Also, I know it's been mentioned, and no disrespect to DCC (#ALLDISRESPECTTOJIMMYKIMMEL), but I find the poll options kinda weird and depressing. Except that last one about fucking people, that's cool
i just didn't answer the poll, as none of the options seemed to fit. I am enjoying the exchange of thoughts and ideas here regardless.
Thank you for posting this. I guess sometimes I don't get that I'm that annoying to other people and I need to be reminded. I've never once gotten validation from anyone for being by myself, so I shouldn't post any more about it. I won't be clogging up the general discussion board in the future and will stick to things I can speak knowledgeably on, like football (soccer). It was a mistake to post here on the general discussion board and I apologise. It won't happen again in the future. It's time for me to move on.
Boyfriend and I are 28 and 24, respectively, and have been together for 3 1/2 years. While we don't have nearly as much sex as we did in the beginning, we're both happy averaging about 3x/week. Sometimes our schedules are stupid and conflicting and busy and our sex life suffers, but I don't think we've ever gone much longer than a week. I also feel like masturbation should be more accepted and expected in relationships, because it's totally different than sex. It seems like there's this expectation that a partner fulfill all sexual needs, and that seems silly to me. One sort of silly thing that Boyfriend and I do (that I love) is power snuggles. Sometimes you just need to take a few minutes to get super cuddled in together and shut out the world with pillows and blankets. And it's kind of an unspoken agreement that the request may not be denied. Boyfriend is leaving for class 15 minutes after I get home from work? Power Snuggle. We're both working on grad school applications and stressed out about not being grown ups? Power Snuggle. Makes everything better.
Someone repped me asking for a poll. I honestly had no idea what kind of poll would go with a topic like this (which I don't think lends itself to a survey). I made it up on the fly. Nom, if you can think of something better then go for it.
Is a power snuggle different from just snuggling? What is the difference between snuggling and cuddling? Is there power cuddling as well? Can we make this an Olympic sport? Yeah the long distance thing is very unfortunate due to the vagina recovery period. We see each other for 3 days and unless we go really gentle the first night, which is really hard after not seeing someone for 5 weeks, the second time might not until be late on the third day. There needs to be like a vagina neosporin or something.
Power snuggle as in power nap, so it's just for a few minutes. And I think snuggle and cuddle are pretty synonymous. It's just taking a 1-5 minute break from whatever to cuddle up and relax. But you do have to commit and REALLY snuggle, otherwise it doesn't work.
Snuggling can involve a book, a fireplace, or a cat while cuddling. Cuddling is a post-coital or pre-bed ritual involving only the bed's occupants. Power snuggling is where you actually crawl inside your spouse's asshole and operate them like a puppet just to make sure they never cheat, look at filthy movies, or talk to a member of the opposite sex including their siblings.
Timely: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... st-argues/</a>
A lesson on small children: they don't "knock". They don't "care". They dont "feel feelings". They'll punch you in the balls while sleeping just to see the funny reaction. They care nothing for manners, pain thresholds, volume control or boundaries. Their total assumption of their parents at this point of life is that they will do anything for them, wait on them hand and foot, watching after every single move you make. They can't live without you and go to Conniption City if you're out of earshot. After all these are the people who applauded when you took a dump. They don't knock. They twist the knob and shriek for you if it doesn't open. They don't care about "private time" unless you bring down the hammer about what's yours and theirs and it is not like house-training a basset hound.
Shrieking and freaking out is WAY better than 1) Not having sex. 2) Having sex and having them walk in, scarring them for life and/or having to explain why mommy was looking disappointed reading an iPad and you were sweating on top of her like you ran a marathon. Am I right?
You're not wrong, but I'm talking about young 'ins and they don't understand what it is at that age so I doubt it would scar them. Funny you bring that up. We're getting ours a LeapPad Ultra for Christmas this year.
I don't get this. WickedBitch used to say this as well. I mean I walked in on my parents once because they were dumb enough not to lock the door. If the door was locked or in the bathroom. I stayed the fuck away. I mean even as a little kid I had a Larry David esque fear of interrupting people while they were in various states of undress or TAKING A SHIT. The last thing I wanted to see as a kid was my parents dumping out. Who the fuck does this?
One, Two and three-year-olds. They can walk, reach and strike things. Kids have a funny way of thinking. You tell them not to do something and they know doing it is wrong, but they want to see what happens of they just do it anyway. Fuck it, lets see what happens. As soon as they use a blunt object to strike something, the gears start turning, and that voice (it's Lucifer) pops into their head: "Oh sure, you hit something. Well done. BUT....can you hit something that doesn't WANT to be it? And what amazing or funny new reaction will that something have when you hit it?"
I'm sure kids are going to wreck shit and do whatever, but at least you have that check point to put clothes on, cover up and be ready. Its not like the kid is going to die if the door is locked. Unless its getting eaten by a zombie or the family dog, but that was bound to happen eventually right?
Yeah I don't get it either. I was the same as Kubla; if the bedroom door was locked I stayed away. And as far as dealing with one and two year olds; doesn't anyone have parents, relatives, or even the number to a babysitter so you can get some private time?
These people who don't set boundaries with their offspring? Fuck em. If they can't be bothered to teach their kids some basic respect for privacy and space - I have zero interest in listening when they complain about their kids taking advantage.
When did it become ok to subject everybody to your fuck trophies? When I was a kid we were seen and not heard, friends coming around for dinner: “Say hello to everyone, now fuck off to bed” We are going to a friend’s party: “Say hello to your baby sitter” etc, our friends with kids take the little bastards everywhere. Well they did before they stopped getting invited to “grown up” events. Everything revolves around the child these days, can't grab a coffee without the crotch fruit being there and them cutting you off several times mid-sentence to pointlessly negotiate with the child, or having to pretend to be interested in what its yabbering at you. If it's a group booking at a restaurant I don't want to sit around the table with your 4 year old, it's not cute to me, just annoying. Shit, one of my mates brought his 4 year old son and 2 year old daughter to our last lad's brew day and pissup, because he thought he would "give the Mrs a break" then managed to fuck the whole day chasing them away from the large boiling pot's of molten wort and was clearly upset we didn't moderate our language or behaviour. Fuck you dude, inappropriate & banned. After that rant it would seem I hate kids, this isn’t true at all, I like them fine. Just not jumping on my couch when they weren’t invited or wrecking a $100 per head dinner as they slurp puss coloured paste off a plastic spoon and interrupt every conversation with a dinosaur noise.