you a minor? I'm willing to bet you were. What percentage of the population is homosexual, or even closeted? Think they're the only ones committing these crimes? This shit happens everywhere, all the time, and we fucking ignore it until men have to imagine someone sticking their dicks into our mouths or asses, and then suddenly it's the worst crime any human being can possibly commit. If you're crying out about this, and you goddamn should be, then you'd better also be crying out about the Fathers who don't believe their daughters, and the police forces who refuse to pursue charges, and the teachers and the prosecutors and most importantly about the goddamned public that flat out refuses to hear it until a little boy is buggered. Yeah, sure - fuck all these assholes who knew anything about it and didn't act, and fuck the system that might have discouraged it, and especially fuck the reprehensible slime that attempted to cover it up, and of course more than anything fuck Sandusky himself. But let's not kid ourselves - as a society, we're ignoring this shit on the fucking daily.
I have always wondered what was so attractive about little boys in the first place. I mean whether it was Catholic Churches or Michael Jackson. What the fuck would the appeal be? Is it really anything linked to homosexuals or being closeted?
No, unfortunately it's linked to being one of the frighteningly high percentage of male human beings with so little impulse control or empathy that they are capable of sexual assault. My point is that we only hear about it in mass media when it's of a homosexual nature, because that just scares the bejeezus out of us. But when it's a girl? Yeah, well, shit happens.
Interesting stat I heard on the radio today that I could be screwing up, but it was telling nonetheless. They said 1/16 boys are abused by the time they are 15 or so. I had a hard time comprehending that number. Then they said 1/4 girls were abused by the same age. Talk about systemic moral failure.
25 fucking percent? How in the world?! What are they including in those stats...adults, or older kids or friends or what?
Yup. Your Sister, your Wife, your Mom and your Daughter. That's four. Now how the fuck are you not constantly outraged? How is it we question the veracity of sexual assault charges when it's a woman or a girl? Because some .001% are false? What percentage of robbery or battery accusations do you think are false? Do we immediately jump to wondering whether something's really missing, or whether the victim probably did something that indicated they wanted to be robbed or beaten? Not so much. Because that would be fucking ridiculous. I don't want to totally hijack the thread, but I wanted to take the opportunity to try to make you guys think about this. This is a very male dominated board, and predominantly young heterosexual white men, in fact. You're the ones who have to learn to think about this shit. Because you're the ones whose opinions get heard.